
Actually和 in fact 的差別
這三個短語及單詞的意義是完全一樣的,詞性也一樣,都是副詞。稍微有點不同的地方,只在於actually可以修飾形容詞,動詞,或者其他副詞,或者一個句子,而另外兩個只能修飾一個句子,並且通常放在句首。看例句:1.Actually, he is my cousin.事實上,他是我的表哥。(放句首,修飾後面的句子)Dinosaurs actually existed on earth once.恐龍確實曾經存在於地球上。(修飾動詞existed)2.As a matter of fact, I knew this long time ago.事實上,我早就知道了。(修飾後面的句子)3.In fact, this statement is not correct. 事實上,這個描述是不正確的。(修飾後面的句子)希望以上的解說夠清楚能幫到你。
今天要講的是 actually 和 in fact 這兩個在中文裡都被譯為 "事實上" 的詞
"事實上" 它們是不一樣的哦...
actually 通常是用在不完全同意對方的說法, 或對自己前面講的那句話做些修正的時候
比如: A: You forgot my birthday again, didn't you?
B: Actually, I didn't. Here. I got you a present.
或是: I think I left my wallet in the office. Oh, wait. Actually, I might have left it at home.
in fact 則是用在要對之前說的話作補充, 或是舉出例證強調時
也可以說 as a matter of fact
比如: I hardly drink coffee. In fact, I hate coffee.
Steve really likes sports. In fact, he's on the school basketball team.
1. Karen doesn't have a job right now. ______, she hasn't worked since last year.
2. _____, Jake is not as lazy as you think. He is just bored.
3. A: You are from Japan, right? B: _____, I'm not. I'm from Taiwan.
4. A: Amanda has a great voice. B: Yes. _____, her mother was a famous singer.
5. I love my new job. _____, I think it's the greatest job I've had.
Answers: 1. In fact 2. Actually 3. Actually 4. In fact 5. In fact