Taiwan Railways to take delivery of more Puyuma trains (2012/10/17)
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Taiwan Railways to take delivery of more Puyuma trains (2012/10/17)

The Taiwan Railways’ new batch of Puyuma tilting trains is set to arrive in Keelung Harbor next week. They will be operational as early as February and will cut the trip from Taipei to Hualien to just two hours.

This siren signals the first viewing of Taiwan Railway’s new Puyuma tilting train in Japan.

The Taiwan version of the train is splashed red in front and has a long red line. It shows a distinct TRA logo. The Japanese provided a photo of another design option that was white with a purple line on top. Railway enthusiasts discussed the two designs. Many preferred the version on the left.

With two different colors to choose from, Taiwan Railways decided on red. It said this color was more in keeping with local customs.

Yang An-hsin
TRA Train Car Section Chief
Red is more festive. (Some have criticized it), but it simply depends on your preferences. In Japan, they have many different colors so no one says that these cars need to be a certain color.

Seventeen of these new tilting trains will arrive from Japan, with two coming later this week. They will reduce the travel time between Taipei and Hualien to around two hours.
中文 Chinese  





[[台鐵車輛科長 楊安心]]


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