重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

目前分類:未分類文章 (550)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

1.      id

2.      arachnid

3.      canid

4.      ephemerid

5.      cyprinid

6.      orchid

7.      chromatid

8.      energid

9.      leonid

10. orionid

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1,"abacus","[\3B:E:K]n 算盤【源】源自希伯來語abaq“灰塵”,因為算盤很容易髒。【記】為了拓寬大家的思路,一些簡單的詞我也會提供一些方法僅供參考。ab刻死,Ab離開,acus發音:刻死,這叫離開立刻死,不就是算盤嗎?學會計、金融的一定深有體會。【類】abacus:calculatesextant:navigate   算盤用來計算=六分儀用來航海【九陰真經第一章】“一”見鍾情。GRE中最easy的單詞蘊含著最深刻的道理。不要放棄任何一個有助於背單詞的機會,本書將26個字母的第一個單詞和最後一個單詞用下劃線表示,共52個單詞。每篇的首尾單詞(共1000多個)也要引起大家注意,要對“一”產生敏感。單詞前面的□是用來打鉤的,記住會背的單詞用鉛筆打鉤,整本書都鉤完了,你也就大功告成了。千萬別打好幾個鉤,或者劃正字之類的,如果那樣書就完了。"


2,"abandon","[:\B3QD:Q]vt /n 放棄,遺棄=forsake;放縱【例】Do not abandon yourself to drinking 不要沉溺於飲酒。【記】a+band樂隊+on,一個樂隊在舞臺上。想想黑豹、唐朝、零點等瘋狂的搖滾樂隊,不僅他們在放縱,你們聽他們的歌本身也是一種放縱。【類】inhibition:abandonagitation:tranquility禁欲不放縱=激動不寧靜calmness:frenzydespair:hope  平靜不狂暴=絕望不希望frenzy:calmabandon:prohibit  使平靜消除狂暴=禁止消除放任【反】salvagevt 海上救助)"


3,"abase","[:\B<0K]v 降低,使謙卑(降低地位、威望或尊嚴)=disgracedebasedemean【例】A man who betrays friends abases himself 出賣朋友的人實際上是自貶身份。【根】base源自拉丁語 bassus[低的],讀音象貝斯(一種低音樂器)【參】debasev 貶低);basementn 底下室)【類】abase:prestigedamp:ardorabase:statusshorten:length降低特權=抑制熱情=降低地位=縮短長度curtail:durationabase:strength  縮減持續時間=降低力量"


4,"abashed","[:\B3MC]adj 不安的,窘迫的=embarrassed【記】中間有ash灰的-灰頭土臉-尷尬的源於:a bashvt 使局促不安)bashbath在別人面前洗澡-abash【類】unabashed:embarrassmentunheralded:announcement不窘迫的不是尷尬=不預告的不是公告【反】emboldenvt 使大膽;使勇敢)-abash"


5,"abate","[:\B<0C]vt 使(數量、程度等)減少,減輕=waneannihilateeradicateexterminateextirpate;(法令等)被廢除=abolish【例】abate a tax 減稅The medicine abated her pain  這種藥減輕了她的痛苦。【根】bate【參】rebatevt 給回扣),debatev 辯論)【記】ab離開,ateeat的過去式。離開吃的,慣用的減肥方法,目的是使自己的體重(減輕),使自己的公斤數(在數量上減少)。【區】abasev 使謙卑)把s想像成一個人跪著【類】abate:taxalleviate:distressabate:forcefade:loudness減少稅收=減輕壓力=減輕力量=減弱聲音abate:degreediscount:priceattenuate:thickness減輕程度=減少價格=使薄減少厚度abate:intensityalleviate:intensitytaper:width減輕強度=減輕:強度=使逐漸變細減少寬度thin:density[intensity]abate:length使變薄減少密度[強度]=減少長度【反】augmentv 增加);intensifyv 加強);promotev 促進);increase in intensity(劇烈增長)"

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  1. aberrant
  2. aberration
  3. abeyance
  4. abnegate
  5. abrogate
  6. abscond
  7. abstemious
  8. abstinent
  9. abstruse

10. accelerate

11. accolade

12. acrimonious

13. acumen

14. adequate

15. adjourn

16. adore

17. adroit

18. adulate

19. adulterate

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Resize of percussion-poster.jpg

