《全 民英語能力分級檢定模擬測驗~中高級第一回【聽力測驗】》 原卷式測驗


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民英語能力分級檢定模擬測驗~中高級第一回共分兩卷: 聽力測驗 | 閱讀測驗


Listen to the question or statement and choose the best response.

  1. There was another terrorist attack in Indonesia. That's true. Backpacking in Indonesia is exiting.

Yes, I heard that there was a bombing in Jakarta. Actually, Indonesia is a beautiful place to visit. Yes, the people in North Korea are ruled under a different regime. / regicide [下一題]

  1. Some people think the new leader is tough. Yes, but some people respect that he crushes protests quickly. Yes, I heard he would be out of the office until next week. Yes, he was appointed to that position last year. Actually, he usually supports street protests in the city. [下一題]

  2. The mayor tried to dodge the reporter's questions. Yes, the mayor loves being interviewed for the paper. Yes, the mayor did not want to answer the reporter. That's probably because the lights were very hot. I know. He was afraid of getting hit by the camera. [下一題]

  3. The boss is not going to tolerate Kim's lateness for much longer. I know. Our boss doesn't like to put up with people being late. It is nice of our boss to allow people to have time off. It is strange that the boss is late so often. Actually, Kim has only worked at the company for six months. [下一題]

  4. Go ahead, Mr. Smith.  I'm all ears./ Interested and listening carefully I also heard that. I'll get back to you with more information. I'm sorry to hear that. Have you been to a doctor? Thank you. I was calling in regard to next week's meeting. Yes, I'm sorry I missed your call yesterday. [下一題]

  5. Mark, can you hold down the fort while John is away? No, I can't leave the office today. There's too much to do. Yes, I'll hold all of John's mail for him until he returns. Absolutely. I'll have everything under complete control. Yes, I'll be traveling with John on this business trip. [下一題]

  6. Is this the budget proposal for the next fiscal year? Yes. Would you like to go over it right now? Are you proposing that we wait another year? No, I haven't seen the budget for last year. Yes, her boyfriend proposed over a romantic dinner. [下一題]

  7. Jack goes shopping every time something new

comes along. Yes, Jack is still wearing his clothes from high school. That's true. Jack plans to ask for a raise. Jack can't go shopping on Tuesday anyway. I know. Jack always buys the latest gadgets / budget. [下一題]

  1. We are in charge of a complex situation, heading a cyclical company in a score of commodity pursuits. You are right. This recession has clamped down on our advertising funds. some other companies. Yes. Therefore, we have yet to achieve global brand recognition like I disagree. I think it's actually an incredibly complicated company structure. You must be referring to our competitor's aggressive marketing launch. [下一題]


When entire industries and the companies within them are characterized as cyclical or non-cyclical it is typically, but not always, with respect to the overall business cycle. (A cyclical pattern is one that has wave-like trends or cycles.) Demand for industrial products like heavy machinery and consumer durables are affected by macro-economic conditions, making companies in these sectors cyclical. In contrast, basic consumer necessities such as food and pharmaceuticals are non-cyclical. Mature companies and industries tend to be more cyclical than young ones. Debt causes earnings for the cyclical company to be even more volatile than the cyclical demand for the company's products because debt service increases fixed cost structure. Because cyclical companies tend to be mature and mature companies tend to keep at least some debt on their balance sheet, the earnings pattern of a cyclical company will often be the most cyclical characteristic of that company.

  1. Our primary supplier was just delisted/ Remove (a security) from listing at a stock exchange/  by the New York Stock Exchange. I know. The entire industry seems to be suffering right now. Is that right? I had no idea that they just went public. That's good news. That should really please a lot of our investors. That's surprising since their sales were down 30 percent this year. [下一題]

  2. My nephew likes to cruise neighborhoods in search of wireless access points. That seems unfair. He should just pay to connect in a coffee shop. He should switch companies if he has problems with his cell reception. Isn't it illegal to talk on your mobile phone while driving? I know. I saw him running laps in the park near my house last night. [下一題]

  3. I doubt you'll be able to steer this company without dipping into the red. Well, there are going to be a few layoffs, but we will come through OK. Yes. There is definitely going to be some smooth sailing this year. I disagree. We are going to have some really difficult financial times. You're right. Our third-quarter net profit rose almost 40 percent this year. [下一題]

