重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

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Polychlorinated biphenyl 多氯聯苯
poly-chlo-ri-nated  bi-phe-nyl
poly- many
chlorinated: 氯化的  / chlorine 氯: green /
n [U] [Date: 1800-1900; Language: French; Origin: chlorophylle, from Greek chloro- ( CHLOROFLUOROCARBON) + phyllon 'leaf']

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bazaar/ buzzard/ blizzard/ bezoar / bizarre


bizarre / bi’zarre: 奇異的,異忽尋長的

bazaar / ba-‘zaar : 中東市集,商店街

buzzard / ‘bu-zzard : 紅頭美洲鷺

blizzard / ‘bli-zzard : 大風雪,暴風雪

bezoar / ‘be-zoar : 腸胃結石(山羊、羚羊等腹中的結石,古時用作解毒劑)

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公告等級 急件
主  題 各位同學注意!學校徵求同學更改校名調查!(如附件)
公告單位 研究發展處
公告日期 2010-07-08 ~ 2010-09-06
公告內容 各位親愛的同仁們:
在全體教職員生上下同心不斷地努力之下,本校自8月1日起已獲教育部核准升格為大學,可喜可賀! 本校創校十年一直使用「致遠」之校名,對教職員生及畢業校友而言,「致遠」的校名可能對每個人都有不同的體會與意義,其中可能是正面的,也可能是負面的。 如今正逢升格大學,為凝聚全體師生員工對更名之意見,請勇敢表達您是否同意更改校名之看法。
若同意改名, 新校名期盼能更加凝聚全校之向心力,亦開拓學校名聲,獲得社會大眾之認同感,為學校長遠發展奠定根基,懇請教職員生提供您寶貴意見,共同為學校打響名號! 若同意改名以下選項請勾選一項,或其它發想請填寫出校名。
□ 其他           

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wears horns 戴綠帽子
was cheated on, was betrayed by his wife

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米爾頓《失 樂園》(Paradise Lost)簡介



Source: http://www.sparknotes.com/poetry/paradiselost/summary.html 

Plot Overview

Milton’s speaker begins Paradise Lost by stating that his subject will be Adam and Eve’s disobedience and fall from grace. He invokes a heavenly muse and asks for help in relating his ambitious story and God’s plan for humankind. The action begins with Satan and his fellow rebel angels who are found chained to a lake of fire in Hell. They quickly free themselves and fly to land, where they discover minerals and construct Pandemonium, which will be their meeting place. Inside Pandemonium, the rebel angels, who are now devils, debate whether they should begin another war with God. Beezlebub suggests that they attempt to corrupt God’s beloved new creation, humankind. Satan agrees, and volunteers to go himself. As he prepares to leave Hell, he is met at the gates by his children, Sin and Death, who follow him and build a bridge between Hell and Earth.

米爾頓 藉由闡述亞當和夏娃違抗及失去神恩的主題開始《失樂園》一文,他召喚並祈求天上繆思女神的幫助來寫作有關上帝對人類計畫的故事。故事開始於被囚禁在地獄火 湖的撒旦和他那群反叛的天使同伴們很快地得到自由、飛上陸地,在那他們發現了礦物,於是便建造了他們的開會地點-地獄。在地獄裡,邪惡的反叛天使議論著是 否應該與上帝展開另一場戰爭,畢茲勒巴(Beezlebub)建議他們可以試圖毀滅上帝心愛的創造 物,也就是人類。撒旦同意了,並自願執行此項任務。當撒旦準備離開地獄時,他在地獄之門遇見了他那分別命名為「罪惡」、「死亡」的孩子,隨後他倆也跟隨著 父親撒旦一起建造連接地獄和人間的橋樑。

In Heaven, God orders the angels together for a council of their own. He tells them of Satan’s intentions, and the Son volunteers himself to make the sacrifice for humankind. Meanwhile, Satan travels through Night and Chaos and finds Earth. He disguises himself as a cherub to get past the Archangel Uriel, who stands guard at the sun. He tells Uriel that he wishes to see and praise God’s glorious creation, and Uriel assents. Satan then lands on Earth and takes a moment to reflect.

