重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
目前分類:Jason教好玩的英文 (143)
- Jul 04 Fri 2014 00:50
- Jul 04 Fri 2014 00:10
1. 小的管狀麵 2. 方的餃子 3. 矮胖的筆管麵 4. 斜對角切口的筆管麵。知道答案的同學們有獎勵哦 ps: 對了! 還有蝴蝶樣子的麵及貝殼樣子的麵怎麼說?
提示: 蝴蝶麵的發音聽起來像是"發發勒" , 貝殼麵的發音很像是"恭喜你爺" !
- Jul 04 Fri 2014 00:06
How to make pretzel
- Jun 30 Mon 2014 00:38
Hahaha! Are you the master of your domain?
- Jun 28 Sat 2014 11:45
aren’t I/am I not 哪個用法正確?
aren’t I/am I not
The expression aren’t I is often used in place of am I not, particularly in conversational speech.
Example 1 (incorrect usage): I’m going with you on vacation, aren’t I?
Although the use of this phrase is widespread, it is atrocious English that could be considered equivalent to you is, a phrase which most educated people abhor (although for some reason, these same people have no qualms about saying aren’t I). The correct form of the sentence in Example 1 is as follows:
Example 2 (correct usage): I’m going with you on vacation, am I not?
If you read this sentence aloud, it probably sounds awkward and formal, perhaps even a bit hoity-toity. However, it is correct English. If the phrase aren’t I is converted from a question to a statement, I aren’t, it becomes obvious that it is indeed grammatically incorrect.
- May 25 Sun 2014 20:28
Making an order 指的是客人向服務生點餐。taking an order指的是服務生接受客人的餐點。
Making an order 指的是客人向服務生點餐。taking an order指的是服務生接受客人的餐點。
- Apr 29 Tue 2014 09:17
1. Tie the Knot 喜结良缘
To get married. This is left over from the old tradition of handfasting, wherein the hands of the bride and groom would be tied together with a length of ribbon to symbolize that their lives were fastened together permanently.
2. You Can't Take It With You 赤条条地走
You can't take anything with you when you die, so don't bother hoarding your stuff . Live now, because all your stuff is going to be around long after you're gone.
3. “Over My Dead Body” “除非我死了”(想都别想)
- Mar 18 Tue 2014 15:21
It's time he went to bed.
It's time to go to bed.
It's time he went to bed.
It was explained that the first question would be used in any situation, but the latter suggests some critisism.
And it was written that it could be used as follows:
[at midnight you'd say] It's time to go to bed.
- Mar 18 Tue 2014 14:50
You wanna have a thing with Linda.
- Mar 18 Tue 2014 13:18
slumming, sulk 這兩個字用法還蠻有趣的 :)
slumming, sulk 這兩個字用法還蠻有趣的 :)
1. I am going to drink modestly and sulk.
2. Have fun sulking in the park.
3. You're slumming, and it ain't cute.
- Jan 20 Mon 2014 19:26
- Jan 16 Thu 2014 00:15
這個事件真是符合一句英文諺語啊 : to keep your shirt on
這個事件真是符合一句英文諺語啊 : to keep your shirt on
To keep one's shirt on
To lose one's shirt
我們穿的各種服裝在美國的日常用語當中佔有很大的地位。鞋子、襪子、手套等名稱都是一些習慣用語的組成部份。今天我們要講兩個由襯衣,也就是 shirt 這個字組成的俗語。首先,我們要講的是:To keep one‘s shirt on。To keep one's shirt on用中文來說,那就是:“穿著你的襯衣。”“穿著你的襯衣”聽起來是個好主意,可是,它到底是什麼意思呢?有的時候,這是勸告別人要有耐心,不要太緊張 了。例如,一個妻子對她的丈夫講:
例句-1: "Keep your shirt on, Harry; we have plenty of time to catch the train."
