橘 子紅了: 我在花蓮到新竹的長途列車中無意識的剝著一顆橘子。列車在行經七堵站時,透過光線,一片小小的新竹椪柑竟發出了耀眼的橘紅色光芒!好似在高興的歡迎我回 家。ps: Comparing apples to oranges 用臺語講就變成了:拿懶叫比雞腿。好粗俗啊!嚇@@” When I told Adam that the tangerine was glistening through the sun beam, he told me that glistening can also be augmented by radiant. I said I didn't like the word since it sounded like the word "radiation". I also told him it was like comparing apples to oranges.
相片:橘子紅了: 我在花蓮到新竹的長途列車中無意識的剝著一顆橘子。列車在行經七堵站時,透過光線,一片小小的新竹椪柑竟發出了耀眼的橘紅色光芒!好似在高興的歡迎我回家。ps: Comparing apples to oranges 用臺語講就變成了:拿懶叫比雞腿。好粗俗啊!嚇@@” When I told Adam that the tangerine was glistening through the sun beam, he told me that glistening can also be augmented by radiant. I said I didn't like the word since it sounded like the word "radiation". I also told him it was like comparing apples to oranges. :p
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