Adam Ward 和 Jason Pin 一起到過 Big City遠東巨城購物中心

王志哲、詹皓凱、 Cindy Chan 以及其他 34 人都說讚。
Sandra EstesMany Americans consider the U.S. the center of the universe, believing our influence affects the way citizens of other countries live their lives. I wonder if OUR commercialization of Christmas has infected folks where you live, or if they caught the disease without any help from us?
Chun Jiun YehSandra Estes Oh actually 12/25 is the constitution day of the Republic of China, a holiday in Taiwan. It was an holiday until recent year, but now we don't have a day off anymore. (Is it still a holiday without a day off?). I remember when I was a kid,......查看更多
Chun Jiun YehChurch will cerebrate the holiday, but a few doesn't. They think Jesus was not born on Christmas. For Christmas, I will say it's more like a holiday promoted by local merchants. People just believe in Santa Claus stuff, Parents give their children gifts. Comparing to US, we don't have 6 or 8 days off, so people don't enjoy that much as you do in US.
Chun Jiun YehHope that I can give you some big pictures of Taiwan. Happy holiday!