- to fly into a rage out of humiliation
- to be ashamed into anger (idiom)
fly [flai]
into [intu]
rage [reidʒ]
out [aut]
ashamed [ә'ʃeimd]
anger [æŋgә(r)]
- n.蒼蠅,兩翼昆蟲,飛行 vi.飛翔,飄揚,潰逃 vt.飛越,使飄揚,逃脫 adj.機敏的,敏捷的
into [intu]
- prep.到...裡,進入到...之內,成為...狀況,深入...之中
rage [reidʒ]
- n.憤怒,情緒激動,狂暴,精神錯亂 vi.大怒,狂吹,風行
out [aut]
- adj.外面的,下臺的,出局的 adv.在外,出聲地,顯露出來地,明顯地,從頭至尾地 n.外面,外出,外觀 vt.趕出,擊倒,使退場 vi.外出,暴露 prep.通過
ashamed [ә'ʃeimd]
- adj.慚愧的,羞恥的
anger [æŋgә(r)]
- n.怒,憤怒 v.惱火
- 他受到他們嘲笑惱羞成怒, 說了一些過頭的話。
- He was provoked by their mockery to say more than he had intended.
- 惱羞成怒成怒的丈夫們在圖絲太太的指使下,把傑克打翻在地。
- Ashamed into anger and at the instigation of Mrs.Tooth, the outraged husbands attached Jack.
- 他惱羞成怒用右手狠狠地拍了一下水龍頭,水倒是沒出來,可劇烈的疼痛讓他不禁把手伸進了嘴裡,是那只右手。
- His be ashamed into anger patted faucet with ground of firm of right hand firm water did not come out however but acuteness ache lets him cannot help extending the hand into the mouth it is that right hand.
- 依靠了高超的謀略他們才戰勝了惱羞成怒的敵人
- Only by dints of masterful manoeuvre has they been able to defeat the infuriated enemy
- 依靠了高超的謀略他們才戰勝了惱羞成怒的敵人。
- Only by dint of masterful manoeuvring had they been able to defeat the infuriated enemy.