重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

目前分類:Jason英語教學 (172)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要





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[ ]
( )  { }  ⟨ ⟩
Parentheses  Braces or curly brackets  Chevrons or angle brackets
apostrophe ( ’ ' )
brackets ( [ ], ( ), { }, ⟨ ⟩ )
colon ( : )
comma ( , ، 、 )
dash ( , –, —, ― )
ellipsis ( …, ..., . . . )
exclamation mark ( ! )
full stop / period ( . )
hyphen ( )
hyphen-minus ( - )
question mark ( ? )
quotation marks ( ‘ ’, “ ”, ' ', " " )
semicolon ( ; )
slash / stroke / solidus ( /,  ⁄  )
Word dividers
interpunct ( · )
space ( ) ( ) ( )
General typography
ampersand ( & )
asterisk ( * )
at sign ( @ )
backslash ( \ )
bullet ( )
caret ( ^ )
dagger ( †, ‡ )
degree ( ° )
ditto mark ( )
inverted exclamation mark ( ¡ )
inverted question mark ( ¿ )
number sign / pound / hash ( # )
numero sign ( )
obelus ( ÷ )
ordinal indicator ( º, ª )
percent, per mil ( %, ‰ )
plus and minus ( + − )
basis point ( )
pilcrow ( )
prime ( ′, ″, ‴ )
section sign ( § )
tilde ( ~ )
underscore / understrike ( _ )
vertical bar / broken bar / pipe ( ¦, | )
Intellectual property
copyright symbol ( © )
registered trademark ( ® )
service mark ( )
sound recording copyright ( )
trademark ( )
currency (generic) ( ¤ )
currency (specific)
( ฿ ¢ $ ƒ £ ¥ )
Uncommon typography
asterism ( )
hedera ( )
index / fist ( )
interrobang ( )
irony punctuation ( )
lozenge ( )
reference mark ( )
tie ( )
diacritical marks
logic symbols
whitespace characters
non-English quotation style ( « », „ ” )
In other scripts
Chinese punctuation
Hebrew punctuation
Japanese punctuation
Korean punctuation

Brackets are tall punctuation marks used in matched pairs within text, to set apart or interject other text. Used unqualified, brackets refer to different types of brackets in different parts of the world and in different contexts.

List of types

  • ( ) — parentheses, round brackets, soft brackets, or circle brackets[citation needed]
  • [ ] — square brackets, closed brackets, hard brackets, or brackets (US)[citation needed]
  • { } — braces (UK and US), flower brackets (India), French brackets, curly brackets, definite brackets, swirly brackets, curly braces, birdie brackets, Scottish brackets, squirrelly brackets, gullwings, seagulls, squiggly brackets, Tuborg brackets (DK), accolades (NL), or fancy brackets[citation needed]
  • ⟨ ⟩ — pointy brackets, angle brackets, triangular brackets, diamond brackets, tuples, or chevrons[citation needed]
  • < > — inequality signs, pointy brackets, or brackets. Sometimes referred to as angle brackets, in such cases as HTML markup. Occasionally known as broken brackets or brokets.[1]
  • ⸤ ⸥; 「 」 — corner brackets

Characters ‹ › and « », known as guillemets or angular quote brackets, are actually quotation mark glyphs used in several European languages.[citation needed]


The chevron was the earliest type of bracket to appear in written English. Desiderius Erasmus coined the term lunula to refer to the rounded parentheses (), recalling the shape of the crescent moon.[2]

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密碼提示: 不是老師的老師

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Here's Steve Ballmer's full goodbye letter to Microsoft

Steve Ballmer Microsoft stock

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced his plans to retire within the next 12 months today. In an internal memo to employees, titled "moving forward," he details the "emotional and difficult" decision to retire. Here's the full email to employees:

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問題2: 請問五大句構裡的第三跟第四的超級口訣及對應的詞彙為何? 提示:第三句構:斯斯離開...... 第四句構:聽看看, 妹累黑鬼, 考零分去.......
· · · 推廣 · 約於 1 分鐘前Hsinchu 附近 ·

密碼猜一猜: 請問今天Jason瘋英文的密碼是啥麼? 提示:pu / 撲三下 答對的同學有獎勵哦 !

