重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
目前分類:Jason英語教學 (172)
- Feb 12 Wed 2014 18:06
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 18:51
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 13:39
本周密碼提示: 阿珠疼她
本周密碼提示: 阿珠疼她
- Feb 08 Sat 2014 13:38
本周密碼提示: 阿珠疼她
本周密碼提示: 阿珠疼她
- Jan 29 Wed 2014 00:40
過年要入住的幾個旅館之一。寵愛自己一下 :)
- Jan 28 Tue 2014 22:06
Space 到底是單數還是複數?
Space 到底是單數還是複數?
1. 空间[U]
The table takes up a lot of space.
2. 宇宙,太空,外层空间[U][E]
We witnessed a missile being launched into outer space.
- Jan 23 Thu 2014 17:36
Trouble 倒底是可數還是不可數?
Trouble 倒底是可數還是不可數?
- Jan 21 Tue 2014 17:47
表示 "其它人的" 受格代名詞用法
表示 "其它人的" 受格代名詞用法
- Jan 20 Mon 2014 01:47
I wish I had had such a wonderful physics teacher, so my physics would have been much better. :p BTW, I loved watching this and was greatly inspired by it. I believe this lesson shows us how to be a great teacher.
- Dec 19 Thu 2013 14:05
Shopping while black
Shopping while black
"Shopping while black" is a phrase commonly used for the type of marketplace discrimination that is also called "consumer racial profiling", "consumer racism" or "racial profiling in a retail setting". Shopping while black describes the experience of being denied service or given poor service because one is black.
Most commonly, "shopping while black" involves being followed around or closely monitored by a clerk or guard who suspects you may steal, but it can also involve being denied store access, being refused service, having ethnic slurs directed at you, being searched, being asked for extra forms of identification, having your purchases limited, being required to have a higher credit limit than other customers, being charged a higher price, or being asked more rigorous questions on applications.[1] This can be the result of store policy, or individual employee prejudice.[2] Consumer racial profiling occurs in many retail environments including grocery stores, clothing shops, department stores and office supply shops, and companies accused of consumer racial profiling have included Eddie Bauer, Office Max, Wal-Mart, Sears, Dillard's, Macy's and Home Depot.[1]
Shopping while black is sometimes also called "shopping while black or brown", but researchers say black people are the most frequently targeted.
Shopping while black has been extensively covered by American news media, including a hidden camera ABC News special in which actors posing as store staff harassed black customers to see how other shoppers would respond,[3] and a Soledad O'Brien segment called "Shopping While Black", part of a CNN special on being black in America.[4] It is usually assumed to occur mainly in the United States, but has also been reported in the United Kingdom, Canada and the Netherlands.[5][6]
"Shopping while black" is word play based on the name of an actual crime in the United States, driving while intoxicated, which is commonly referred to as DWI. DWI led to DWB (driving while black), which led to SWB (shopping while black). The phrase implies that a shopper may be treated poorly by store personnel or others simply because he or she is black. The concept stems from a history of institutional racism in the United States, United Kingdom and other countries, as well as references to racial profiling.[7]
- Dec 18 Wed 2013 17:53
- Dec 11 Wed 2013 00:36
- Dec 10 Tue 2013 15:17
蠻有趣的片子: 原來你還在
- Dec 10 Tue 2013 15:16
蠻有趣的片子: 原來你還在
- Dec 09 Mon 2013 03:13
- Dec 06 Fri 2013 14:55
- Dec 02 Mon 2013 21:58