  4. I checked our inventory and we are running a little low. OK. I will call our supplier first thing in the morning. We were running around all day, too. I disagree. We should give our investors a call. I don't think you can pay by check. [下一題]

  5. This jet lag is really starting to slow me down. Me, too. I always feel slow this early in the morning. You should go back to your room and get some rest. My jet was also lagging behind on the runway. I know. My flight was delayed, too. [下一題]

  6. Do you think the investors will oppose spending on R and D? Of course not. They know that business lunches are important. Our investors are anxious about next year's profits. Well, they might consider it a waste of money. I think so. Spending increased slightly last quarter. [下一題]

Listen to each conversation and answer the question.

  1. M: Supposedly the state of California is $38 billion in debt.
    F: Hopefully Arnold Schwarzenegger will be able to change that.
    M: Yes, it should be his major focus as governor.
    Q: What kind of problem does the state of California have? The state owes $38 million to various sources. People love to watch movies that star Arnold Schwarzenegger. They spent $38 million on education last year. The people of California need to elect a new governor. [下一題]

  2. M: There was a time of poverty in the aftermath of the country's civil war.
    F: That's true. Many people lost their homes and livelihoods.
    M: Yes, I also read that many people left the country at that time.
    Q: What are the man and woman discussing? a time before a civil war the period of time after the civil war a prosperous time for the local economy the time during their country's civil war [下一題]

  3. M: How does your cousin remember everything he reads?
    F: He has a photographic memory.
    M: That's really impressive.
    Q: What can the woman's cousin do? He can take beautiful photographs. He can remember things in great detail after he sees them. The woman's cousin is able to write with his left and right hand. The woman's cousin can speak five languages. [下一題]

  4. M: The news on television was exciting today.
    F: Yes, the reporter's comments unleashed a wave of complaints.
    M: I know. I didn't know so many people were concerned.
    Q: Why was the news exciting? The reporter's dog got loose on television. It was the reporter's first day no the job. There was a huge tidal wave near the coast. It caused many people to complain and protest. [下一題]

  5. M: You've been busy lately, Claire.
    F: I've been working hard to prepare for this sales call.
    M: Don't worry. It's going to be a walk in the park.
    Q: What is the man saying about the sales call? He doesn't think sales calls are ever a big deal. There certainly won't be time to go to the park afterward. He is sure it's going to be easy for Claire to handle. He is worried that Claire isn't prepared for the call. [下一題]

  6. F: Mike, our company has prepared a little something for you.
    M: You shouldn't have gone to such trouble!
    F: Oh, it's just a token of our gratitude.
    Q: What is the woman giving to Mike? An anniversary present. A souvenir from their city. A gift in appreciation of his work. A memento of their work together. [下一題]

  7. F: Thanks for getting back to me so promptly, Mr. Harris.
    M: I'm sorry I missed your call yesterday. What can I do for you?
    F: I have a couple requests in regards to the product design.
    Q: What is the woman thanking Mr. Harris for? E-mailing her with the product design requests. Contacting her office and leaving a message. Calling her back in a timely manner. Returning her call immediately. [下一題]

  8. F: I have a recommendation for your proposal.
    M: Great, you always have good ideas. What is it?
    F: I think you should beef up the part regarding stock options.
    Q: What is the woman saying about the man's proposal? He should recommend a good restaurant for stockbrokers. The man should include more on the potential purchase of stock. The man could take out the part about stock options. He could include more than just stock options information. [下一題]

  9. M: Even after our expensive product launch, our sales volume is plummeting.
    F: I know. It seems that people are voting with their feet on this one.
    M: Yes. Our stores have been silent for weeks.
    Q: What is the woman's opinion? The political situation is adversely affecting their product launch. The sales volume has bottomed out and is now increasing. The stores' silence is not indicative of anything. She can tell the product isn't popular because people aren't buying it. [下一題]

  10. F: Hi, Bob. What have you been up to lately?
    M: Well, I've been working the links to fill a gap.
    F: Yes, I heard that you had been laid off.
    Q: What has the man been up to? He's working as a caddy. He's going back to school. He's taking time off. He is job hunting. [下一題]

  11. M: You're pulling your investments out of our company?
    F: Yes! This corruption is simply inexcusable.
    M: Corruption is the lubricant that oils the wheels of commerce.
    Q: What is the man saying about corruption? It's what makes business progress. It balances the overall economy. It helps executives come clean. It creates strong business relationships. [下一題]

