
21. penitence , penitent , penitentiary

remorse for your past conduct

synonymous repentance, penance



22. creep

someone unpleasantly strange or eccentric

synonymousweirdo, weirdie, weirdy, spooka

slow longitudinal (lengthwise)movement or deformation


pen that is fenced so that young

animals can enter but adults cannota slow mode of locomotion on hands and knees or dragging the body

the traffic moved at a creep



23. deter , deterr

restrain from taking action: to discourage somebody from taking action or prevent something from happening, especially by making somebody feel afraid or anxious


24. apostasy

renunciation of faith: the renunciation of a religious or political belief or allegiance


25. bilious , billion , billionaire

1.       nauseated: unsettled in the stomach, as if about to vomit

2.       nauseatingly unpleasant: extremely unpleasant to look at

The walls were painted a bilious green.

3.       disagreeable: bad-tempered and irritable (literary)

a bilious stare

[Mid-16th century. < Latin biliosus < bilis "bile"]



26. tendency

1.       general inclination: a way in which somebody or something typically behaves or happens, or is likely to react, behave, or happen

2.       movement toward something: a gradual, but steady progress, development, or shift of opinion in a particular direction

a tendency toward greater assertiveness




27. disguise , camouflage


1.        change somebody's appearance for concealment: to make changes in the appearance of somebody or something to avoid recognition

He fled the besieged city disguised as a woman.

2.       hide something to prevent others knowing: to hide feelings or facts from other people

She couldn't disguise her horror.

3.       change something to prevent recognition: to change something so that it cannot be recognized



28. leniency

mercifulness as a consequence of being lenient or tolerant

synonymous lenience, mildness, lenitya disposition to yield to the wishes of someone

synonymous indulgence, leniencelightening a penalty or excusing from a chore by judges or parents or teachers



29. emendable , amiable , amicable

correct text: to correct or alter a text in order to improve it


30. concede , recede , recess, recession , proceed


1.       transitive verb reluctantly acceptsomething to be true: to admit or acknowledge something, often grudgingly or with reluctance

2.       transitive verb grant rights to somebody: to allow or yield something such as a right or privilege to another person or country

3.       transitive and intransitive verb admit failure before end: to accept and acknowledge defeat in a contest, debate, election, or fight, often without waiting for the final result



31. pertain , pervert , pretend


1.       have relevance: to have relevance, reference, or a connection to something

2.       be appropriate: to be appropriate or suitable

3.       be part or belong: to be part of something or belong to something, especially as an attribute or accessory



32. crevice

fissure: a narrow crack or opening, especially in rock


a long narrow depression in a surface

synonymous cranny, crack, fissure, chapa long narrow opening

synonymouscrack, cleft, fissure, scissure




33. come , cum, coming , cumming

cum n.

the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract

synonymoussemen, seed, seminal fluid, ejaculate, come




intransitive verb

occur in mind: to occur as a thought in the mind

An afterthought came to me while I was shaving.


intransitive verb

originate: to originate from a place or thing

The meat came from Canadian herds.


intransitive verb

happen: to happen or exist at a particular point or time

I never thought this day would come.


intransitive verb

result: to be the result or consequence of something

comes from eating too much chocolate


intransitive verb

be produced: to be produced in a particular size, color, or style

This model also comes in red.


intransitive verb

reach place: to reach or extend to a particular point or place

Her hair came down to her waist.


intransitive verb

reach state: to reach or be brought into a particular state or situation

It just came apart in my hands.


intransitive verb

have orgasm: to reach sexual climax (slang) (sometimes considered offensive)



prior to: by a particular time in the future

Come July there will be an extra fifty cases to deal with.



offensive term: an offensive term for a man's semen (slang)




34. rescinded

1.       cancel something: to remove the validity or authority of something

2.       repeal decision or enactment: to declare a decision or enactment null and void


35. patriarch , patriotism, patriot , filial piety

1.       head of family: a man who is the head of a family or group

2.       respected senior: a respected and experienced senior man within a group or family

3.       biblical ancestor: in the Bible, a figure mentioned as the ancestor of the whole human race, e.g. Adam or Noah

4.       Hebrew leader: in the Hebrew Scriptures, especially the book of Genesis, an ancestor or religious leader of the Hebrew people, e.g. Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob

5.       Eastern Orthodox bishop: in the Eastern Orthodox Church, a bishop of the sees of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antakya, or Jerusalem, and also of Russia, Romania, or Serbia

6.       dignitary of Latter-Day Saints: a high dignitary of the Church of Latter-Day Saints with the power to invoke blessings, especially one of the Melchizedek order of priests



36. jungle

1.       tropical forest: an area of tropical rain forest covered with vegetation so dense that it is largely impenetrable

2.       thickly covered area: any area covered with dense vegetation

3.       tangle: a tangled or confused mass

4.       complex matter: a frustratingly or impenetrably complex system



37. emulate , simulate

1.       try to equal somebody or something: to try to equal or surpass somebody or something that is successful or admired

2.       compete successfully with somebody or something: to be successful in comparison with somebody or something else

emulates the achievement of better-funded ventures

3.       comput modify to imitate another computer system: to modify a computer system so that it appears to behave like another computer system, and can thereby accept data and run programs that are designed for the system being emulated


38. contemplate, contemporary

1.       transitive verb have something as possible intention: to think about something as a possible course of action

contemplating a move to a new location

2.       transitive verb consider something: to think about something seriously and at length, especially in order to understand it more fully

I sat there, contemplating what she'd said.

3.       intransitive verb think about spiritual matters: to think calmly and at length, especially as a religious or spiritual exercise

4.       transitive verb look at something thoughtfully: to look at something thoughtfully and steadily

tourists contemplating the restored frescoes



39. assimilate

1.       transitive and intransitive verb social sciences integrate: to integrate somebody into a larger group, so that differences are minimized or eliminated, or become integrated in this way

2.       transitive verb absorb information: to integrate new knowledge or information with what is already known

3.       transitive verb physiology absorb nutrients: to incorporate digested food materials into the cells and tissues of the body

assimilate protein

4.       transitive and intransitive verb phonetics make speech sound like adjacent sound: to make a speech sound similar to an adjacent sound, or to become similar to an adjacent sound



40. transcendence , transcend, transcendental


1.       go beyond limit: to go beyond a limit or range, e.g. of thought or belief

2.       surpass something: to go beyond something in quality or achievement

3.       be independent of world: to exist above and apart from the material world


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