41. liaison coordination: the exchange of information or the planning of joint efforts by two or more people or groups, often of military personnel
42. matinee gig 現場流行音樂gag pageant pegeon a theatrical performance held during the daytime (especially in the afternoon)
43. menu list of dishes available: a list of the dishes that can be ordered in a restaurant or that are to be served at a formal meal
44. naive extremely simple and trusting: having or showing an excessively simple and trusting view of the world and human nature, often as a result of youth and inexperience
45. petite small and delicately built: having a small and delicate build
46. potpourri 1. collection of fragrant dried flowers: a collection of dried flower petals, leaves, herbs, and spices that is used to scent the air
2. miscellaneous mixture: a mixture of miscellaneous things
47. protege a person who receives support and protection from an influential patron who furthers the protege's career
48. restaurant eating place: a place where meals and drinks are sold and served to customers
49. resume
continue something: to continue with something after a temporary halt, or be continued
short descriptive summary (of events)
synonymous: sketch, surveya summary of your academic and work history
synonymous: curriculum vitae, CV
50. saute
saute n.
a dish of sauteed food
saute v.
fry briefly over high heat
saute the onions
saute adj.
fried quickly in a little fat
51. New Orleans
city in southeasternLouisiana, on the eastern bank of the Mississippi River. The largest city in the state, it is known for its annual Mardi Gras festival.
52. croissant
crescent-shaped bread roll: a piece of baked dough or pastry shaped into a crescent, usually moist, flaky, and very rich in fat, originally made in France
53. fermentation
chemical conversion into simpler substances: the breakdown of carbohydrates by microorganisms.
Many pharmaceuticals are produced by fermentation.
54. dinosaur
extinct reptile: an extinct, chiefly terrestrial reptile that lived in the Mesozoic Era.
55. architect archeology archipelago
building designer: somebody whose job is to design buildings and advise on their constructio
56. bureaucracy
administrative system: an administrative system, especially in a government, that divides work into specific categories carried out by special departments of nonelected officials
57. Fahrenheit
on or of nonmetrictemperaturescale: using or measured on a temperature scale on which water freezes at 32° and boils at 212° under normal atmospheric conditions.
In scientific and technical contexts temperatures are now usually measured in degrees Celsius instead of Fahrenheit.
See also Celsius
58. exhibition exhibit exhibitor
public display of works of art: a public display, usually for a limited period, of a collection of works of art or objects of special interest
59. lasagna
pasta dish: a dish of Italian origin consisting of alternate layers of pasta sheets and filling, especially alternating pasta, tomato sauce, cheese, and usually ground meat, baked in the oven.
60. quantum quintessence
smallest quantity of energy: the smallest discrete quantity of a physical property such as electromagnetic radiation or angular momentum
2. smallest unit: the smallest unit used to measure a physical property. For example, the quantum of electromagnetic radiation is the photon.
ps: New Orleans , croissant