1. Jason Pin
    24分鐘前來自 YouTube
    • It's hard not to be moved after hearing this song.
      Gong Linna - Rippling Brook (龚琳娜 - 小河淌水) Amazing 为之惊艳
      Uploaded by hywy32
  2. Jason Pin
    38分鐘前來自 YouTube
    • 糟糕,這首歌曲乍聽之下沒啥感覺。但聽過後卻一直在腦海裡揮之不去@@ My gosh, this song is so catchy that I can't get the tune out of my head.
      "Fahai, Ni Bu Dong Ai"(Fahai, you don't understand love)龚琳娜
      Uploaded by 龚琳娜
      "Fahai, Ni Bu Dong Ai" (Fahai, you don't understand love) Vocals: Gong Linna Music & Words: Lao Luo MV directed and produced by Lao Luo, January 2013
  3. Jason Pin 經由 Adam Ward 分享了 1 則連結
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