National Immigration Agency using biometrics to track foreigners (2013/12/09)
emigration / immigration / migration / migraine When a British national convicted of killing a Taiwanese man fled to the United Kingdom, outrage ensued. The National Immigration Agency is responding with stricter border control measures, including fingerprinting, directed at foreigners who pass through Taiwan’s borders. It will not introduce these measures for Taiwanese nationals, though they too have been known to avoid justice by fleeing to other nations. Philippines / Philippine / Filipino / Spain / Spanish
*surveillance / monitoring The National Immigration Agency says stricter immigration controls for foreigners are for the sake of border security. Besides the facial recognition software already in place, the agency will begin checking fingerprints of forei gners who enter and exit the country. The same rules will not apply to Taiwanese nationals. A pilot (tial / trail)program has already begun at Kaohsiung Airport. Liao Wei-yuan National Immigration Agency There is a legal basis for these checks. Advanced nations across the world are already collecting biometric data, such as fingerprints and facial information, so we are not worried. When foreigners first enter Taiwan, biometric records will be taken. These will be checked each time the foreigner enters or leaves. The goal is to prevent foreigners from using other people’s passports. Depending on budget constraints, this new system could be in place at all of Taiwan’s international ports by the end of next year.
建檔外國人 因為英商林克穎潛逃事件,加速移民署建立外國人入出境的個人識別資料庫。最新的作法,是在高雄小港機場,建置了指紋識別系統,以後外國人入出境台灣,除了臉部特徵以外,還會多了指紋系統的辨識,最快明年中,就可以全面上路。 為了國境安全,移民署針對外國旅客的進出,除了之前的臉孔辨識,現在多加一道,指紋辨別,但對於國人則非硬性規定。初期先在高雄小港機場試辦。 [[移民署專門委員廖維元]] 這部份的法源是有依據的。其實在世界各國先進的國家現在都有採集指紋跟臉部生物特徵,所以這部分我們是不用擔心。 通過新的指紋系統,外國旅客在第一次入境時,就會建立指紋資料,之後每次出入境再行比對,可以避免外國人冒用護照,或是變裝通關的事件發生。 等相關預算通過,移民署預計明年底,將全面上路。