望子成龍不是要變成恐龍: Having high hopes for your sons / daughters doesn’t mean wanting them to become dragons.
1. high hopes 厚望
2. good outlook 美好前景
3. successful work 事業成功
4. meaningful work 有意義的工作
5. place one's hope on someone 把希望寄託在某人身上
6. bright future 前途無量
7. good prospect 美好的未來
8. rewarding life 愉快的人生
9. ideal job 理想工作
10. broaden sb's view of the world. / broaden sb's horizens 拓展視野
broaden/widen somebody's horizons
to increase the range of things that someone knows about, has experienced, or is able to do This trip to the Far East has certainly broadened our family's horizons.
Unlike in China, where the dragon is considered a lucky and powerful sign, in Western culture, dragons are generally associated with "evil" or "danger" in stories.