
Conquering Confusing Words Unit 2

  1. Accept vs. receive: Denise accepted Tom’s marriage proposal.
  2. Judy received invitations to the dance from three different boys.
  3. Everyone invited to dinner has accepted.
  4. Did you receive to letter I sent you?
  5. She received a strange package in the mail.
  6. I cannon accept this money from you.
  7. accident / event / happening / incident: Sheila was in a bad car accident.
  8. Reading the newspaper is the most common way to keep up on current events.
  9. My best friend calls me every weekend to inform me on the latest happenings in our hometown.

10.The people were hurt in the accident.

11.There was an incident between Bill and John at work.

12.The meeting went without incident.

13.Last night’s student banquet was a big social event for the school

14.Money raised at the charity event went to a local orphanage.

15.There have been some strange happenings in the neighborhood over the past few weeks.

16.The storm caused many accidents.

17.There was a minor incident between to two countries.

18.ache vs. pain: I have had this persistent ache in my back for quite some time.

19.She stepped on a piece of glass and felt a sharp pain in her foot.

20.The dull ache in his head turned out to be brain cancer.

21.He can’t get over the pain of losing his kitten.

22.When he broke his leg, the pain almost made Jude pass out.

23.Sandra has a terrible headache.

24.across / cross / through: I walked across the street to meet my friend.

25.Cindy helped a blind man cross the street.

26.Tim pushed his way through the dense crowd of people at the train station.

27.Tom traveled through barren desert for days.

28.Children need to be very cautious when crossing the road.


 / 5trR:mE; ?@ 5traUmE; `traJmE/ n (pl ~s) [U, C]
(a) (psychology
) emotional shock producing a lasting harmful effect 精神上的)创伤. (b) (infml ) any distressing or unpleasant experience 痛苦; 不幸: going through the traumas of divorce 经受离婚的痛苦.
) wound or injury 创伤; 外伤; 损伤.

 > traumatic /
trR:5mAtIk; ?@ traU-; traJ`mAtIk/ adj
(psychology or medical
心或医) of or causing trauma(精神上或肉体上)创伤的, 造成创伤的; 外伤的.
) (of an experience) distressing or unpleasant 指经历)痛苦的, 不愉快的: Our journey home was pretty traumatic. 我们归途中不太顺心. traumatically / -klI; -klI/ adv.



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