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drupal counter

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drupal counter

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有些英文 不要不懂裝懂  

sporting house 妓院(不是體育室 ­
dead president 美鈔(上印有總統頭像)(並非死了的總統 ­
lover 情人(不是愛人
busboy 餐館勤雜工(不是公汽售票員
busybody 愛管閒事的人(不是大忙人
dry goods (美)紡織品;(英)穀物(不是乾貨
heartman 換心人(不是有心人 ­
mad doctor 精神病科醫生(不是發瘋的醫生

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  1. aberrant
  2. aberration
  3. abeyance
  4. abnegate
  5. abrogate
  6. abscond
  7. abstemious
  8. abstinent
  9. abstruse

10. accelerate

11. accolade

12. acrimonious

13. acumen

14. adequate

15. adjourn

16. adore

17. adroit

18. adulate

19. adulterate

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談談canbe able to 用法上的區別

語中, can be able to在用法上既有相同的一方面, 又有不同的地方,這是應該引起注意的。當它們表示能力的時候,是同義的。如:

He can speak two foreign languages.

He is able to speak two foreign languages.


1. can只有兩種時態, can could, be able to 有多種時態, was/were able to, will/shall be able to, have/has been able to:

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Root: P: 348 – 349 第一次修訂

  1. –et: 組:組合
  2. octet
  3. quartet
  4. tenor / baritone / bass
  5. soprano / mezzo soprano / alto
  6. –ette: 女性:仿造:組合:組:微小
  7. bachelorette / bachelor
  8. farmerette

10.  suffragette: suffrage : sufferer

11.  usherette : usher

12.  leatherette

13.  launderette

14.  rosette

15.  quartette quartet

16.  quintette quintet

17.  septette septet

18.  –fer 含有

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《全 民英語能力分級檢定模擬測驗~中高級第一回【聽力測驗】》 原卷式測驗


  • 發表於: 將近 2 年前
  • 最後修改: 8 個月前
  • 新增考題


民英語能力分級檢定模擬測驗~中高級第一回共分兩卷: 聽力測驗 | 閱讀測驗


Listen to the question or statement and choose the best response.

  1. There was another terrorist attack in Indonesia. That's true. Backpacking in Indonesia is exiting.

Yes, I heard that there was a bombing in Jakarta. Actually, Indonesia is a beautiful place to visit. Yes, the people in North Korea are ruled under a different regime. / regicide [下一題]

  1. Some people think the new leader is tough. Yes, but some people respect that he crushes protests quickly. Yes, I heard he would be out of the office until next week. Yes, he was appointed to that position last year. Actually, he usually supports street protests in the city. [下一題]

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http://www.enorth.com.cn  2009-07-22 08:57




eight是0~9 中唯一一個以元音發音開頭的數字,這樣由於連讀和爆破音,往往導致這個數字難以分辨。比如數字58,其中fifty結尾的元音/i/與eight的開頭雙元音/ei/相連,加上eight結尾的輔音/t/爆破弱化,便使得58和50這兩個數字發音相近,在有上下文並且語速較快的情況下很難區分。這時,我們尚可以通過關鍵的雙元音/ei/來區分,但是如果遇上數字和字母的組合,則幾乎無法區分,比如58和50A。在這樣的情況下,朗閣雅思專家建議考生根據語境的需要做出正確的選擇。關於數字和字母組合的情況,後文還會提到。


『0』在口語中有多種念法,最好區分的當然是zero,但是除此之外,還可以念作:nought,null,nil,nothing以及oh。其中『oh』是較為常見的用法,一般在電話號碼和房間號中最為多見,比如Room 102,就可以念作『room one oh two』。而nought用於小數的情況較多,比如0.2可以讀作『nought point two』。nill則會用於賽事比分,比如足球賽3:0,可以讀作『three nill』。


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要唸一個數字是要有點技巧的, 大家請看我整理出來的一些規則.