- Nov 28 Thu 2013 11:18
ergonomic: 俄國奈米可:俄國的奈米科技很符合人體工學
ergonomic: 俄國奈米可:俄國的奈米科技很符合人體工學
ergo: 工作
ergonomics: n: 人體工學
- Nov 28 Thu 2013 11:13
ergonomic: 俄國奈米可:俄國的奈米科技很符合人體工學
ergonomic: adj: 俄國奈米可:俄國的奈米科技很符合人體工學
ergo: 工作
ergonomics: n: 人體工學 :
惡果拿蜜渴 :渴了拿蜜喝被蜜蜂叮自食惡果
- Nov 13 Wed 2013 21:19
- 色狼(sex offender)不是彩色的狼(colorful wolf) . ps: 色色的臉lecherous face. Lecher / satyr好色之徒, sex maniac 大色狼, pervert性變態, sex fiend 一夜七次郎.
- 嫁雞隨雞(be content with the man a woman has married)不是去跟雞結婚( to marry the chickens. Ps: 1 Being married late doesn’t mean “marrying old”. 2. 年齡口訣: IBT 小貓死 :infant, baby, toddler , children (kids), teen (adolescence, puberty) , adult (the grown up), senior (age, ancient , elderly , old, hag)
- 敬酒(make a toast , propose a toast) 不是要 有麵包 (have a toast). Ps: 杯底不可養金魚(bottoms up) 不是要真的養金魚 (growing fish at the bottom of a cup)
- 望子成龍(having high hopes for sb.)不是要希望孩子變成恐龍 (hoping children to become dragons)
- 給面子(giving a chance to redeem sb’s )不是要去給臉 (giving face) : ps: 我給你臉,你不要臉; 你丟臉, 我翻臉; 誤:I give you face, you don’t want a face, you lose your face, I turn my face. 正: I’m giving you a chance to redeem yourself and yet you won’t take it. You shame yourself and you anger me.
- 人山人海(a sea of people) 不是真的人山人海(people mountain people sea). Ps: bustling熙熙攘攘, congested, teeming with people出現大量人潮, swarming with people擠滿了人.
- 沒門(no way)不是真的沒門(no door)ps: not a chance, no can do, definitely not.
- 跟大朋友出去玩(have fun with friends)不是跟小朋友玩 “play with friends”. Ps: 踢足球 play football, 打網球 play tennis, 打曲棍球 play hockey , 打太極拳 do/ practice Tai Chi , 練功夫 do / practice Kung Fu, 變魔術 perform magic.
- 別見外(咱兩誰跟誰) (not big deal, we’re friends)不是要去看外面(look outside)或是 (we are who and who)ps: thanks a million, thanks a ton, thank you from the bottom of my heart, thank goodness.
- 濃茶(strong tea)不是厚的茶(thick tea) ps: 紅茶(black tea)不是真的紅茶(red tea)
- Nov 02 Sat 2013 20:01
An interesting song using lots of onomatopoeia "擬聲字:Oh on 媽的屁啊!"
