Ministry proposes raising means testing threshold for 12-year education (2013/06/18) The Ministry of Education has announced three potential modifications to its 12-year free education plan. It could raise the income threshold for families who qualify for subsidized tuition, or it could add number of children into the means testing calculation. triglyceride/ atherosclerosis/atherosderosis/ erythrocyte/ leukocyte/ cholesterol Yet again the government plans to change the means testing for its 12-year education plan. means test 家計調查
■ noun an official investigation into a person's financial circumstances to determine their eligibility for state assistance.
Chiang Wei-ling Education Minister We have three proposals, but we are still gathering opinions. So I think we will need to look at them more closely. Education Minister Chiang Wei-ling mentions three proposals. In one, the government would keep
the across the board threshold of NT$1.14 million in annual household income for subsidized high school tuition. But for families with two or three children, the threshold would be raised by NT$200,000 or NT$400,000. The other two proposals would raise the threshold outright. across the board
concerning everyone; having an affect on all categories; entirely
The director-general of the National Federation of Teachers Union criticized the government’s handling of education reform. Lin Chin-hsu National Federation of Teachers Union It’s clear that the ruling party made these proposals and that they will change again. As an educator I want to solemnly say that I am not willing to play this game with the government. The director-general of the National Alliance of Parents Organization, Wu Fu-pin, would like to see the income threshold raised to NT$1.71 million. Then, around nine-tenths of families would benefit from free education.
特招怎麼考 12年國教排富門檻接連受外界質疑,傳出教育部因此再度研擬出三方案,原本的114萬門檻,另外加計子女數,最多可提高154萬,另外還有138萬、148萬等不同排富基準!但到底採計哪種做法,教育部與立院協商了一天,還是沒有結果。 原本以在立院協商有了確定版的12年國教排富門檻,沒想到還是沒定案。 [[教育部長 蔣偉寧]] “這三個方案我想,因為還是在徵詢大家的意見,所以我想我們會進一步的關注” 根據教育部研擬的三種排富方案,包括維持原先家庭年收入的114萬門檻,但每多一名子女加20萬,最高可拉高到154萬、138萬門檻或148萬門檻。 不過這些方案,教育團體通通不買帳。 [[全教總理事長 劉欽旭]] “我們很清楚,這個議題是執政者拋出來,未來還會再變,我身為一個教育工作者,我要很沉痛的講,我不願意配合政府玩這種遊戲” 全家盟理事長吳福濱則提出171萬的排富門檻,讓幾乎九成家庭都可以免學費。