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Realtors: government plans to overhaul property tax system could lead to investment losses (2014/12/10)
Plans are underway for an overhaul of Taiwan’s property taxation system, which would include a joint tax on building and land sales. But the proposal faces a backlash from some lawmakers and realtors who worry that strategies to stabilize high housing prices could send investors elsewhere.
While the proposal to tax building and land jointly is still in the discussion stage, there is evidence that owners are already seeking to avoid payment. Among the loopholes being used are transactions that involve passing luxury property from one family member to another.
According to the Ministry of Finance plan, the combined tax would be progressive in nature, with rates of 5 to 45 percent. For example, gains of NT$10 million would be taxed at the maximum 45 percent.
Wu Ping-jui
DPP Legislator
If you tax too heavily, it is like killing the chicken to get the eggs. It wouldn’t help society. More careful thought is needed.
Chang Sheng-ford
Finance Minister
We are still listening to public opinions. We want to achieve this goal, but it could be carried out in phases.
A realtor said that too high of taxes could lead capital to flee Taiwan.
Wu Kuo-yuan
If rate of return on investment is higher in other nations, or if taxes are lower, consumers or investors will buy property overseas. Capital could move to neighboring Southeast Asian nations.
The ministry believes that tax reform could be a powerful tool in stabilizing Taiwan’s property market. But without supplementary policies, the reform could lead to little additional tax revenues and loss of investment.
中文 Chinese
房地合一稅引發恐慌 房市交易量縮
[[民進黨立委 吳秉叡]]
[[財政部長 張盛和]]
[[房仲業者 吳國源]]