重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

目前分類:Jason的心情抒發 (1587)

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猜不到密碼的同學們歡迎向Jason老師詢問。 Email: sheypin@gmail.com

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  • Jul 04 Sat 2015 16:07
  • toefl

Task 6


Using points and examples from the lecture, explain the importance of the visual elements in painting.

Listening Text:

In order for art to communicate to appeal to the emotions or the intellect, it has to combine various visual elements to express meaning or emotion. It’s really the visual components of the work, things like color, texture, shape, lines, and how these elements work together that tell us something about the work. Artists combine and manipulate these visual elements to express a message or to create a mood.

Think about how a painter might use color for example. You all know from experience that different colors appeal in different ways to the senses and can convey different meanings. An artist chooses certain colors to evoke particular mood and make powerful statements. The color red, for example, is a strong color and can conjure up strong emotions, such as extreme joy or excitement or even anger. Blue, on the other hand, is considered a cool color. Blue colors tend to have a calming effect on viewers.

Another visual element important to art is texture. By texture I mean the surface quality or feel of the work, its smoothness or roughness or softness. Now of course in some types of art the texture is physical it can actually be touched by the fingers. But in painting for example, texture can be visual. The way an artist paints certain areas of the painting can create the illusion of texture, an object’s smoothness or roughness or softness. A rough texture can evoke stronger emotions and strength while a smooth texture is more calming and less emotional.

As I said earlier, artists often combine the elements to convey a message about the work. Take a painting that, say, uses a lot of strong colors like reds and oranges, and, and uses brush strokes that a broad wide sweeping brush strokes that suggest rough texture. Well, these elements together can convey a wilder, more chaotic emotion in a viewer than, more than, say, a painting with tiny smooth brush strokes and soft and pale colors. Artists use these visual effects and senses they arouse to give meaning to their work. (344)


Sample Answer:

The professor talks about visual elements in painting. One important element is color. Different colors arouse different moods. For example, red is a strong color and can evoke strong emotions, such as extreme joy or anger, while blue is a cool color and can help viewers calm down. Another element is texture, the quality or feel of the work. In painting, texture is visual instead of physical. A rough texture can evoke stronger emotions while a smooth texture is less emotional. Artists often combine the use of colors and texture. For example, strong colors like reds and oranges and broad sweeping brush strokes can convey a wilder, more chaotic emotion then tiny smooth brush strokes and soft colors.

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  • Jul 04 Sat 2015 05:20
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Taipei to roll out mobile police stations to densely populated parts of the city beginning tomorrow (2015/06/30)

Taipei will begin deploying mobile police stations tomorrow, though several issues have yet to be worked out, such as vehicle idling and installation of bulletproof glass. Mayor Ko Wen-je inspected one such mobile station today and said adjustments could be made after the stations go into service.

Five colorful mobile police stations are set to appear after one final check was undertaken.

The Taipei Police Department worked hard to put many of the functions of a normal station into a mobile vehicle. Today, Mayor Ko Wen-je inspected a vehicle, even taking a seat inside. He seemed satisfied, though issues continue to linger. One such issue is that 24-hour service of this mobile unit would require an engine or generator to continually operate or stand idle, which could cause pollution. There was also debate about outfitting the mobile stations with bulletproof glass.

Ko Wen-je
Taipei Mayor

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Worries over Greek referendum outcome put markets in flux (2015/06/30)

A referendum in
Greece on the bailout accord offered by the country’s creditors could lead it to abandon the euro. The turmoil has contributed to instability in markets around the world.

Greece implementing emergency capital controls, leading banks to be closed until July 6, stock markets in Europe and the US took a beating. On Monday, the Dow Jones Index plummeted 350 points and the S&P 500 and NASDAQ both dropped by more than 2 percent. European markets found it especially difficult to weather the financial storm. Shares in Taiwan were also hit.

Lee Ching-tu
Stock Pundit
The Greek government honestly is pretty shameless. The drop (in
Taiwan) seems unreasonable. The government should step in to prop up the market to prevent a vicious cycle.

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對於這些燒傷的年輕人們。越對他們不關心condescending (當作正常人看待),就是越關心他們。

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