重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

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Conquering Confusing Words Unit 4 questions

  1. We played basketball after school was over.
  2. My pen fell behind the sofa.
  3. What are you doing after the movie?
  4. There is a secret door behind the bookshelf.
  5. We played basketball behind the school. We played basketball after school.
  6. They went to the store after dinner.
  7. aged/ ancient / elderly : Mike looks after his aged parents.
  8. The professor found the ruins of an ancient city.
  9. Julia checked up on her elderly grandfather.

10.Sharon studies ancient history, especially ancient Greek history.

11.They government started a new program to care for the elderly.

12.They’ve got one son, Jack, aged 5.

13.ago/ since: She has worked there since 1999.

14.She began working there seven years ago.

15.We met a long time ago.

16.I have known Jenny since she was a little girl.

17.We finished eating a little while ago.

18.This company has been in business since the 1930s.

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Conquering Confusing Words Unit 3 questions

  1. add / increase / plus: Helen addedsome salt to the soup.
  2. I heard the government is going to increasetaxes next years.
  3. I paid $600 for the scooter, plus$50 for a helmet.
  4. One plustwo equals three.
  5. If you addthe numbers, you get thirty.
  6. The advertising campaign was very successful; our sales increased50%.
  7. address/ lecture/ speech: John F. Kennedy’s inaugural addressmoved many young Americans.
  8. I learned so much from the professor’s lecturethis morning.
  9. The president delivered a farewell address.

10.I attended a lectureon how the Internet has changed the world.

11.The speechthe man gave lasted nearly four hours.

12.Let’s give Jack a hand for his wonderful speech!

13.advertisement / commercial : Todd put an advertisementin the newspaper.

14.Kan saw that commercialon TV.

15.I saw an advertisementfor a new line of cleaning products.

16.The TV commercialexaggerates the product’s benefits.

17.Leslie answered a job advertisementin the newspaper.

18.Acting in a television commercialhelped launch the actor’s career.

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Conquering Confusing Words Unit 2

  1. Accept vs. receive: Denise accepted Tom’s marriage proposal.
  2. Judy received invitations to the dance from three different boys.
  3. Everyone invited to dinner has accepted.
  4. Did you receive to letter I sent you?
  5. She received a strange package in the mail.
  6. I cannon accept this money from you.
  7. accident / event / happening / incident: Sheila was in a bad car accident.
  8. Reading the newspaper is the most common way to keep up on current events.
  9. My best friend calls me every weekend to inform me on the latest happenings in our hometown.

10.The people were hurt in the accident.

11.There was an incident between Bill and John at work.

12.The meeting went without incident.

13.Last night’s student banquet was a big social event for the school

14.Money raised at the charity event went to a local orphanage.

15.There have been some strange happenings in the neighborhood over the past few weeks.

16.The storm caused many accidents.

17.There was a minor incident between to two countries.

18.ache vs. pain: I have had this persistent ache in my back for quite some time.

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Questions: Conquering Confusing Words : Unit 1

  1. There is a man standing over.
  2. The blue car outside is mine.
  3. Do you have an umbrella I can borrow?
  4. The students are in grade nine.
  5. Is there a 7-Eleven around here?
  6. The book is called A Tale of Two Cities.
  7. All of Steve’s friends deserted him when he needed them most.
  8. As the flood waters rose, the people were forced to abandon their house.
  9. It is against the law to abandon pets on the street.

10.A small group of soldiers deserted their posts when the enemy attacked.

11.Terry told Rita to quit changing the subject and answer his questions honestly.

12.You should quit smoking, for the sake of better health.

13.I’m not able to Plan tennis today.

14.He’s able to add numbers very quickly.

15.Do you think he is capable of being in charge?

16.Susan is barely capable of having a conversation in Chinese.

17.Is your son able to recite the alphabet yet?

18.New born babies are not capable of walking.

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1.鞋子的左右腳穿反了 2.衣服前後穿反了 3. 衣服裏外穿反了

The shoes are on counter

2. 衣服前後穿反了
The colthers are on backwards.


