重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
目前分類:Jason教好玩的英文 (143)
- Aug 15 Sat 2020 13:29
- Aug 12 Wed 2020 18:22
深深英文【片語速成】put 與其他介系詞搭配的各種片語記憶!
深深英文【片語速成】put 與其他介系詞搭配的各種片語記憶!
- Aug 12 Wed 2020 18:20
深深英文【俚語速成】buy a pig in a poke 為什英文【戳一下豬隻】是瞎買東西的意思!
深深英文【俚語速成】buy a pig in a poke 為什英文【戳一下豬隻】是瞎買東西的意思!
- Jul 10 Fri 2020 14:45
pancake 跟 waffle 都是鬆餅,到底它們哪裡不一樣?六組容易搞混的食物英文
- Feb 29 Sat 2020 09:11
今年是閏年(閏日intercalary year or bissextile year))啊...閏年的英文用法
<< | February | >> | ||||
Su | Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
2020 |
February 29 in recent years |
2016 (Monday) |
2012 (Wednesday) |
2008 (Friday) |
2004 (Sunday) |
2000 (Tuesday) |
1996 (Thursday) |
1992 (Saturday) |
February 29, also known as leap day or leap year day, is a date added to most years that are divisible by 4, such as 2016, 2020, and 2024. A leap day is added in various solar calendars (calendars based on the Earth's revolution around the Sun), including the Gregorian calendar standard in most of the world. Lunisolar calendars (whose months are based on the phases of the Moon) instead add a leap or intercalary month.[1]
In the Gregorian calendar, years that are divisible by 100, but not by 400, do not contain a leap day. Thus, 1700, 1800, and 1900 did not contain a leap day; neither will 2100, 2200, and 2300. Conversely, 1600 and 2000 did and 2400 will. Years containing a leap day are called leap years. Years not containing a leap day are called common years. February 29 is the 60th day of the Gregorian calendar in such a year with 306 days remaining until the end of the year. In the Chinese calendar, this day will only occur in years of the monkey, dragon, and rat.
A leap day is observed because the Earth's period of orbital revolution around the Sun takes approximately six hours longer than 365 whole days. A leap day compensates for this lag, realigning the calendar with the Earth's position in the Solar System; otherwise, seasons would occur later than intended in the calendar year. The Julian calendar used in Christendom until the 16th century added a leap day every four years; but this rule adds too many days (roughly three every 400 years), making the equinoxes and solstices shift gradually to earlier dates. By the 16th century the vernal equinox had drifted to March 11, and the Gregorian calendar was introduced both to shift it back by omitting several days, and to reduce the number of leap years via the aforementioned century rule to keep the equinoxes more or less fixed and the date of Easter consistently close to the vernal equinox.[1][2]
- Jan 05 Sun 2020 19:05
拉鏈沒拉 = fly is down / open
穿褲子最普遍的糗事應該就是拉鏈沒拉(或是肥肉導致拉鏈崩開)吧!雖然大家熟悉的拉鏈說法可能是 zipper ,但 fly 除了我們熟悉的飛、蒼蠅之外,也可以當作拉鏈!所以當有人跟你說 your fly is open 的時候就是說你拉鏈是開的。而另一個說法 barn door is open 是英文中的委婉用法 (euphemism),也是一樣的意思噢!
Your fly is down! Do it up, you don’t want to go on a date like that, do you?
衣服穿反 = inside out / backwards
這兩個詞雖然都是穿反,但是反的方式是不一樣的!inside out 指的是裡外穿反(縫線會全部露出來的那種),而 backwards 是前後穿反,如果褲子穿起來時拉鏈在後面就要說 backwards ! 順帶一提,近期上映的皮克斯動畫電影「腦筋急轉彎」的原文名字就是 Inside Out!
Annie, your T-shirt is inside out! Put it on properly!
Annie,你的 T-shirt 穿反了!把它穿好!
穿錯腳 = on the wrong foot
- Jan 05 Sun 2020 19:04
”四捨五入” 的英文用法! 其實四捨五入最快的說法是 " round up"
”四捨五入” 的說法是用 round 這個動詞
這種行為則叫 rounding
要叫人家把一個數字四捨五入的話, 就是用 round it / round the number 這樣的說法
叫做 round it / round the number to the nearest ten / hundred
比如 123 如果是十位數為基礎則四捨五入後會是 120
但若以百位數為基礎則會是 100
把一個含有小數的數字四捨五入到整數, 叫 round it to the nearest whole number
到小數點後一位則是 round it to the nearest tenth
後兩位則是 round it to the nearest hundredth, 以此類推
- Nov 28 Thu 2019 21:32
- Nov 22 Fri 2019 19:47
一, 弔胃口英文: I would say: "keep one hanging on", "leave one hang hanging", or "leave someone in suspense"
For example:
1. Should I add more meat to my article or leave the readers in suspense?
2. Dont' keep me hanging on. I cannot take it anymore. Just tell me the news.
3. Don't leave us hanging. Where is your new boyfriend?
二, 不弔胃口英文:
Save sb. the suspense.
- Oct 11 Fri 2019 12:26
- Oct 05 Sat 2019 22:32
nuisance 的 i 不用發音哦!
- Oct 05 Sat 2019 22:27
The rates of movie tickets are very cheap: around NTD150 (USD 5) in the Phillipines
- Sep 29 Sun 2019 16:36
美國人聽到華為 Mate 30 Pro英文發佈會的爆笑反應! American funny response to Huawei Mate 30 pro debut.
美國人聽到華為 Mate 30 Pro英文發佈會的爆笑反應! American funny response to Huawei Mate 30 pro debut.
- Sep 01 Sun 2019 12:35
阿滴突襲你的辦公室! 台灣上班族英文好不好?
阿滴突襲你的辦公室! 台灣上班族英文好不好?
- Aug 26 Mon 2019 14:46
《發音訣竅》一定要會的 「行不行」Can & Can'
《發音訣竅》一定要會的 「行不行」Can & Can'
- Jul 26 Fri 2019 11:14
Jason老師罵翻譯得很爛的中文 1
- Jul 07 Sun 2019 16:36
美國人每日教你10個最有趣實用英文單字1 : A Fun Way to Learn English words daily with Examples!
美國人每日教你10個最有趣實用英文單字1 : A Fun Way to Learn English words daily with Examples!
- Jun 01 Sat 2019 08:23
海獅, 海狗, 海豹, 海象 英文說法: The difference of seal, sea lion, fur seal, walrus, manatee, dugong
海獅, 海狗, 海豹, 海象 英文說法: The difference of seal, sea lion, fur seal, walrus, manatee, dugong
- May 29 Wed 2019 07:25
Brian Justin Crum 【 Creep 】中英歌詞
- May 22 Wed 2019 23:52
TED每日最有效英文速成學習法1: 我為什麼要訓練阿嬤來治療憂鬱症? the best way of learning English