舊襯衫 An Old Shirt
It’s was 16 years ago. Everyone had gone home for Halloween. Both of us were still reluctant to separate and insisted on staying in an old and empty dormitory. You finally had to go home for the holidays, but I was so far away from home and broke at that time that I had no choice but to stay in the tiny dorm waiting for you to come back. You couldn’t bear not to see me at that time, so you promised me that you would come back soon.
身為軍人近十載的我,從來不知道孤單的滋味。但不知為何此刻的我,竟是度日如年?望穿秋水下滿心期待的盼望著。每天一醒來,第一件事情就是衝到三樓的窗台前盼著你的歸來。 一天,兩天; 到了第三天終於盼到了窗外遠方那個小黑點。在夕陽餘暉中,你的笑容融化成了濃濃的焦糖瑪其朵。
I had served in the Army for nearly 10 years, and I hadn’t felt so lonesome till I met you. The days felt like years when I was alone. I desperately waited for you and the first thing I did when I woke up was dash to the window and eagerly await your coming. I finally saw a little dot emerging from the sunset. Your smile melted in the sunlight as if it were a cup of sweet and warm caramel Macchiato.
You couldn’t wait for me to open the present you brought me. Surprisingly, I opened the gift carefully and saw a beautiful plaid navy blue shirt laying in the box. What made me so glad was not the gift itself. It was because of your thoughtfulness and that you tried your best to make me happy.
I kept wearing it wherever I went especially when I was sick or when you were gone. I could feel you were around me as long as I put it on.
Time goes by. It’s been many years since the day you sent me this piece of meaningful clothing. I have finally stopped wearing it since it has worn out. I retrieved it lightly from the closet today. Then I straightened it and folded it gently. Before I put it back, I whispered to myself, “ Things and people will eventually get old, but love will last forever and ever……”