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inhabit v 居住於/棲息於


habitat 棲息地, 植物的產地

habitation, dwelling-place; environment, surroundings, place in which an animal or plant naturally grows or lives

inhabitat 沒有


habitation 居住,住處,住房

inhabitation 居住,棲息


habitant 居民

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Maintenance of PC is in my element.


He's taking classes in car maintenance.


The machinery requires constant maintenance.


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Listen to part of a lecture in an archeology class. Professor

OK, we've been talking about early agriculture in the near east (Near East

Middle East, countries in southwestern Asia and northeastern Africa

). So let's concentrate on one site and see what we can learn from it. Let's look at Catalhoyuk. Ah... I'd better write that down.


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每次經過那條小路,無意間都會看到了你迷人的身影。還記得你年輕時的倩影; 你總是喜歡背對著門廊,似乎在沉思些什麼?有時不經意的看到了我,你總是微笑以對。那一抹笑容每每使我沈靜已久的心湖蕩漾不已。多年以後再次與你錯身而過,突然發現你的髮稍多了幾撮銀髮。此時我才驚覺彼此的年華已逝,唏噓不已。你似乎看到了怔仲的我,會意的對我微笑。此時夕陽的餘暉灑落在你的臉龐,將你的笑容襯的益發迷人了。好美。真的! 歲月極美,在於他必然的流逝。春花,秋月,冬雪。 

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不規則名詞單複數 (單數, 複數)之區別



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in and on 的用法  

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男性短短袖,無袖內衣 athletic shirt 和 tank top 的差別  

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Modern archeological finds (artifacts found during an archaeological dig

) can still contribute much to the study of ancient literature. For example, forty years ago a survey of the early Greek dramatist Aeschylus’ plays would have started with The Suppliant Women. Many factors internal to the play, but perhaps most especially the prominence of the chorus合唱,choir (which in this play has the main role), led scholars to consider it one of Aeschylus’ earlier works. The consensus was that here was a drama truly reflecting an early stage in the evolution of tragedy out of choral lyric. The play was dated as early as the 490’s B.C., in any event, well before Aeschylus play The Persians of 472 B.C. Then in 1952, a fragment of papyrus found at Oxyrhynchus was published stating the official circumstances and results of a dramatic contest. The fragment announced that Aeschylus won first prize with his Danaid tetralogy (a series of four dramas or operas), of which The Suppliant Women is the opening play, and defeated Sophocles in the process. Sophocles did not compete in any dramatic contest before 468 B.C., when he won his first victory. Hence, except by special pleading (e.g., that the tetralogy was composed early in Aeschylus’ career but not produced until the 460’s B.C.), the Danaid tetralogy must be put after 468 B.C. In addition, a few letters in the fragment suggest the name Archedemides, archon in 463 B.C., thus perhaps tying the plays to that precise date, almost exactly halfway between Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes of 467 B.C. and his Oresteia.



Archaeological site,
Egypt, on the western bank of the Nile River.

Many ancient papyri dating from 250 BC to AD 700 were discovered there in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The papyri, written mainly in Greek and Latin, contain both religious texts and masterpieces of Greek classical literature. Some of these texts, once considered lost, were by Pindar and Callimachus. The modern
village of Al-Bahnasā is located on the site.


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英文 中文
ablaut 母音變換
genitive absolute
重音 / 讀音符號
accusative of reference 指稱性受格

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one/both/some/most/all ... of 用法第四冊  


標題句:One of my friends is a doctor.
    Several of his classmates speak English well.
    I need a pair of shorts.
    The book looks like old ones.

結 構:數量不定代名詞(含不定代名詞 one, ones)、單位量詞


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今 天在看MIB3時聽到一個有趣的字: city mile. 白話就是未老先衰或是台語的:老起來放。解釋如下: City Miles , city miles meaning , definition of city miles , what is city miles - (Adj) A physical appearance suggesting an individual has lived a tough existance; usually as a result of substance abuse. The term originates from the distinction between a car that has "city miles" versus "highway miles."
Some examples : I really don't believe that Kate is 32. If she really is that age, she's got some serious City Miles.

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iPad真是太好用了^ ^上課時可以隨時畫給小朋友看!
相片: iPad真是太好用了^ ^上課時可以隨時畫給小朋友看!
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