· · · 推廣 · 13分鐘前Hsinchu 附近 ·

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跳轉到: 導覽搜尋

法定貨幣英語Fiat Money)是指不代表實質商品或貨物,發行者亦沒有將貨幣兌現為實物的義務,只依靠政府法令使其成為合法通貨的貨幣。法定貨幣的價值來自擁有者相信貨幣將來能維持其購買力,但貨幣本身並無內在價值(Intrinsic value)。


在歷史上,政府強制規定紙鈔以及非稀有金屬(如等材質)的硬幣為法定貨幣之前,大多數流通的貨幣也具有一定的內在價值,例如金幣、銀兩,此種貨幣稱為商品貨幣Commodity Money)。


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  1. disciplinary confinement 禁閉室 (disciplinary a. 管教的/ confinement n. 限制)
  2. scrap v. 廢除、報廢
  3. revamp v. 改革、換面
  4. obligatory military service n. 義務役
  5. rhabdomyolysis  n. 橫紋肌溶解
  6. autopsy n. 解剖
  7. forensic science n. 法醫
  8. massive organ failure  n. 多重器官衰竭
  9. discharge  v. 釋放、使......出
  10. private : 新兵
  11. corporal : 上兵
  12. staff seargent : 上士
  13. seargeatn major : 士官長
  14. lieutenant : 尉官
  15. colnoel 陸軍上校
  16. deputy commander 副指揮官
  17. company 連
  18. battlelion 營
  19. brigate 旅
  20. platoon 排
  21. birg 禁閉室

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Very Easy True Stories Book 1 by catkin1980

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Mac Pro




當我們開始構思新一代 Mac Pro,我們考量了用以界定專業級電腦的每個元素:繪圖處理、儲存設備、擴充性、處理效能,以及記憶體等。我們不斷挑戰自我,尋求最極致、最前瞻的方式精 心打造每個細節。當我們將這些心力技術全合而為一,最終便是這全然一新的成就;這個極端不同於以往任何產品的成就;更無疑是強勢突破既有的成就。何謂專業 級電腦的未來,且先睹為快。

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LED led me astray: the home lighting misadventure that brought me full-circle

Gallery Photo: smart bulbs 560

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jason圖片字典:變電箱:柱子上那種會發出滋滋聲的箱子:transformer box


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jason圖片字典:營養標示圖: Nutrition Facts panel



"Lighting Facts"


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jason圖片字典:聚光燈:投影燈:棒球場燈:照在特定物品上很亮的燈:Floor light


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Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs)

jason圖片字典:螺旋狀的銀光省電燈泡:Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs)


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jason圖片字典:鎢絲:tungsten filament



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各位同學,很高興又在此和大家分享新口訣。今天的口訣靈感來源為下午托福課時來的四位美麗的女同學都提出了非常高深的問題。像是manor chateau 的差別,mediaeval Mediterranean 的混淆,Greece Rome 的關係,renaissance William Shakespeare Leonardo da Vinci 的出現等等…..


但最讓我驚訝的是,當Judy同學突然提到但丁的神曲。連博學多聞的Jason老師也都嚇了八跳啊@@” !






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各位同學,很高興又在此和大家分享新口訣。今天的口訣靈感來源為下午托福課時來的四位美麗的女同學都提出了非常高深的問題。像是manor chateau 的差別,mediaeval Mediterranean 的混淆,Greece Rome 的關係,renaissance William Shakespeare Leonardo da Vinci 的出現等等…..


但最讓我驚訝的是,當Judy同學突然提到但丁的神曲。連博學多聞的Jason老師也都嚇了八跳啊@@” !






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Music Ringtone  Music Ringtone


Hey, Mr DJ put a record on
I wanna dance with my baby

Do you like to Boogie woogie, do you like to Boogie woogie,
do you like to Boogie woogie, do you like my dancing?

Hey Mr. DJ put a record on I wanna dance with my baby

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manor[man·or || 'mænə(r)]
n. estate; mansion and the land around it; main house or mansion on an estate

1 a : the house or hall of an estate : MANSION b : a landed estate
2 a : a unit of English rural territorial organization especially : such a unit in the Middle Ages consisting of an estate under a lord enjoying a variety of rights over land and tenants including the right to hold court b : a tract of land in No. America occupied by tenants who pay a fixed rent in money or kind to the proprietor
 –ma·no·ri·al \mə-'nōr-ē-əl, -'nȯr-\ adjective

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