重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

目前分類:未分類文章 (550)

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Wow, 沒想到我的iPad作筆記及教學的功能這麼強大(≧∇≦)
Wow, 沒想到我的iPad作筆記及交學的功能這麼強大(≧∇≦)
相片: Wow, 沒想到我的iPad作筆記及交學的功能這麼強大(≧∇≦)
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相片: 第一次初步整理由的文法名稱翻譯

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今天在看MIB3時聽到一個有趣的字: city mile. 白話就是未老先衰或是台語的:老起來放。解釋如下: City Miles , city miles meaning , definition of city miles , what is city miles - (Adj) A physical appearance suggesting an individual has lived a tough existance; usually as a result of substance abuse. The term originates from the distinction between a car that has "city miles" versus "highway miles."
Some examples : I really don't believe that Kate is 32. If she really is that age, she's got some serious City Miles.
 ·  · 11分鐘前在 Hsinchu 附近 · 

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Actually in fact 的差別


這三個短語及單詞的意義是完全一樣的,詞性也一樣都是副詞。稍微有點不同的地方,只在於actually可以修飾形容詞動詞,或者其他副詞或者一個句子,而另外兩個只能修飾一個句子並且通常放在句首。看例句:1.Actually, he is my cousin.事實上,他是我的表哥。(放句首,修飾後面的句子)Dinosaurs actually existed on earth once.恐龍確實曾經存在於地球上。(修飾動詞existed)2.As a matter of fact, I knew this long time ago.事實上,我早就知道了。(修飾後面的句子)3.In fact, this statement is not correct. 事實上,這個描述是不正確的。(修飾後面的句子)希望以上的解說夠清楚能幫到你。

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English definition: a source; a fountainhead

Jason's definition :  the nostalgic or reminiscent feelings of sb's root or foundation.

  最近看到兩句話,就記在了筆記本上。一是『梁靜茹的《Fly Away》優美而不濫觴的旋律知道吧?』二是『她文思濫觴,寫了很多東西。』上述兩句話,都用了『濫觴』一詞,但是都用錯了。那麼,『濫觴』到底是何意?又該如何正確使用呢?

  荀子曰:『昔者江出于岷山,其始也,其源可以濫觴;及其至江之津也,不放舟,不避風,則不可涉也。』《孔子家語·三恕》中也有類似的話:『夫江 始出于岷山,其源可以濫觴。』『濫觴』一詞,出現于此。水源所出,其始甚小,只能浮起酒杯,因此後來就把『濫觴』比喻為事之開始。『濫觴』,不但古代文獻 中較為多見,現代書籍、報刊中也較為多見。

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【大紀元8月31日訊】成語是中國文化精髓的一部份﹐也是日常對話或寫作上常用的基本知識。但是﹐成語的典故卻不是每個人都耳熟能詳的﹐在此溫故而知新﹐ 介紹比較特別的中國成語﹐還有它們的英文翻譯﹐希望能夠讓您的中英文造詣更有進步。

To neglect the duties of an office while taking the pay. 或者是 Redundant personnel




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20. Due to the devastating earthquake that raided Kobe, Japan, in January 1995, most of the Japanese residents no longer regard the high-rise building as a safe place to live.


基本上raid的語意為人為主動的襲擊; 侵吞; 對...突然查抄; 劫掠; 發動突然襲擊,而不是被動的被地震襲擊。因此,struck 是比較好的用法。

n [C] [Date: 1400-1500; Language: Scottish English; Origin: Old English rad 'ride, raid'; ROAD]

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先行詞是表示時間的名詞(如 time, day, year, century 等)時,介詞必須放在做其受詞的關係代名詞 which 之前,不可放在子句之末。而此一 "介詞+which" 可以用關係副詞 when代替,也可以用that充當關係副詞代替when。而且,此 when 或 that均可省略。如:
a. I'll never forget the day which I first met you on. (×)
b. I'll never forget the day on which I first met you. (O)�
c. I'll never forget the day when I first met you. (O)
d. I'll never forget the day that I first met you.
e. I'll never forget the day I first met you.

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It is hard to to believe that time goes by so fast. I can still remember how cute Jon was when Adam showed me a picture where Jon was sitting in a sink for a bath when he was a little baby.
Adam and his younger brother
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2357 山基隆->嘉義18:2418:5700小時33分

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  • Apr 01 Sun 2012 23:43
  • j

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Jason Pin 分享了一條連結
The post below is an interesting song I heard from the move I just watched called The Ninth.
Is That All There Is? A superb performance of this Leiber and Stoller classic , with which Peggy had her last number 1 hit. 1970.Sorry this cuts short ....I ...

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   Animals and Echolocation

While it is apparent that most animals are able to produce sounds of their own, the reasons behind animal sounds are not often known. It is assumed that, like humans, animals produce sounds for a variety of reasons. In general, it is thought that animals communicate much like the way humans talk, though in a more primitive sense. Some animals, however, seem to have advanced aural abilities, some that even humans lack, one of whichis what we refer to today as echolocation.

Echolocation, also known as biosonar / be known for something / be know as being something / be known to a group of people , is the way an animal uses sounds and their echoes to examine their surrounding environment and objects in it. Using echolocation, an animal can hunt for food, avoid danger, or virtually any task that humans use sight to accomplish. In many ways, echolocation operates similarly to a boat's or submarine's sonar, and this relationship was actually one of the major reasons for the initial discovery of echolocationby whom?. In World War II, a major development was that of sonar for detecting submarines. The devices used to pick up those sounds, called hydrophones, also picked up many sounds from sources that were found to be whales or dolphins.



n. method by which underwater objects are detected using transmitted and reflected sound waves; device which locates objects by means of sonar


Whales and dolphins use echolocation because of the visual and

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power strip




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"in the corner","on the corner","at the corner"


in the corner:在裏面的拐角處:比如說屋裏面的拐角處有一張桌子

There is a table in the corner of the house

on the corner:在拐角之上。如在桌子角上放著個杯子

There is a cup on the corner of the table / on the tree.

at he corner:在拐角外面,如問路回答:請在前面的拐角處左拐

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  • Mar 11 Sun 2012 00:55
  • 紅酒

今天晚上的電影之夜改喝紅酒好了 :P
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  • Mar 11 Sun 2012 00:54
  • 蔣勳


深藍是我喜歡的顏色; 更愛得是蔣勳在如和煦夕陽的文字下所影藏的那絲憂鬱。深藍接近黑色。即使是黑,它也要醞釀自己內鍊的色彩; 神秘中還帶了那麼一點鄙夷與超然。


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Jason Pin 分享了一條連結
於 2 秒前Hsinchu附近

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Jason Pin 新增了 1 張相片
· · · 4 分鐘前來自 SonyEricsson ·
    • Jason Pin 今天又去敗家了@@ 最後一本 "他的城。張愛玲地圖"精裝本是我很喜歡的一本書 :)

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