- 2、老虎(tiger): roar, howl;
- 3、豹子(panther): howl
- 4、大象(elephant): trumpet;
- 5、豺(jackal): howl
- 6 、狼(wolf): howl
- 7、狗(dog): bark,yap,yelp,bay,howl,growl,snarl,whine
- 8、狐(fox): bark,yelp
- 9、貓(cat): mew,miaow,miau,meow,meou
- 10、鼠(mouse): squeak,cheep,peep
- 11、豬(pig): grunt, whick, aqueak
- 12、野豬(swine): grunt
- 13、公豬(boar): girn
- 14、熊(bear): bruzz, growl
- 15、無尾猿(ape): gibber,gueriet
- 16、猴(monkey): screech, gibber, chatter, snutter, jabber, howl
- 17、駱駝(camel): nuzz, grunt
- 18、鹿(deer): call, bell, bellow
- 19、牛(cattle): cow,bleat
- 20、公牛(bull): bellow,low
- 21、母牛(cow): low
- 22、小牛(calf): bleat
- 23、水牛(buffalo): boo
- 24、羊(sheep,goat): baa, bleat
- 25、馬(horse): neigh,whinny,nicker
- 26、驢(ass,donkey): bray, hee-haw
- 27、兔子(rabbit): mumble
- 蟲子怎么叫,^_^www-zhenbi-com^_^。
- 蟲子 聲音
- 1、青蛙(frog): croak
- 2、蟾蜍(toad): shriek
- 3、蛇(snake, serpent): hiss
- 4、蜜蜂(bee): buzz,hum,bumble,drone
- 5、黃蜂(wasp): hum
- 6、蟋蟀(cricket): chirp(chirup)
- 7、甲蟲(beetle): drone,boom
- 8、蚱蜢(grsshopper): chirp
- 9、蚊子(mosquito): hum,buzz,drone
- 10、蒼蠅(fly): hum,buzz,drone
- 飛禽怎么叫,^_^^_^。
- 名稱 叫聲
- 1、公雞(cock): crow
- 2、母雞(hen): cackle,cluck
- 3、小雞(chicken): cheep
- 4、火雞(turkey): gobble
- 5、鴨(duck): quack
- 6、鵝(goose): cackle,hiss,creak,gaggle
- 7、鴿子(dove,pigeon): coo,crood,croud,croodle,cur
- 8、鵪鶉(quail): curkle
- 9、鳩(stock-dove): murmur
- 10、斑鳩(turtle-dove): wail
- 11、天鵝(swan): chant,cry
- 12、烏鴉(crow,raven): caw,croak
- 13、白嘴鴉(rook): caw
- 14、鷓鴣(partrige): call
- 15、鸚鵡(parrot): prat,squawk
- 16、孔雀(peacock): tantle,scream
- 17、云雀(lark): sing
- 18、紅雀(linnet): chirp
- 19、喜鵲(magpie): chatter,clatter
- 20、麻雀(sparrow): chirp
- 21、夜鶯(nightingale): warble,pip,jug,jug-jug
- 22、畫眉(mavis): guaver
- 23、布谷(cuckoo): cuckoo
- 24、鶴(stork): coniat
- 25、白鶴(crane): whoop
- 26、燕(swallow): chirp,twitter
- 27、海鷗(gull): mew
- 28、鷹(eagle): scream
- 各類物體的響聲,^_^^_^。
- 聲音名稱 響聲 英文
- 1、金屬磕碰聲 當啷 clank,clang
- 2、形容金屬的響聲 當當 rattle
- 3、金屬、瓷器連續撞擊聲 丁零當啷 jingle,jangle,cling-clang
- 4、鼓聲、敲門聲 咚咚 rub-a dub,rat-tat,rat-a-tat
- 5、脆響的(關門)聲 吧嗒 clik
- 6、敲打木頭聲 梆梆 rat-tat,rat-at
- 7、重物落下聲 咕咚 thud,splash,plump
- 8、東西傾倒聲 嘩啦 crash,clank
- 9、風吹動樹枝葉聲 颯颯 sough,rustle
- 10、樹枝等折斷聲 嘎巴 crack,snap
- 11、不大的寒風聲 瑟瑟 rustle
- 12、踩沙子、飛沙擊物或風吹草木 沙沙、颯颯 rustle
- 13、飛機螺旋槳轉動 呼呼 whirr
- 14、雨點敲擊房頂 噼里啪啦 patter
- 15、水流動聲 拔拉 splash,gurgle
- 16、物體受壓 嘎吱 creak
- 喀嚓 crack.snap
- 17、溪水、泉水流動聲 潺潺 murmur,babble,purl
- 18、液體、沸騰、水流涌出或大口喝水聲 咕嘟 babble,gurgle
- 19、重物落地聲 撲通 flop,thump,splash,pit-a-pat
- 20、笑聲、水、氣擠出聲 撲哧 titter,snigger,fizz
- 21、雷聲、爆炸聲、機器聲 隆隆 hum,rumble,roll
- 22、汽笛或喇叭聲 嗚嗚 toot,hoot,zoom
- 23、油在鍋里 滋滋 sizzle
- 24、鞭炮爆炸聲 噼啪 pop
- 25、腳踏樓板聲 登登 clump
- 下面看看朱生豪先生如何處理的(譯莎士比亞的小詩)
- Song: Hark, Hark! 歌:聽啊!聽!
