重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
目前分類:Jason英語教學 (172)
- Jun 25 Tue 2013 23:56
- Jun 24 Mon 2013 00:32
worth someone's while
worth someone's while
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
worth your while
- Jun 22 Sat 2013 11:04
過去對於英文中,西元前與西元後的用法一知半解,像是AD與BC個是甚麼的縮寫,還有為什麼西元前100年是100 B.C.,而西元後100年是A.D. 100。每次遇到這個問題,都快得躁鬱症了。(有這麼嚴重嗎...)
B.C. |
Before Christ |
耶蘇出生之前 |
介係詞片語 |
100 B.C. (西元前100年) |
A.D. |
- Jun 21 Fri 2013 14:06
This keynote is just a little too fancy and "Korean". I guess :P
- Jun 21 Fri 2013 13:57
I just like the way he presented his keynote!
- Jun 19 Wed 2013 18:01
- Jun 11 Tue 2013 16:19
Jason念英文故事: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- Jun 07 Fri 2013 08:36
西方媒體眼中的 Computex
西方媒體眼中的 Computex
Shows like Computex can appear alien to western eyes.
像 Computex 這樣的秀在西方眼中是很怪異的。
這週是眾所矚目的台北國際電腦展(Computex Taipei),儘管三星與 LG 兩大韓國產業巨人沒有參與,台北依舊聚集了許多國外的科技媒體記者和部落客,其中 The Verge 的記者 Vlad Savov 寫下了他對 Computex 的觀察1,他認為這場展覽給人的感覺像是 1980 年代典型的西式產品發表會,從宏碁展場的霓虹燈到華碩的 show girl,唯一不同的大概就是模特兒沒有繁複的燙髮。
If you want more style, you just add more of it, and if you want to be heard by more people, you shout louder.
- Jun 07 Fri 2013 08:08
Jonney Shih, the chairman of Asustek Computer, has epitomized the Taiwanese electronics engineer for a generation: a slender figure in rumpled, baggy trousers, he once helped Intel solve heat problems in its Pentium 4 microprocessors.
So it has been a surprise over the last several years to see Mr. Shih, now 60, reinvent himself with snug-cut Italian suits, innovative designs for tablet and notebook computers and scathing criticisms of Taiwan’s test-obsessed, engineering-oriented educational system.
施崇棠,華碩電腦董事長,代表了台灣整整一代的工程師:皺巴巴、寬鬆的褲子裡裝著細瘦的身材。他曾經協助 Intel 解決 Pentium 4 處理器的散熱問題。
因此最近這幾年看到施先生是如此讓人驚訝,60 歲的他重新調整了自己的形象,穿著剪裁合身的義大利西服、為筆記型電腦與平板電腦帶入創新設計,並嚴厲地批判了過去台灣充滿考試、工程導向的教育體系。
- May 24 Fri 2013 22:37
- May 21 Tue 2013 10:46
red | |
crimson | |
firebrick | |
maroon | |
darkred | |
brown | |
sienna | |
saddlebrown | |
indianred | |
rosybrown | |
lightcoral | |
salmon | |
darksalmon | |
coral | |
tomato | |
sandybrown | |
lightsalmon | |
peru | |
chocolate | |
orangered | |
orange | |
darkorange | |
tan | |
peachpuff | |
bisque | |
moccasin | |
navajowhite | |
wheat | |
burlywood | |
darkgoldenrod | |
goldenrod | |
gold | |
yellow | |
lightgoldenrodyellow | |
palegoldenrod | |
khaki | |
darkkhaki | |
lawngreen | |
greenyellow | |
chartreuse | |
lime | |
limegreen | |
yellowgreen | |
olive | |
olivedrab | |
darkolivegreen | |
forestgreen | |
darkgreen | |
green | |
seagreen | |
mediumseagreen | |
darkseagreen | |
lightgreen | |
palegreen | |
springgreen | |
mediumspringgreen | |
teal | |
darkcyan | |
lightseagreen | |
mediumaquamarine | |
cadetblue | |
steelblue | |
aquamarine | |
powderblue | |
paleturquoise | |
lightblue | |
lightsteelblue | |
skyblue | |
lightskyblue | |
mediumturquoise | |
turquoise | |
darkturquoise | |
aqua | |
cyan | |
deepskyblue | |
dodgerblue | |
cornflowerblue | |
royalblue | |
blue | |
mediumblue | |
navy | |
darkblue | |
midnightblue | |
darkslateblue | |
slateblue | |
mediumslateblue | |
mediumpurple | |
darkorchid | |
darkviolet | |
blueviolet | |
mediumorchid | |
plum | |
lavender | |
thistle | |
orchid | |
violet | |
indigo | |
darkmagenta | |
purple | |
mediumvioletred | |
deeppink | |
fuchsia | |
magenta | |
hotpink | |
palevioletred | |
lightpink | |
pink | |
mistyrose | |
blanchedalmond | |
lightyellow | |
cornsilk | |
antiquewhite | |
papayawhip | |
lemonchiffon | |
beige | |
linen | |
oldlace | |
lightcyan | |
aliceblue | |
whitesmoke | |
lavenderblush | |
floralwhite | |
mintcream | |
ghostwhite | |
honeydew | |
seashell | |
ivory | |
azure | |
snow | |
white | |
gainsboro | |
lightgrey | |
silver | |
darkgray | |
lightslategray | |
slategray | |
gray | |
dimgray | |
darkslategray | |
black |
- May 21 Tue 2013 10:39
"幸災樂禍" 的英文怎麼說?