Seeing the splendor of Paradise brings him pain rather than pleasure. He reaffirms his decision to make evil his good, and continue to commit crimes against God. Satan leaps over Paradise’s wall, takes the form of a cormorant (a large bird), and perches himself atop the Tree of Life. Looking down at Satan from his post, Uriel notices the volatile emotions reflected in the face of this so-called cherub and warns the other angels that an impostor is in their midst. The other angels agree to search the Garden for intruders.

在天堂,上帝命令天使們一起開會,也告訴了他們撒旦的企圖,此時, 上帝的兒子耶穌表達願為人類犧牲的意願。撒旦歷經「夜晚」和「混亂」來到了人間。他喬裝成天使通過守護太陽的天使長優利爾的檢查,他告訴優利爾說他想見人 類並與以稱讚,烏利爾也同意了,撒旦登上了陸地並省思了片刻,因為天堂帶給他多於快樂的痛苦,他也再次決心要繼續以罪行反抗上帝。撒旦越過了天堂的牆,化 為一隻鸕鶿〈一隻大鳥〉並棲息於「生命之樹」的最上方。優利爾從崗位向下看見撒旦,他注意到這隻鸕鶿臉上浮現的表情,並且也警告其他天使們說在他們其中有 一名冒充者,天使們同意將揪出闖入伊甸的撒旦。

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sovereignty 主權

sovereign:supreme rank

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collo : local , color : local color; regional literature 

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lieutenant 尉官

lieu: plece
tenant : holding or 房客
n [C] [Date: 1300-1400; Language: French; Origin: lieu 'place' + tenant 'holding']

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andro : andr: man
gen : gene
  noun Biochemistry a male sex hormone, such as testosterone.

androgenic adjective

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endocrine 內分泌
endo : inside
crine: krinein: to separate
adj [Date: 1900-2000; Origin: endo- 'inside' (from Greek endon) + Greek krinein 'to separate']
medical relating to the system in your body that produces hormones
▬ the endocrine glands

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adj [Date: 1500-1600; Language: French; Origin: facetieux, from facetie 'joke']
saying things that are intended to be clever and funny but are really silly and annoying
▬ Don't be so facetious!
▬ facetious comments
▬ facetiously adv
▬ facetiousness n [U]


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【英國】維吉尼亞‧伍爾芙(Virginia Woolf, 1882-1941)
2008/11/09 17:03:14 瀏覽1275|回應0|推薦2

20世 紀著名的英國意識流小說家。也是世界三大意識流作家之一,女權主義運動的先驅人物。深受佛洛 伊德心理學、女性主義及同性戀運動影響。她在文學上的成就和創造性至今仍然產生很大的影響。 


出生於倫 敦的伍爾芙是在家中接受教育的,在結婚以前,她的名字是艾德琳維吉尼亞史蒂芬(Adeline Virginia Stephen)。 在1895年,她的母親去世之後,她也遭遇了第一次的精神崩潰。在1904年她父親萊斯利史蒂芬爵士(Sir Leslie
,一位編輯和文學 批評家)去世之後,她和她的妹妹瓦內薩(Vanessa Bell)以及兩個弟弟遷居到 了布魯姆斯伯里(BloomsBury)。   

她在1905年開始以寫作作為職業。剛開始是為《時代文學增刊》寫作。在1912年她和雷納德伍爾芙結婚。她的第一部小說《遠航》(The Voyage Out)在1915年出版。 

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引用網址:http://blog.udn.com/article /trackback.jsp?uid=jason080&aid=2325986
2008/10/24 23:03:46 瀏覽377|回應0|推薦1

2008.10.14   新華網 

美國耶 魯大學定於16日舉行紀念美國首部美式英語大詞典編纂者諾亞‧韋伯斯特Noah Webster, 1758-1843250週年誕辰慶典活動。慶典為時兩天,包括各類講座、大事記展覽和掃墓活動,以緬懷韋伯斯特對美國文化語言史的 貢獻。


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Top Ten Spelling Bee Freakouts

By Allie Townsend on June 1, 2010

1. sar·doo·dle·dom


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He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones.

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