
Conquering Confusing Words Unit 3 questions

  1. add / increase / plus: Helen addedsome salt to the soup.
  2. I heard the government is going to increasetaxes next years.
  3. I paid $600 for the scooter, plus$50 for a helmet.
  4. One plustwo equals three.
  5. If you addthe numbers, you get thirty.
  6. The advertising campaign was very successful; our sales increased50%.
  7. address/ lecture/ speech: John F. Kennedy’s inaugural addressmoved many young Americans.
  8. I learned so much from the professor’s lecturethis morning.
  9. The president delivered a farewell address.

10.I attended a lectureon how the Internet has changed the world.

11.The speechthe man gave lasted nearly four hours.

12.Let’s give Jack a hand for his wonderful speech!

13.advertisement / commercial : Todd put an advertisementin the newspaper.

14.Kan saw that commercialon TV.

15.I saw an advertisementfor a new line of cleaning products.

16.The TV commercialexaggerates the product’s benefits.

17.Leslie answered a job advertisementin the newspaper.

18.Acting in a television commercialhelped launch the actor’s career.

19.advise / suggest: I am sure the clerk in the visa office can adviseyou about that.

20.I suggestthat you ask Brad.

21.Can you suggesta good restaurant around here?

22.Ben needs someone to advisehim about his education.

23.My financial planner advisedthat I invest in technology stocks.

24.May I suggestthat we postpone the meeting until Monday?

25.affect / influence : How will this economic crisis affectour company?

26.Family and friends often influenceour decisions.

27.The great pianist influencedall pianists that followed.

28.The students were emotionally affectedby the tragic events on campus.

29.William says that his childhood on a poor farm greatly influencedhis writing.

30.Heart disease affectsmillions of people around the world each year.

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