Environmental groups turn up the heat on polluting chip packager ASE (2013/12/13)
Environmental groups picketed near Houjing Creek in Kaohsiung as well as in front of the Ministry of Economic Affairs today. They are urging the government to recover preferential taxbreaks and other incentives given to ASE, a world-leading semiconductorpackagingfirm that was found to be illegally dumping toxic waste water. creek
n.stream, brook; cove, inlet
toxic / poison/ venom / pollution / contamination
fog / mist / smog These environmentalists are gathered at Houjing Creek to protest ASE’s failure to treat waste water effluent . They called for immediate suspension of plant operations. Another group in Taipei picketed the Ministry of Economic Affairs over the same issue.
The Taiwan Environmental Protection Union called upon the Ministry of Economic Affairs to immediately cancel all preferential rent and tax breaks offered to this polluting enterprise.
Andy Tung Taiwan Environmental Protection Union Tax incentives are actually money taken from tax revenues. These funds will simply line their pockets with more profits. This is wrong. criticism / critique / critic ASE has increasingly come under criticism for its polluting ways. Ironically, ASE was awardeda "CorporateSustainability Award" this year, and embarrassedorganizers have already revoked the honor. The EPA also promises to come down hard on the company by recovering illegal profits. (promise / premise / premises ) substantiality / sustainability The Ministry of Economic Affairs says if it finds the company purposely flaunted restrictions, it could move to cancel preferential benefits.