Conquering Confusing Words Unit 4 questions

  1. We played basketball after school was over.
  2. My pen fell behind the sofa.
  3. What are you doing after the movie?
  4. There is a secret door behind the bookshelf.
  5. We played basketball behind the school. We played basketball after school.
  6. They went to the store after dinner.
  7. aged/ ancient / elderly : Mike looks after his aged parents.
  8. The professor found the ruins of an ancient city.
  9. Julia checked up on her elderly grandfather.

10.Sharon studies ancient history, especially ancient Greek history.

11.They government started a new program to care for the elderly.

12.They’ve got one son, Jack, aged 5.

13.ago/ since: She has worked there since 1999.

14.She began working there seven years ago.

15.We met a long time ago.

16.I have known Jenny since she was a little girl.

17.We finished eating a little while ago.

18.This company has been in business since the 1930s.

19.aid/ help: The pictures are an aid to understating.

20.Many countries provided Indonesia with aid after the tsunami.

21.Help! The house is on fire!

22.The city had emergency rescue workers on had to aid the earthquake victims.

23.Can you help me do the dishes?

24.Can you give me some help with these boxes.

25.alike/ like: These two cups are alike.

26.Maggie looks like A-mei.

27.Ian and his brother Tim look alike.

28.Kate and her sister are more alike than they realize.

29.Getting the job was like winning the lottery.

30.The thunder sounded like a giant banging on a huge drum.



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