A. 整數和小數的講法

a.  3.24
Three point twenty-four.
Three twenty-four.
美國買東西都要含稅, 所以多半都帶有小數點, 通常小數點可以說 point, 也可以直接省略. 另外比較正式的說法為 three dollar and twenty-four cents, 但是在一般日常生活中幾乎是聽不到的.
b. 728
Seven hundred and twenty-eight.
c. 1,245
Twelve forty-five.
One thousand two hundred and fourty-five.
Twelve hundred and forty-five.
一般來說, 四位數的唸法是二個數字二個數字一起唸, 如 12-45 但有時為了讓對方聽的更清楚(特別是跟錢有關的時候), 他們會把 thounsand 和 hundred 唸出來, 就如同第二句的唸法.  另外, 如同第三句的說法, 老美也很喜歡把 one thousand two hundred 直接說成 twelve hundred, 這樣子是不是更簡單些了呢?
d. 35,891
Thirty-five thousand eight hundred and ninty-one.
五位數的說法是前二數一組, 後二個一組, 中間那個自己一組.
b. 1200
Twelve hundred.
這種末尾有二個零的就用多少 hundred 來表示,  當然也可以說 one thousand and two hundred .
d. 100,000
One hundred thousand.
由於在英語中沒有十萬這個字, 所以十萬要用 one hundred thousand, 一億要用 one hundred million. 這二個要多練習, 不然以我個人經驗,   要用時絕對是講不出來的.
e. 12.87
Twelve dollar and 87/100 only.
很多人都有機會在美國開支票, 在支票上除了阿拉伯數字之外還要用英語寫出數目以求慎重, 整數的第一個字母要大寫並且要靠最左邊寫, 小數部份則用  xx/100 來表示, 並在最後加上 only.
f. 770-2145
Seven seven zero, two one four five.
Seven seven o, twenty-one forty-five.
電話號碼習慣上會一個字一個字說, 以求清楚, 但有時為了方便起見, 他們也會以十位數為單位, 二個二個一起說. 


B. 分數, 科學記號的講法.

a. 1/2
One half.
One over two.
1/2 的說法跟 1/3, 1/4 都不一樣, 它不叫 one second, (聽起來像是一秒鐘) 要用 one half.  而 one of two 比較常用在數學上, 強調 1 除以 2, 平常比較少用這種說法.
b. 1/3
One third.
這種說法大家在中學時都學過了吧. 1/4 就是 one fourth (當然 one quarter 更常見), 1/5 是 one-fifth, 以此類推. 但是如果是 2/3, 則要說 two thirds, 也說是說分母那個 third 要加 s.
c. 1.23*10(-4)
One point two three times ten to the minus four. (negative four)
One point two three times ten minus four.
One point two three ten minus four.
最上面那個是最正確的說法, 但有時為了簡便會有不同程度的省略.   像第二, 三個省略適用在別人知道你在說科學符號時, 例如老師上課時, 或同學討論功課時. 不然別人有可能會誤會你的意思.
C. 時間的講法.
a. 4:00
It's four o'clock.
It's four.
b. 4:28
Four twenty-eight.
一般的時間就是先講時, 再講分就可以.
c. 4:05
Five past four.
Four o five.
要注意從 4:01-4:09 的說法和其它的時間不同, 因為像這一句如果說 four five 是不是很怪呢? 所以要注意.
d. 3:50
Ten to four.
當然你也可以說 Three fifty, 但是 ten to four 這樣的說法就相當於中文的還有10分就四點了, 也是很常用不是嗎?
e. 5:30
Five and half.
Half past five
這樣的說法, 就相當於中文的五點半了!

D. 其他重要的說法

a. 123D
One two three D as in a dog.
在報地址的時候, 常有這種數字和英文字母混合的情況, 但是由於 B, D 和 T 很容易混淆, 所以習慣上會加上一小句話來說明, 如 B as a in boy, T as in a teacher, D as in a dog. 這樣別人就可以很清楚了解你在說哪個字母.
b. 5th floor
fifth floor (or simply five)
每次坐電梯時都會有熱心的老美問你到幾樓 (which floor?) 剛來時很菜不知道, 我都用最正式的說法 fifth floor. 可是其實只要說 five 或是 fifth 也就可以了.

