重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

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英文易混淆字part 4 第三次總整理 question

  1. aloud, loud : 可以聽到大聲說

Susie read bedtime stories aloud to her children every night.

The music coming from the story was very loud.


  1. also, too, either : bev前正負後

Donna is also going to the park.

Sara didn’t go to school, I didn’t, either.

Dennis is going to the park, too.


  1. amazing, surprise : 目瞪口呆很驚喜

It absolutely amazed me when I found out he was a spy.

Shush! We want to surprise Paul when he comes into the room.

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英文易混淆字part3 第三次總整理

  1. ago, since : 時間之前,從和就

We met a long time ago.

She has worked there since 1999.


  1. aid, help : 技術資源隨便幫

Many countries provided Indonesia with aid after the tsunami.

Can you help me do the dishes?


  1. alike, like : be之後, 沒有名

Ian and his brother Tim look alike.

Maggie looks like A-mei.


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英文易混淆字part3 第三次總整理

  1. ago, since : 時間之前,從和就

We met a long time ago.

She has worked there since 1999.


  1. aid, help : 技術資源隨便幫

Many countries provided Indonesia with aid after the tsunami.

Can you help me do the dishes?


  1. alike, like : be之後, 沒有名

Ian and his brother Tim look alike.

Maggie looks like A-mei.


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英文易混淆字part6 第一次修訂
1.    ashamed, embarrassed : 犯錯慚愧, 不好意思
Lance was ashamed of kicking his dog.
There’s no reason to feel embarrassed. It could happen to anyone.

2.    ask, demand : 請求幫助及要求
Larry asked Jack to lend him twenty dollars.
The upset customer demanded to see the manager.

3.    ask, inquire question : 問問,詢問,質問

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英文易混淆字part5 第一次修訂

  1. Anxious, eager : 焦慮和渴望

I am anxious to get home because the puppy might have made a mess.

Dennis is eager to go on vacation.


  1. anyone, any one : 不特定和特定之一

Help! Can anyone help me?

I would be happy to work with any one of your team’s engineers.


  1. appointment , date : 會晤, 會面和約會

Amy has an appointment with her lawyer on Thursday.

I’m so excited! I have a date with Steve on Saturday night.


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英文易混淆字part1 and par2 答案 第三次總整理

1. a和 the : 單數,單複數
2. abandon, desert, quit: 拋離,擅離,停止
3. able, capable: 後天和先天
4. aboard, aborad: 登船到國外
5. above, on, over: 漂浮,碰觸,越過
6. accept, receive: 接受和收到
7. accident, event: 壞事和大事
8. happening, incident: 怪事和爛事

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英文易混淆字part1及part 2 題目 第三次總整理

1. a和 the : 單數,單複數
2. abandon, desert, quit: 拋離,擅離,停止
3. able, capable: 後天和先天
4. aboard, abroad: 登船到國外
5. above, on, over: 漂浮,碰觸,越過
6. accept, receive: 接受和收到
7. accident, event: 壞事和爛事
8. happening, incident: 怪事和爛事

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  1. across, cross, through: 越過,走過,穿過
  2. add, increase, plus: 加入,增加,加上
  3. address, lecture, plus: 正式,學術,一般
  4. advertisement, commercial:平面和電子
  5. advise, suggest: 忠告和建議
  6. affect, influence: 有形和無形
  7. after, behind: 時間和位置
  8. aged, ancient, elderly:衰老,年老,長老


  1. across, cross, through: 越過,走過,穿過

We walked across the street.

They crossed the river by boat.

The river runs through our village.


  1. add, increase, plus: 加入,增加,加上

The fire is going out; will you add some wood?

Foreign investments there increased five times.

Five plus two equals seven. (The work of an engineer requires intelligence plus experience.)

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1. a和 the : 單數,單複數
2. abandon, desert, quit: 拋離,擅離,停止
3. able, capable: 後天和先天
4. aboard, capable: 登船到國外
5. above, on, over: 漂浮,碰觸,越過
6. accept, receive: 接受和收到
7. accident, event: 壞事和爛事
8. happening, incident: 怪事和爛事

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