1. to lay your cards on the table. 開誠布公 Both sides need to put their cards on the table for any progress to be made. 2. under the table. Under the table 在桌子下面進行的交易,也就是不能見人的 They should not have to compete under the table with kickbacks. 3. from the ground up. 從頭開始,或是全部的,徹底的。She learned it from the ground up. 4. for a song. 買了便宜貨 She got them for a song.For a Song這個習慣用語可以追溯到十六世紀晚期。最早的時候,For a Song是指給街頭藝人的便士,也就是几個小錢的意思。 5. to pull strings. 通過重要人物,在幕后操縱,在幕后牽線的意思。:I think Will's father pulled a few strings to get him in here. 6. string someone along 為了讓別人替自己做事,而愚弄、蒙蔽他,或是弔他的胃口。It seems like she's happy, but whenever I bring up our future she always changes the subject. I just bought her this diamond necklace and she told me she loved me, but then she said she's busy this weekend. Do you think she's just stringing me along? 7. have a foot in both camps. 腳踏兩條船。 衕時跟對立的兩派都有聯系的意思。 I'm on the soccer and the math teams and I like having friends from each group. To me, it's cool to have a foot in both camps. 8. flat on one's back. 病得起不來床,臥病在床的意思。 還可以用來形容一個人十分無助、或是經受了慘重的失敗。 Except for physical therapy, she's got to stay flat on her back. / With 10 seconds left on the clock, it looked like we were on our way to victory. Then our opponents scored another basket and put us flat on our backs. It was devastating to lose by 2 points to such a low-rated team! 9. fly blind. 在沒有外界幫助或者指點的情況下,自己試著去做。My great-grandmother used to serve the most delicious meatloaf. Unfortunately, I never got the recipe from her before she passed away. If I want to make it, I'll have to fly blind. 10. food for thought 指引人深思的事情。 The arguments offered me food for thought! 11. cozy up. 為了得到某種好處去巴結別人、討好別人。 Ever since Gladys got put on the night shift, she's been cozying up to the boss. By baking him cookies and showering him with compliments, she's trying to get him to switch her back to the day shift. 12. Have a field day. 玩得特別痛快,特別過癮的意思。還可以用來指嘲笑和批判的機會。 The nurses rented a bus and took them and their families to the circus. Watching the animals, acrobats and clowns perform, the kids were having a field day. / For years, the all-star quarterback toured the country warning students about the dangers of using illegal drugs. But after his conviction for cocaine possession, the press had a field day. They accused him of being nothing but a hypocrite. 13. put one's finger on. 確切指出的意思。 There was something familiar about the man who Paula walked by on her way to work. But she couldn't quite put her finger on how she knew him. Then it came to her; she had gone to grade school with him. What a coincidence that she ran into him after all these years! / We just couldn't put our fingers on what has changed about her. / It took him a while to put his finger on who he was talking to. 14. caught in the crossfire. 被夾在交叉火力中間,不言而喻,就是受到兩面夾擊的意思。A lot of the team is ready to quit football this season. Our co-captains are constantly disagreeing, so that we don't know which of them we're supposed to listen to. One thing is sure; we've had enough of being caught in the crossfire. 15. fits and starts。 Fits有陣發和突發的意思。Fits and starts這個習慣用語的意思是時斷時續的,間歇的,一陣陣的。所以說,象我這種一會兒拿起書來看,一會兒又放下,時斷時續的,就可以說是fits and starts. Although it took her seven years, after numerous fits and starts, she finally earned her degree. 16. fix someone's wagon 可不是助人為樂,幫人修車,而是要設法報復別人的意思。 / Don't get mad, get even. We're going to get a lawyer and fix his wagon. 17. Paint oneself into a corner. 讓自己陷入困境。 When Roger asked his best buddy Tony to go into business with him, it sounded like a winning idea. But now that Roger's found out that Tony is incompetent, he feels there's little he can do without jeopardizing his long-term friendship. He's certainly painted himself into a corner 18. came to my senses 恢復理性,醒悟過來的意思。 Marie hasn't had much success as a dancer in New York City. Despite her talent, there's too much competition and not enough opportunity. I think she needs to be more realistic about what's she's doing with her life. If you ask me, she should come to her senses. 19. Come out in the wash 指某件事情會得到圓滿的解決。 My buddies and I are organizing a biking trip across the country. We haven't mapped out the entire route or arranged for our food or lodging. But I think there's plenty of time to work out the details. It'll all come out in the wash by the time we leave. 除了圓滿解決外,come out in the wash 還有水落石出,真相大白的意思。 The governor claims that he resigned because of a health crisis. So far he's refused to answer reporters' questions. Perhaps he's afraid of what might come out in the wash. Maybe they'll find out that he's trying to cover up what could become a political scandal! . 20. Blow hot and cold。 舉棋不定 While a lot of my friends are getting married, I don't know if I will be. You see, one minute my girlfriend talks about wedding plans, then the next she says it's better if we keep dating. The way she blows hot and cold really has me confused. Blow hot and cold這個習慣用語的出處是一則伊索寓言,講有個人冬天跟森林之神一起吃飯,先是在手上哈氣取暖,后來又吹氣讓熱湯涼下來,森林之神因此跟他斷絕了關 系,認為他反復無常,一會兒嫌冷一會兒嫌熱。