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  • Sandra EstesMany Americans consider the U.S. the center of the universe, believing our influence affects the way citizens of other countries live their lives. I wonder if OUR commercialization of Christmas has infected folks where you live, or if they caught the disease without any help from us?
  • Chun Jiun YehSandra Estes Oh actually 12/25 is the constitution day of the Republic of China, a holiday in Taiwan. It was an holiday until recent year, but now we don't have a day off anymore. (Is it still a holiday without a day off?). I remember when I was a kid,......查看更多
  • Chun Jiun YehChurch will cerebrate the holiday, but a few doesn't. They think Jesus was not born on Christmas. For Christmas, I will say it's more like a holiday promoted by local merchants. People just believe in Santa Claus stuff, Parents give their children gifts. Comparing to US, we don't have 6 or 8 days off, so people don't enjoy that much as you do in US.
  • Chun Jiun YehHope that I can give you some big pictures of Taiwan. Happy holiday!
  • Jason PinI guess we are all on the same page that some Americans are athnocentric because of the principle of extraterritoriality.
  • Jason Pin
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