Tseng Yung-fu faces accusations of influence peddling (2013/09/06)
explicit/ explication / exploit / exploitation
Justice Minister Tseng Yung-fu was implicated today for influence peddling by the Special Investigation Division of the Supreme Prosecutors Office. The case will be sent to the Control Yuan to review. Tseng faces allegations that he used his position to make sure prosecutors did not appeal a verdict that benefited a legislator.

Supervisory agency監察院 / allege

n. granting of favors to relatives; favoritism shown to relatives (especially in securing jobs)


influence peddling  
influence ped.dling  
AHD:  [
D.J.  [
K.K.  [


The practice of using one's influence with persons in authority to obtain favors or preferential treatment for another, usually in return for payment.



influence peddler  


An investigation by the Special Investigation Division surprisingly implicated their top boss.

Yang Jung-tsung
SID Spokesman
We have learned that both Minister of Justice Tseng Yung-fu and Taiwan High Prosecutors Office Head Chen Shou-huang allegedly misused their influential positions at the request of Legislative Yuan President and Legislator Ker Chien-ming. Tseng illegally ordered the High Prosecutors Office not to make an appeal on Ker’s not guilty verdict from the lower court, thereby making the ruling final.

Recordings released by the SID indicate the behavior in question began when Ker received the verdict on June 25.

Yang Jung-tsung
SID Spokesman
Ker Chien-ming contacted High Prosecutors Office head Chen Shou-huang, who in turn told the prosecutor on Ker’s case not to appeal the verdict due to budget limitations. Ker later contacted Legislature President Wang Jin-pyng who also contacted Chen. Chen felt he should notify Justice Minister Tseng Yung-fu, who told Wang that he would take care of it. On June 29, he told Wang that everything was OK. 

The SID said that since there is no evidence of illegal exchanges or bribery, it will handle the case according to administrative regulations. Tseng Yung-fu’s case will be dealt with by the country’s top supervisory agency, the Control Yuan; Chen’s will be handled by the Public Functionary Disciplinary Sanction Commission. functionary公務員The SID said, however, that it won’t take action against Wang or Ker since it does not have authority over legislators. Interdisciplinary / disciplinary / extracurricular / extra curriculum / curricula 單數





















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