
TOEIC tests level 13/ Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 13

Applying for that Job

Q1 I would be very interested in ....... for that job.

(a)    Entering for (b) working for (c) applying for (d) writing for



Q2 Do you want to ....... as a candidate in the local elections?

(a)    stand as (b) sit as (c) go as (d) try as


stand for

v. be a symbol of; support-; represent; tolerate; allow (in a negative way; e.g.: "Young lady, you better start behaving and watching what you say, I will not stand for your language and behavior any longer")


Q3 They are completely ....... up with all the noise in the centre of town.

(a)    tired up/ tired from / tired with / tie up (b) fed up (c) sick up / sick of (d) ill up



Q4 The reason there are no buses is because the drivers are on ........

(a)    on hit (b) on stop (c) on strike (d) on leave


on strike

refusing to work in order to force an employer to agree to certain demands


Q5 The government has changed its policy and had a complete change of ........

(a)    change of view (b) change of opinion (c) change of mind (d) change of heart

Change of heart

    If you change the way you think or feel about something, you have a change of heart.



Q6 This supermarket is trying to ....... young shoppers by offering fashionable clothes.

(a)    target (b) persuade / (c) encourage (d) trap


peddle, vend. deal; hawk: v. work as a peddler, sell one's goods by going from place to place; hunt with a hawk

market, sell

tout / taut / trout

solicit / solicitation / solicitude / illicit / licit 


Q7 You should have ....... those shares when they were cheap.

(a)    taken out (b) sold off (c) bought up (d) taken over


buy up

purchase other companies, buy the competition; purchase all the stock


Q8 You must try and hurry up because my patience/ patient is ....... out.

(a)    running out (b) racing out (c) pacing out (d) turning out



Q9 Have you ever tried your ....... at running a business?

(a)    tried your arm (b) tried your finger (c) tried your hand (d) tried your leg


try one`s hand

make an inexperienced attempt at something:  I tried my hand at golf last summer but I didn't really like it.


Q10 After all these years she has decided to take early ........

(a)    take leave (b) take finishing (c) take departure (d) take retirement

take leave

take a vacation, go on vacation


come out of retirement       復出 / 重出江湖
come (v.)
/到來,retirement (n.) 退休/退職/退役,用法:退休的說法為 to take retirement / to go into retirement,或是直接用動詞型 retire,而退休年齡的說法則為 retirement age
came out of retirement as she felt capable of working and wanted to earn some more money.

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