- Hark, Hark! 聽啊!聽!
- Bow-woo. 汪!汪!
- The watching dogs bark! 犬在門前狂吠!
- Bow-woo. 汪!汪!
- Hark, Hark! I hear 聽啊!聽!我聽見
- The strain of strutting chanticlear 伸頸的雄雞
- Cry,"Cock-a-doodle-doo.l" 喔喔啼
- 擬聲詞的常見三種翻譯處理方法:
- 一、譯為漢語對應的擬聲詞,有的譯為獨詞句,有的譯為動詞或名詞的輔助成分。
- 1.Crack! The stick broke in two.
- 喀嚓!棒子斷為兩截。
- 2.Only the venliator in the cellar window kept up a cealess rattle.
- 只有地下室窗戶上的鼓風機發出無休無止的呼呼聲。
- 3.Round the corner of Croscent Bay, between the pile-up masses of broken rock, a flock of sheep came pattering.
- 沿著新月海灣的地方,從一堆堆破碎的巖石堆中,一群羊叭嗒叭嗒地跑了過來。
- 二、有時可以將英文的擬聲詞譯為漢語中較為抽象的“..........的叫,...........聲”,有的則直敘其動作。
- 1.The cock in the yard crowed its first round.
- 院子里的雄雞已經叫頭遍了。
- 2.He felt as if he must shout and sing, he seemed to hear about him the rustle of unceasing and inmumberable wings.
- 他感到簡直要大喊大唱,耳際仿佛傳來無數翅膀的拍擊聲。
- 3.They splashed through the mire to the village.
- 他們一路踏著泥水向村子去。
- 三、為增加效果,即使英文未出現擬聲詞,翻譯時添加擬聲詞。
- 1.The logs were burning briskly in the fire.
- 木柴在火中嗶嗶剝剝燒的正旺。
- 2.“Impartinent!” snorted Imalds.
- 伊梅爾達鼻子哼了聲“沒家教!”
- 3.Then a dog began to howl somewhere ina a farm house far down the road--a long, agonized wailing, as if from fear.
- 接著,路盡頭一所農舍附近響起狗的汪汪聲,那是一聲長長的哀鳴,似乎是因恐懼而發出的驚恐之聲。
- 梭羅描寫沃爾登湖冬景的一句(附翻譯,就剩一句了)
- I seldom opened my door in a winter evening without hearing it; Hoo hoo hoo, hooner hoo, sounded sonorously, and the first three syllables accented somewhat like how deardo; or sometimes hoo hoo only.
- 冬季傍晚,我一打開門常常聽到“唿——唿——唿,唿——唿”的鳥叫聲,聲音哼悅耳,前三個音節聽起來有點象英語的“你好哇!”有時便只是鳥叫而已。
- Oct 31 Thu 2013 22:24
望子成龍不是要變成恐龍: Having high hopes for your sons / daughters doesn’t mean wanting them to become dragons.
望子成龍不是要變成恐龍: Having high hopes for your sons / daughters doesn’t mean wanting them to become dragons.
1. high hopes 厚望
2. good outlook 美好前景
- Oct 30 Wed 2013 22:23
3. 敬酒不是有一個麵包
3. 敬酒不是有一個麵包 : To propose a toast (或是 make a toast, 或是 toast sth. of sb.) 不是 have a toast
a. if you drink a toast to someone, you drink something in order to thank them, wish them luck etc:
▬ I'd like to propose a toast (=ask people to drink a toast) to the bride and groom.
b. to drink a glass of wine etc to thank someone, wish someone luck, or celebrate something: toast sb/sth with sth
▬ They toasted the birth of their new baby with champagne.
(1) toast有舉杯為啥喝ㄧ下,還發表ㄧ下談話(為啥而喝)!