重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

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Hi, 各位同學。Jason老師所整理的教學資料越來越繁重,但相對的也表示這些資料整理之不易。其中大部份都是本人多年教學之精華。為了保護其智慧財產及服務目前的學生,以後在Facebook或是Jason瘋英文網站裡的資料將進行管制。步驟如下:

1. Facebook上面的教學資料短暫公佈之後將會移除。
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3. 為公平起見。同學們如要全部的原版資料請親洽本人。 (到學校找本人複製,或是透過Email。Ps: 訊息聯絡一律透過 E-mail: sheypin@gmail.com ,以利管理。) 


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In 指的是否(之內)還是(之後)之解說。


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Default Re: West/Western China

[QUOTE=sitifan;548562]People say Western Europe is a descriptive term, not a name...not West Europe Because "West Europe" is a name, and there is no place named "West Europe". But there used to be places called West Germany and East Germany. (at least their Anglicized names)

However, people say North American, Because 'North America' is the name of a continent. not Northern America. This could be used as a descriptive term for the northern part of the USA.
Which is correct, west China  Because there is no place with that name. or western China?  Again it is a descriptive term.
Most people capitalize the W in "Western Europe", even though it's a descriptive term.
Last edited by 2006; 31-Dec-2009 at 04:02Reason: correct mistake
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Judges grand bail to accused county commissioner (2013/03/26)

Judges have set bail at NT$20 million for Nantou County Commissioner Lee Chao-ching. Lee stands accused of taking bribes in over a hundred projects, including repair work following the deadly Typhoon Morakot.

Nantou suffered heavily in 2009 when Typhoon Morakot severed roads leading Xinyi Township’s Shenmu Village. On one project the county government spent NT$1.37 million on repairs, but more damage seemed to emerge during each new storm. Prosecutors say much of the blame lies with County Commissioner Lee Chao-ching, who they accuse of taking bribes for the work.

We Nantou residents suffered, but the county leaders showed us no empathy. Corruption played a role in each road project. They made a mess of the roads.”

According to prosecutors Lee wanted kickbacks for projects large and small, from major rebuilding work to cleaning gutters and fixing railings. They say he took 10 percent of costs, demanding payment down to the last NT dollar.

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40. Spicy hotpot (麻辣火鍋)

Taiwanese are mad for spicy hot pot.

And who wouldn't be? The bubbling pots of broth are filled with all sorts of Chinese herbs and spices to create an incredibly rich flavor for all the raw, fresh ingredients that diners will dip into it.

New hot pot places pop up in Taiwan every day, each with a gimmick to attract insatiable hot pot diners.

There's all-you-can-eat hot pot and yakiniku served at the same table; there's bubble tea hotpot for the jaded. 

But it is spicy hot pot with quality ingredients that stands the test of time. While Taiwan's spice-levels can't come close to Chongqing's, they're pretty piquant.

Head to perennial hot pot favorite and celeb-magnet Taihodien for a glam Taiwanese hot pot experience.

Taihodien can be found across Taiwan, seewww.taihodien.com.tw for details; try bubble tea hotpot at Yue Yin Xuan, 80 Wenzhou St., Ta'an District, Taipei City

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