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Root: P: 348 – 349 第一次修訂

  1. –et: 組:組合
  2. octet
  3. quartet
  4. tenor / baritone / bass
  5. soprano / mezzo soprano / alto
  6. –ette: 女性:仿造:組合:組:微小
  7. bachelorette / bachelor
  8. farmerette

10.  suffragette: suffrage : sufferer

11.  usherette : usher

12.  leatherette

13.  launderette

14.  rosette

15.  quartette quartet

16.  quintette quintet

17.  septette septet

18.  –fer 含有

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地中海貧血(Thalassemia),又稱海洋性貧血,是一種先天血液疾病,和父母的遺傳有關。1925年義大利首次報導了此病,目前該病已在全世界範圍散布[1]。 患者的紅血球較脆弱且容易死亡,其帶氧能力亦不足,超過某種程度無法正常生活;在結婚以前健康檢查可以篩選出來,是一種隱性基因遺傳,患者紅血球的體積較正常細胞小,且有時因血紅素含量低較蒼白或呈靶型(target cells)。


thala: salad

see: sea

mia: blood


salad+sea+blood 喜歡吃沙拉的的海島=地中海貧血


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gre p 9 -10

breathlessness. ftlfil

Her weakness as well as pallor was caused by anemia. feLlK : amnesia     hemophilia, leukemia

animosity / ani: anal : angry / animo: enemy   / [L animus, spirit, mind, courage, anger] «.    bitter hostility or open enmity; active hatred


His harsh words clearly showed his animosity toward us.

annihilate /a: no / nihil: nothing : annihilation / [L an, ad, to + nihil, nothing] v.    to eradicate; destroy; nullify

The ruling party annihilated all opposition within six weeks. 3 nihilism

anniversary / anni: year / [L anni, year + vers, to turn]

n.    the annual recurrence of an event that took place in some preceding year.

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Root p346

-drom: 賽馬場:場地:運動場:一次流出(衝出)


cosmodrome : cosma: extraterrestrial / extraterritorial / extraterritoriality 

hippodrome: hippopotamus / hippo: horse

palindrome / palin: para : 1. 表示"","","...並行","近旁","越超","誤亂"

2. 表示"降落傘"

3. 表示"保護"/

paling: 1. 打樁 2. ;欄柵;籬笆


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Gre p7-8

altruistic Mtru'istik; seltru'istik/ [L alter, other]

adj.    unselfish; concerned for the welfare of others.

She proved herself an altruist by volunteering to offer help to the flood victims when there was no hope of recompense.

altruism • )

amalgamate/ amalgam: amalgam / a / mal: bad: poisonous : mercury/  coffee mate /a'madgsmeit; s'maelgsmet/ [Gr amalgam, an emollient]

v.    to mix, blend, or unite; to alloy with mercury. 1=rfjf ' l^^tH'n' The unions will attempt to amalgamate their groups into one national organization.

Ambidextrous / ambi- : both : amphibian: amphitheater : / nocturnal : diurnal . / dextrous : dexterous /Eernbi'dekstras; aembi'dekstes/ [L ambi, both + dexter, right


adj.    able to use both hands with equal facility; unusually dexterous; adroit.

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Root p341

1.         -cephaly: 頭的狀態

2.         dolichocephaly

3.         hydrocephaly

4.         macrocephaly / megacephaly

5.         microcephaly

6.         oxycephaly / 1. 表示"";"尖銳"


7.         -chrome 顏色

8.         fluorochrome / incandescence / fluorescence

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Gre vocabulary : p: 5-6

which he declared would aggravate rather than alleviate their plight. grave    adj. HtUt^ 3 alleviate, exacerbate

agitate/ agi: angry  /'aed3iteit; 'aec^Stet/ [L ag, agere, to do, to drive, to impel] v.    excite; stir up; disturb; upset. \W^M] ' JHW]

People felt that he was responsible for the agitation of the mob because of the inflammatory report he had issued.

agnostic / gno: nose: otolaryngnology /seg'nostik; aeg'nastik/ [Gr a, not + gnos, to know]

n.    a person who believes that the human mind cannot know whether there is

God. ^njftjfm^

He is an agnostic, not knowing whether there is God. atheist n. MWlralf prognosticate v. Btflt 3 diagnose, cognizant, incognito

alacrity /ala: alar: alary: fly/ cri: cry: a'laskriti; s'lsekreti/ [L alacer, lively]

n.    cheerfulness; a readiness or promptness to act or serve. Sfjt The alacrity shown by the new employee greatly gratified the manager. alacritous    adj. cheerful and ready

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