"幸災樂禍" 的英文怎麼說?
很多人如果被問到這個問題, 可能都會被考倒或想盡辦法要用句子把這個成語翻譯出來
事實上, "幸災樂禍" 的說法出奇地簡單
它就是用 gloat [glot] 這個動詞
要講因為什麼事而幸災樂禍的話, 則是用 gloat over...
- May 19 Sun 2013 12:54
在Starbucks Coffee,Short指的是8oz(約240ml)大小的飲料,最適合在晚餐後飲用。
在Starbucks Coffee,Tall指的是12oz大小(約360ml)的飲料,這也是最多人點用的Size。
在Starbucks Coffee,Grande指的是16oz大小(約480ml)的飲料,當您想好好的犒賞自己一下時,這會是您最好的選擇。
From:Starbucks飲料專區 - 濃縮咖啡用語
- May 17 Fri 2013 13:03
Here you go 的用法
- May 16 Thu 2013 22:30
- May 16 Thu 2013 11:11
今天闪亮登场的是五个“神奇”的单词,请大家仔细观察以下这几个单词:1. compaign ; 2. seperate ; 3. intergrate ; 4. persuit ; 5. benifit 有看出什么名堂吗?觉得它们熟悉又陌生但一时也说不出有什么问题的朋友,bingo, 恭喜你也看出点苗头了!小编发现这些词经常出现在查词榜首,unfortunately, 这些词都是拼写错误的词,正确的拼写方式应该是:1.campaign ; 2.separate ; 3.integrate ; 4.pursuit ; 5.benefit; 拼写错误的词还有哪些呢,一起来看看!
今天闪亮登场的是五个“神奇”的单词,请大家仔细观察以下这几个单词:1. compaign ; 2. seperate ; 3. intergrate ; 4. persuit ; 5. benifit 有看出什么名堂吗?觉得它们熟悉又陌生但一时也说不出有什么问题的朋友,bingo, 恭喜你也看出点苗头了!小编发现这些词经常出现在查词榜首,unfortunately, 这些词都是拼写错误的词,正确的拼写方式应该是:1.campaign ; 2.separate ; 3.integrate ; 4.pursuit ; 5.benefit; 拼写错误的词还有哪些呢,一起来看看!
Millions of adults are unable to spell basic everyday words, a study suggests.
- Apr 25 Thu 2013 16:22
put money on 中文是什麼意思
- Apr 13 Sat 2013 18:42
- Apr 13 Sat 2013 18:00
Listen to part of a lecture in an Astronomy (astronomy / astrology) class.
n. prediction of the future according to the state of the stars
Move mjs un p
Mercury , Venus , Earth, Mars, Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune , Pluto
Last week, we covered some arguments against going back to the moon. But, there are compelling reasons in favor of another moon landing, too; not the least of which
is trying to pinpoint the moon’s age.
- Apr 13 Sat 2013 17:59
Listen to part of a lecture in an Astronomy (astronomy / astrology) class.
n. prediction of the future according to the state of the stars
Move mjs un p
Mercury , Venus , Earth, Mars, Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune , Pluto
Last week, we covered some arguments against going back to the moon. But, there are compelling reasons in favor of another moon landing, too; not the least of which
is trying to pinpoint the moon’s age.