1.under the table. Under the table在桌子下面進行的交易,也就是不能見人的,而且往往是非法的。 I'm sure he must have paid the official under the table. 2. from the ground up. 從頭開始,或是全部的,徹底的。 Adventurous pioneers came pouring in and began to build communities from the ground up. 3. for a song. 買了便宜貨 You picked it up for a song. 4. to pull strings. 通過重要人物,在幕后操縱,在幕后牽線的意思。 I think Will's father pulled a few strings to get him in here. 5. string someone along. 是指為了讓別人替自己做事,而愚弄、蒙蔽他,或是弔他的胃口。 Do you think she's just stringing me along? 6. To have a foot in both camps,這個習慣用語的意思是衕時跟對立的兩派都有聯系的意思。 it's cool to have a foot in both camps. 7. Food for thought連在一起,就是指引人深思的事情。 it's certainly food for thought. 8. fly blind. 就是說在沒有外界幫助或者指點的情況下,自己試著去做。 If I want to make it, I'll have to fly blind. 9. flat on one's back. 病得起不來床,臥病在床的意思。 Except for physical therapy, she's got to stay flat on her back. 10. fix someone's wagon 設法報復別人 We're going to get a lawyer and fix his wagon. 11. Fits and starts這個習慣用語的意思是時斷時續的,間歇的,一陣陣的。 after numerous fits and starts, she finally earned her degree. 12. caught in the crossfire被夾在交叉火力中間,不言而喻,就是受到兩面夾擊的意思。 we've had enough of being caught in the crossfire. 13. put one's finger on. 確切指出 she couldn't quite put her finger on how she knew him. 14. Have a field day. 玩得特別痛快,特別過癮的意思。 the kids were having a field day. 15. Cozy up作為習慣用語,意思就是為了得到某種好處去巴結別人、討好別人。 Ever since Gladys got put on the night shift, she's been cozying up to the boss. 16. Paint oneself into a corner作為習慣用語,意思是讓自己陷入困境。 He's certainly painted himself into a corner 17. Come to one's senses這個習慣用語是恢復理性,醒悟過來的意思。 she should come to her senses. 18. Come out in the wash這個習慣用語的意思是指某件事情會得到圓滿的解決It'll all come out in the wash by the time we leave. 19. Blow hot and cold作為習慣用語,是不斷改變主意The way she blows hot and cold really has me confused. 20. the coast is clear ,就是沒有人阻礙,危險已經過去,可以開始行動的意思nce they thought the coast was clear, they backed a truck up to the ATM, ready to haul it away. 。 21. Like a bull in a china shop公牛進了瓷器店。這個習慣用語就是笨手笨腳的意思。 I guess I'm like a bull in a china shop, aren't I? 22. cash cow就是搖錢樹的意思,或者是指一個企業里特別盈利的部門。 These have generated so much profit for the industry that they have become a cash cow. 23. Carry the day是指一個人、一件事、或是一種意見占據上風的意思。I can't get over how we failed to carry the day! 24. trump card也被用來指最行之有效的手段。She knew that playing that trump card would make the difference. 25. can't make heads or tails of頭尾都分不清,引伸講就是完全搞不明白。 I can't make heads or tails of them. 26. burn the candle at both ends這個習慣用語的意思就是過份地消耗精力或是財產。 I don't know how much longer I can burn the candle at both ends. 27. icing on the cake,那就是說好上加好。在中文里也可以說是錦上添花。 Talk about icing on the cake! She had one great thing happen on top of the other. 28. burn at the stake就是指極其嚴厲的懲罰。 They deserve to be burned at the stake! 29. Brownie Points從十九世紀中期開始流行,意思是做了好事而得到的稱贊、獎賞 。 she scored major Brownie Points for beautifying the nation's capital with flowers and trees. 30. Come down on like a ton of bricks,這個習慣用語的意思就是嚴厲懲罰的意思。 He came down on her like a ton of bricks. 31. Breathe down someone's neck 連在一起,是對某人盯得特別緊的意思。 I told him that if he continues to breathe down my neck, he's going to have to find another mechanic. 32. bread and butter連在一起在英語里就是生計,主要收入來源的意思。 I assumed that painting was her bread and butter. 33. Rock bottom連在一起,就是最低點的意思。 I hit rock bottom. 34. Make no bones about就是不管是否會得罪別人,或是讓別人感到尷尬,都直言不諱的意思。 She made no bones about complaining how overcooked her steak was. 35. Bone up這個習慣用語的意思是強化學習。 I need to bone up on my driving skill. 36. By the book這個習慣用語的意思是循規蹈矩,照章辦事。I do everything by the book. 37. hit below the belt。 不公正地、用卑劣的手段攻擊別人。 Mentioning my past alcohol problems is below the belt. 38. a blank check又可以解釋為可以全權處理的意思。 many of the workers aren't ready to hand him a blank check. 39. Beyond a Doubt,連在一起就是毫無疑問。 they recovered samples of blood and hair that proved beyond a doubt who committed the murder. 40. Put one's best foot forward就是努力給別人留下一個非常好的第一印象。putting your best foot forward is essential if you want to get hired.