1. Quintessence Quintessential quintenssential quintensential
  2. miscalculate
  3. prairie prarie , grassland , savanna, steppe (broad grassy plain (especially the plains of southeast Russia and southwest Asia)) large open grassland, savanna, meadow prairie
  4. profundity , profoundity
  5. in controvertible disputable
  6. earrings eerie errins errie
  7. rhetorical
  8. sordid   sorid
  9. whether wheather
  10. reoccur ring recur reoccuring
  11. vehement   vehemenent
  12. explain explane
  13. Cumulonimbus
  14. animosity enemy
  15. repertoire reporteanimosity
  16. legible ledgabled
  17. idyllic
  18. chattel chattle chateau chateaux cmovable property idyllic an impressive country house
  19. antithesis anithesis direct opposite
  20. Feudalism fuddle (make stupid with alcohol) medieval social system: the legal and social system that existed in medieval Europe, in which vassals (fief vessel held land from lords in exchange for military service



French words used in English

  1. ballet a theatrical representation of a story that is performed to music by trained dancers / Ballet is a type of very skilled and artistic dancing with carefully planned movements.
  2. bouquet an arrangement of flowers
  3. boutique a shop that sells women's clothes and jewelry
  4. cafe a small restaurant where drinks and snacks are sold
  5. chef a professional cook
  6. coup a sudden and decisive change of governmentillegally or by force
  7. debacle chaotic failure: a sudden disaster, defeat, or humiliating failure

2.      breakup of river ice: a sudden breakup of river ice in the spring thaw, causing a violent rush of water and ice

  1. debut first public appearance:
  2. decor furnishing style: the style of furnishings and decorative items chosen for a room or house

2.      stage scenery: the scenery of a stage


  1. deja vu the experience of thinking that a new situation had occurred before


  1. encore extra or repeated performance:


  1. enmasse in a group: as a body, or in a group

people arriving en masse to vote


  1. en route on the way: during the trip to a destination



  1. entree /'ɔntrei/

the principal dish of a meal

synonymous main coursethe right to enter

synonymous access, accession, admittancesomething that provides access (to get in or get out)

synonymous entrance, entranceway, entryway, entrythe act of entering

she made a graceful entree into the ballroom


  1. entrepreneur risk-taking businessperson: somebody who initiates or finances newcommercial enterprises
  2. facade 1.       visible surface: the face of a building, especially the principal or front face showing its most prominent architectural features

2.      deceptive appearance: the way something or somebody appears on the surface, especially when that appearance is false or meant to deceive

Her geniality is just a facade.

  1. faux pas social blunder: an embarrassing mistake that breaks a social convention


  1. fian fiancée a man who is engaged to be married

synonymous groom-to-be

  1. genre category of artistic works: one of the categories, based on form, style, or subject matter, into which artistic works of all kinds can be divided.

For example, the detective novel is a genre of fiction.

2.       paintings of household scenes: p




  1. hors d'oeuvres  a dish served as an appetizer before the main meal
  2. liaison
  3. matinee
  4. menu
  5. maive
  6. petite
  7. potpourri
  8. protege
  9. restaurant
  10. resume
  11. saute


ps: New Orleans , croissant


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