重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

目前分類:Jason滿分文法口訣 (230)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


Tonghua Bawan (通化肉圓), No. 7, Alley 39, Tonghua Street, Da'an District, Taipei City; +886 2 2707 8562

Taiwanese foodPerfect street food: boneless and bite-sized.

13. Fried chicken (鹽酥雞)

In the fried chicken hall of fame, Taiwan deserves its own exhibit. Not only has it made the giant fried chicken cutlet (No. 35 on this list) a cult classic, but its popcorn chicken is dangerously addictive.

The chicken is chopped into bite-sized pieces, marinated, dipped in batter and deep-fried. A generous sprinkling of salt and pepper complete the morish morsels. It's a ubiquitous snack on the city streets.


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40 Taiwanese foods we can't live without

Taiwanese foodTaipei travel essentials: passport, cash, extra stomach.

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搬,提,拿,扛,抬,抱,背,帶(口訣)bring, take, get, fetch, carry用法區別 

bring, take, get, fetch, carry用法區別


區別一  關於bringtake

bring take 是一對反義詞。bring 表示從別處把某人或物帶來拿來,而 take 則指把某人或物帶走拿走”(到別處)。如:

Please take the empty cup away and bring me a cup of tea. 請把這個空杯子拿走,給我拿杯茶來。

注:若在 bring take 之後接副詞 out,則兩者同義,意為拿出來”(=get out)。如:

He took [brought, got] out his dictionary and looked up the word. 他拿出詞典來查這個詞。

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bring, take, get, fetch, carry用法區別


區別一  關於bringtake

bring take 是一對反義詞。bring 表示從別處把某人或物帶來拿來,而 take 則指把某人或物帶走拿走”(到別處)。如:

Please take the empty cup away and bring me a cup of tea. 請把這個空杯子拿走,給我拿杯茶來。

注:若在 bring take 之後接副詞 out,則兩者同義,意為拿出來”(=get out)。如:

He took [brought, got] out his dictionary and looked up the word. 他拿出詞典來查這個詞。

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excellent explanation 有關吃的用法


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英文易混淆字 part 8 第二次整理

bathroom, restroom : 浴室,設備。化妝室

  1. The bathroom sink is broken; we need to call a plumber.
  2. The floor of the bathroom was covered in water.
  3. This suite has a bedroom, living room and bathroom.
  4. I need to find the restroom. Can you point me in the right direction?
  5. The little boy urgently needed to use the restroom.
  6. Debbie left class ahead of me, but she waited for me by the girls’ restroom.


battle, war : 特定戰役和大戰

  1. Two soldiers were killed in the battle.
  2. The battle only lasted two hours.
  3. The armies engaged in battle on the outskirts of the city.
  4. World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945.
  5. The to nations went to war over oil.
  6. The united states was at war with Iraq.


be going to, will : 計畫好了,想邀建 (想要賤@@)

  1. We are going to eat at Grandma’s tonight.
  2. I’m tired, so I am going to sleep.
  3. We are going to move because John got a new job.
  4. I will wash the dishes.
  5. I will get the door.
  6. Will you marry me?


beach, coast : 海灘沙灘和海岸(地理位置)

  1. The beach is nice and clean.
  2. There are many beautiful beaches in Thailand.
  3. We sat on the sandy beach and swam in the ocean.
  4. We drove on the highway that runs along the coast.
  5. There are many cities along the coast.
  6. Los Angeles is on the west coast of the United State.


bear, endure, stand, tolerate : 大忍(廣義的忍受),長忍,去忍,容忍 (大長今口訣:大長今要去容忍)

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Accuse(個人或是團體對於民事或是刑事的訴訟), sue(個人或是團體對於民事的訴訟) , complaint(個人對民事的訴訟), charge (團體對型刑事的訴訟)


那是什麼鬼啊? 是不是大家已經感到眼冒金星了呢?素地!這四個字所代表的法律意含非常的複雜與難記。因此Jason老師特別幫大家設計了一個小口訣。相信大家一定可以馬上背起來。



accuse, sue, complaint, charge

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英文易混淆字part1及part 2 題目及答案及口訣 最終整理第一次

Ps: 1.有一個pi 2. 越過了across 3.之前ago的困難就可以4. 大聲說 aloud女王昭見 5.很焦慮 anxious pi 做不到 6.不好意思 embarrassment,所以 pi 7. 避免avoid 去見女王。