  12. M: I am a man on a mission these days.
    F: Yes, you seem really different in the office.
    M: It's just a sheer drive to go for the gold.
    Q: What is the man describing? his new raise his optimism his despondency his desire to excel [下一題]

  13. F: Welcome to Taipei. Is this your first time in our city?
    M: Yes, it is. I was wondering if you could help me find some accommodations.
    F: Certainly. How long will you be staying?
    Q: What is the man looking for? a place to sleep a good neighborhood reservations for dinner some place to exercise [下一題]

  14. F: Is there any way we could get feedback on our product?
    M: No problem. I sent Lisa to talk to the retailers.
    F: Good idea. That should provide us with the information we need.
    Q: Whom is Lisa going to talk to? Lisa will talk to the people who sell directly to the customer. She will talk to the people in the head office. She is going to talk to someone who knows about sales. Lisa is going to talk to strangers on the street. [下一題]

  15. F: The software we purchased from you is excellent.
    M: Well, our company has always strived for quality.
    F: It shows. Your product is much better than your competitors.
    Q: What has the man's company always done? put serious energy into being the best Reading Section worked hard to become a large company excelled in mass-producing software been open to innovations and market changes [下一題]

Listen to each paragraph and answer the questions.

Part A

Jen used to work for an advertising agency, but she has transformed her work into a new and exciting field: guerrilla marketing. She is getting plenty of business as the recession clamps down on many company's advertising budgets. These companies come to her to find innovative ways to push their products, while still cutting costs. Sometimes Jen dresses up as an animal or cartoon character and hands out advertising fliers on the street. Sometimes she posts small advertisements on telephone poles and bulletin boards. She works hard to generate word of mouth advertising to push her clients' products. So far, Jen's in-your-face style has generated quite a buzz on the streets of New York City, and she's definitely not lacking for business. Indeed, she's caused quite a few copycat guerrillas.

  1. What main factor is causing Jen to get a lot of work right now? bulletin boards Jen's innovation word of mouth economic downturn [下一題]
  2. What is the main reason that companies come to Jen? She cheaply creates a buzz for their goods. She posts small advertisements to push products. She works in a new and exciting field. She can dress up as many different characters. [下一題]
  3. Which of the following is the BEST description of "guerrilla marketing”? Dressing as cartoon characters. Telephone soliciting. Street-based advertising. Flyers on telephone poles. [下一題]
  4. According to the article, which of the following is NOT true? Jen formerly worked for an advertising agency. Many companies can spend less on advertising . Jen targets her clients' competitors' businesses. Word of mouth guerrilla advertising is effective. [下一題]
  5. According to the article, which of the following is TRUE? Few people have duplicated Jen's methods. Jen's approach has generated a lot of buzz. Some people feel Jen is too in-your-face. Most of Jen's work occurs in an office environment. [下一題]

Part B

Jeremy is concerned about the political direction of his country. His sentiment is echoed by many of his friends. In the last few years, Jeremy has seen the economy in his country weaken dramatically. Although the president made an attempt to restart the economy by cutting taxes, this only benefited the wealthiest one percent of the population. The tax cut turned out to be mere propaganda. In fact, it ended up sinking the country further into debt. In addition to the financial malaise, Jeremy is concerned about his rights as a citizen. Many people have been double-checked at international borders simply because they look suspicious. Jeremy thinks this goes against his country's ideals of democracy and equality. Jeremy hopes that things will change, and that his country can once again live up to its respectable reputation.

  1. Why is Jeremy concerned for his country? The country is overrun with propaganda. The economy and citizens' rights are at risk. Jeremy likes to travel internationally. There have been too many tax cuts recently. [下一題]
  2. Which word is closest in meaning to "malaise"? expense delight criticism trouble [下一題]
  3. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? At one time, Jeremy's country was well respected. The economy has gotten better over the last two years. Jeremy's country is not a democracy. Jeremy is always stopped at international borders. [下一題]
  4. As a result of a tax cut, Jeremy's country... changed its name was well-known around the world owed more money than before became very rich [下一題]
  5. What are two ideals of Jeremy's country? equality and democracy freedom and health helpfulness and power friendliness and socialism [下一題]

Part C

Welcome back to Interchange. I'd like to introduce my next guest, Marketing Professor Sam Smith from Liveville University. Professor Smith just wrote a book on Connections Jeans, the popular retailer of casual clothing, targeting the collegiate demographic of men and women. Listeners, if you'd like to join our conversation today, please telephone our hotline. Professor Smith, tell us some more about your new book.

