1.       Quintessential quintenssential quintensential 

2.       miscalculate

3.       prairie  prarie , grassland , savanna, steppe(broad grassy plain (especially the plains of southeast Russia and southwest Asia)) large open grassland, savanna, meadow prairie

4.       profundity  , profoundity

5.       in controvertible

6.       earrings  eerie errins errie 

7.       rhetorical

8.       sordid   sorid

9.       whether  wheather

10.   reoccurring  recur reoccuring

11.   vehement   vehemenent

12.   explain explane

13.   Cumulonimbus

14.   animosity enemy

15.   repertoire reporteanimosity

16.   legible ledgable

17.   idyllic

18.   chattel chattle château

19.   antithesis anithesis

20.   feudalism fuddle




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