有一個pi口訣:有一位(a)青年名字叫作Pi, 被沉船拋離(abandon)到海上。他不能(able)回家,只能登(abord)小船到國外。在長時間的漂浮(above)後,pi默默的接受 (accept) 他經過了壞事(accident),大事(event),怪事(happening)和有爛事(incident)。


Part 2越過了across


3. 之前ago口訣

Pi驚覺在電影結束的時間之前(ago)需要趕快找到技術資源(aid)的協助否則在被逼(be: alike)迫之後就會沒有名了。Pi覺得要是電影拍完還能活著(alive)就很幸運了,但是他已經準備好了(already)要去面對一切挑戰了。因此他要全部貫徹(all, complete)所有的事情才對。接下來所有的投資只要老闆允許(allow)就可以了。但獨自(alone)等待資金的過程真的很寂寞啊!

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1. council, counsel , consul , consult, console: 議會,律勸,領事,請教,安慰
2. historic, historical : 歷史有名,歷史的
3. electric , electrical : 帶電的,不帶電的(和電有關的)

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今天整理的這幾組混淆字有點難。先紀錄一下 @@



battle, war : 奮鬥戰役, 抗戰大戰

The battle of Waterloo is an historic event.

Their whole life was a constant battle against poverty.

The border incident led to war between the two countries.

A major step in the war against cancer.


Be going to , will : 決定確定, 願意預測

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今天整理的這幾組混淆字有點難。先紀錄一下 @@



battle, war : 奮鬥戰役, 抗戰大戰

The battle of Waterloo is an historic event.

Their whole life was a constant battle against poverty.

The border incident led to war between the two countries.

A major step in the war against cancer.


Be going to , will : 決定確定, 願意預測

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各位親愛的同學們,跟感謝大家的支持及鼓勵。讓我在教書之餘還能有餘力整理自己多年來教學的經驗並整編成自己教學生涯以來最完整及耗費心力之重要口訣。由於這是本人之心血結晶,希望同學們在參考之後盡量不要予以外流。本人接下來也會有幾個動作以保護自己的智慧財產。1. FB上很少與本人互動或是本人根本不認識的人將會于以封鎖。2. 其他網站以後公佈資料的形式將以部份公佈為主。詳情請與本人親自聯繫。3. 同學們如果願意分享他人,本人將不予以追究。但這只限於我的學生。以上!

英文易混淆字part1及part 2 題目及答案及口訣 最終整理第一次

Pi口訣:有一位(a)青年名字叫作Pi, 被沉船拋離(abandon)到海上。他不能(able)回家,只能登(abord)小船到國外。在長時間的漂浮(above)後,他經過了壞事(accident),大事(event),怪事(happening)和有爛事(incident)。

1. a和 the : 單數,單複數
2. abandon, desert, quit: 拋離,擅離,停止
3. able, capable: 後天和先天

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· · 推廣 · 5分鐘前·


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Our featured dish of fresh soy milk with deep-fried fluffy dough sticks.

Spicy pork and baby crab dumplings

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continual意為“頻繁的、一再的= frequent,可修飾名詞或為補語

continuous意為“持續的、不間斷的= successive,可修飾名詞或做為補語。


There are        sexual harassments in work place. ----------------------------------------------職場上常有性騷擾

(正:continual 誤:continuous)


The machine has           run for a month.-----------------------------------------------------機器不停地運轉一個月

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英文易混淆字part 7 and part 8 第一次修訂

  1. avoid , prevent : 避免避開,預防阻止

To avoid an accident, he stopped the car quickly.

John prevented me from driving drunk.

We avoided driving through downtown because of the heavy traffic.

You must prevent the children from getting hurt.


  1. awake, wake: 一直醒著,醒來叫醒

Phil can’t seem to wake up in the morning.

Please wake up your brother so he’s not late for school.

Kelly is still awake, but she feels tired.


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  1. aloud, loud : 可以聽到大聲說

Susie read bedtime stories aloud to her children every night.

The music coming from the story was very loud.


  1. also, too, either : bev前正負後

Donna is also going to the park.

Sara didn’t go to school, I didn’t, either.

Dennis is going to the park, too.


  1. amazing, surprise : 目瞪口呆很驚喜

It absolutely amazed me when I found out he was a spy.

Shush! We want to surprise Paul when he comes into the room.


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