Well, I worked with both the Chief Economic Officer and the Director of Marketing for Connections Jeans to write this book. Their main marketing plan is not to grow old with their customer. They feel that the target consumer for their company should continue to be the 18-to 22-year-old college student…

  1. Where is this interview most likely taking place? A radio talk show. A company meeting. A TV news program. A marketing conference. [下一題]
  2. What two Connections Jeans employees did Professor Smith work with on the book? The CFO and Director of Sales. The Director of Marketing and CFO. The Marketing Director and CEO. The CEO and Advertising Director. [下一題]
  3. What is Connections Jeans' main marketing plan? Target a new demographic each year. Grow old with the customer. Concentrate on one consistent age group. Not to simply focus on 18-to 22-year-olds. [下一題]
  4. What type of clothing does Connections Jeans offer? Formal attire for young women. Business suits for men and women. Casual clothes for young people. College-logo athletic clothing. [下一題]
  5. What does the announcer say you can do if you want to ask Professor Smith a question? Call Interchange during this talk. Email Connections Jeans. E-mail Interchange's Marketing Department. Telephone Liveville University. [下一題]

試題來源:LiveABC 互動英語教學集團




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( ) --> 正確答案: Yes, the mayor did not want to answer the reporter.





( ) --> 正確答案: I know. Our boss doesn't like to put up with people being late.




( ) --> 正確答案: Thank you. I was calling in regard to next week's meeting.


( ) --> 正確答案: Absolutely. I'll have everything under complete control.



( ) --> 正確答案: Yes. Would you like to go over it right now?





( ) --> 正確答案: I know. Jack always buys the latest gadgets.





( ) --> 正確答案: Yes. Therefore, we have yet to achieve global brand recognition like


































































( ) --> 正確答案: I know. The entire industry seems to be suffering right now.


( ) --> 正確答案: That seems unfair. He should just pay to connect in a coffee shop.







( ) --> 正確答案: Well, there are going to be a few layoffs, but we will come through OK.




( ) --> 正確答案: OK. I will call our supplier first thing in the morning.



( ) --> 正確答案: You should go back to your room and get some rest.


( ) --> 正確答案: Well, they might consider it a waste of money.







( ) --> 正確答案: The state owes $38 million to various sources.












( ) --> 正確答案: the period of time after the civil war







( ) --> 正確答案: He can remember things in great detail after he sees them.








( ) --> 正確答案: It caused many people to complain and protest.





( ) --> 正確答案: He is sure it's going to be easy for Claire to handle.







( ) --> 正確答案: A gift in appreciation of his work.










( ) --> 正確答案: Calling her back in a timely manner.







( ) --> 正確答案: The man should include more on the potential purchase of stock.







( ) --> 正確

答案: She can tell the product isn't popular because people aren't buying it.









( ) --> 正確答案: He's working as a caddy.






( ) --> 正確答案: It's what makes business progress.






( ) --> 正確答案: his desire to excel







( ) --> 正確答案: a place to sleep







( ) --> 正確答案: Lisa will talk to the people who sell directly to the customer.









( ) --> 正確答案: put serious energy into being the best Reading Section































( ) --> 正確答案: economic downturn


( ) --> 正確答案: She cheaply creates a buzz for their goods.


( ) --> 正確答案: Street-based advertising.


( ) --> 正確答案: Jen targets her clients' competitors' businesses.


( ) --> 正確答案: Jen's approach has generated a lot of buzz.

























( ) --> 正確答案: The economy and citizens' rights are at risk.


( ) --> 正確答案: trouble


( ) --> 正確答案: At one time, Jeremy's country was well respected.


( ) --> 正確答案: owed more money than before


( ) --> 正確答案: equality and democracy



























( ) --> 正確答案: A radio talk show.


( ) --> 正確答案: The Marketing Director and CEO.


( ) --> 正確答案: Concentrate on one consistent age group.


( ) --> 正確答案: Casual clothes for young people.


( ) --> 正確答案: Call Interchange during this talk.





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