重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

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hyaluronic acid 玻尿酸
type of viscous complex sugar that is found in the fluid that pads and lubricates the joints (Medicine)

n. abnormal expansion of blood vessel containing clotted blood (Medical)

ophthalmologist 眼科醫生

optometrist 驗光師

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有時候 你不經意的微笑也能會別人帶來光明。
· · 約 1 小時前Pingting 附近

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  • Nov 29 Tue 2011 15:29
  • Diary1

Diary1Diary 1 P13.png  

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Questions 41-45


Ronald T. Pitts President, ACME Lines班輪, Inc. 100 W. Capitol DriveSeattle, Washington45002


Mr. Jonathan Grayer President, Nice Lines, Inc. 150 W. City DriveNew York, NY10019


December 18, 2020


Dear Mr. Grayer:


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Ok, so we were talking about predators and the behavior of predators... And how some behavior of predators are learned and some are innate... and when we were looking at the behaviors of predators, we talked about how predators hunt... how they hunt prey... that is other animals... we have discussed how some of the predators' behavior like sneaking up on an animal might be learned and how other behavior like... chasing their prey might be instinctual. In fact, when an animal runs from a predator, it excites the predator and the predator will chase the animal basically on instinct.

Now, because many predators kill only when their prey is moving, an animal that pretends to be dead may succeed in convincing a predator to lose interest and move move along ... move along in search of more quote, unquote(used parenthetically to indicate the beginning and end of a quotation.), lively prey. And a lot of this can happen on instinct as well... And that's what I would like to talk about today the behavior of prey and how that behavior can be instinctual or learned as well. Some of this behavior even the innate behavior can be quite complex... and that's what I would like to focus on first, the complex innate behavior of prey. For instance, hognose snakes have a complex repertoire of anti-predator behaviors... one of these anti-predator behaviors is feigning death. These fairly large non-venomous, to slightly venomous, snakes live in sandy areas of the eastern United States. When a hognose snake is first disturbed, it opts to ' bluff the predator firstthat is, it flattens and expands the first... front third of its body and head, forming a hood, causing it to look larger. It then curls into an exaggerated s-shaped coil and hisses, occasion...occasionally making false strikes at its tormentor. All that acting usually convinces the predator that the snake is venomous and therefore dangerous. But that does not always work. If the predator decides to investigate further... and further provokes the hognose snake, it drops the bluff and begins to twist

its body violently. Then it rolls onto its back with its mouth open and tongue hanging loosely out. This bluff.is designed to trick the p... predator into thinking the snake is 'dead. As I said, most predators will pass on dead prey. If the predator loses interest in, uh, the "corpse" and moves away, the snake slowly rights itself and crawls off. This complete repertoire of anti-predator mechanisms (automatic self-protective behavior) occurs in even young hognose snakes.



Excuse me, Professor Dundy, is that how we know the behavior is innate because we can observe it at a young age?


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  • Nov 25 Fri 2011 19:03
  • gre 2

  1. terse : turgid
  2. cow : pig
  3. tremendous : prodigious
  4. state : nation
  5. slim : obese
  6. mountain : sea


  1. encore / rancor : catcall

a: amnesia : oblivion

b. applause : ridicule

c. felon : miscreant

d. generosity : lechery

e. constantly : bow


  1. bigotry : tolerance
  2. urgency : exigence
  3. profession : avocation
  4. ribaldry : prodigality / prodigy / prodigious
  5. unselfish : selfish
  6. parsimony : magnanimity


  1. meager : inordinate
  2. facile : glib
  3. emulate : rival
  4. scarcity : plethora
  5. machine : hand
  6. fascination : love


  1. aggressor : defender
  2. dictator : foe
  3. hero : accused
  4. plaintiff : defendant
  5. foe : ally
  6. dictator : despot


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An ROC military delegation recently flew to the US to discuss arms procurement and the future of Taiwan-US military discussions with the US military. The ROC Ministry of National Defense is reluctant to accept the proposed replacement of annual ministerial-level arms talk between the two countries with a case-by-case discussion with the American Institute in Taiwan.


The ROC delegation will also push for visits from higher lever US military officers. The US Department of Defense currently sends only medium-ranked officials to Taiwan on a regular basis. A defense official in charge of regional affairs, for instance, is only a major in rank but is one of the most important US military officials routinely flying to Taiwan. The ministry hopes that higher-ranking officials, preferably generals from the Pentagon or other branches of the US military, will be visiting Taiwan to discuss military matters.


This looks unlikely, however. All this comes at a time 正值when relations between Taiwan and the United States are increasingly being conditioned by both parties' desire to improve relations with China. Although the United States remains by far Taiwan's most important strategic ally, the strategic value of Taiwan to the United States now looks, at best, limited.


Taiwan, on the other hand, is also keen to improve trade and diplomatic relations with China, but not at the cost of its independence. China makes no secret of its desire to bring Taiwan back under its control, whether direct or indirect (as is the case with Hong Kong), and thus Taiwan cannot do without its guarantee of US protection. Such protection, however, is an obstacle to the improvement of relations with China, who views American military presence in the region as a threat to its own security.


Thus, for the time being, the three countries remain locked in a farcical but potentially dangerous "trilemma". The United States must fulfill its historical obligations to Taiwan but must try to do so in as low-key a way as possible, so as not to arouse Chinese anger and suspicion. Taiwan must try to edge靠攏 closer to China economically and diplomatically without renouncing US military support in case of Chinese aggression. The US-Taiwan military relationship must therefore continue, even though both sides would prefer a world in which it were no longer necessary.

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Listen to part of a conversation in a class on animal behavior. Professor:

All right, so we've... we left off with a discussion of altruism. Who can remember what altruism is?



Um, it's.. .uh, it's when you have an animal that acts to benefit another animal or to the detriment of itself.



Yes. Perfect. Now, why would an animal ever do something like that? Well, I'd like to quote from Haldane. In the early 1930s, J.B.S. Haldane the late, great geneticists said that he would lay down his own life to save two of his brothers, or eight of his cousins. That might sound crazy to some of you, but, evolutionarily speaking, Haldane's statement makes perfect sense. You see, for each allele, tsk, Haldane received from his parents, his brother each... his brothers each had a 50% chance of receiving the same allele. Consequently, it's, uh, statistically expected that two of his brothers would

pass on as many of Haldane's particular combination of alleles to the next generation as Haldane himself would, if not more. By the same token, tnk, Haldane and a first cousin (Someone's first cousin is the same as their cousin. Compare second cousin.) would share an eighth of their alleles. You see, their parents, which are siblings, would each share half their

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Jason Pin 在痞客邦 PIXNET 發表了新文章
    • Jason Pin 今天和Adam說話時突然打了個嗝。結果他說我的聲音聽起來很像Troll。這個次其實很有趣,原本是只某種怪物,後來也被衍生為形容哪些網路小白亂留言而激怒許多人。各位同學在google圖片里用torll搜尋就可以找到許多關於torll的圖片!
      2 分鐘前 ·

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今天学会一个新名词 - Troll

像Chris Qie <longroad1999@gmail.com>这样的在公共论坛用侮辱性言语挑起骂战并从中获取某种不知名快感的人,在Usenet文化中有一个名称:

  • Troll

  • Troll作动词是钓鱼的意思,指那些人发表某种言论后等待别人的攻击性回复,从而获得快感。Troll还有一个意思是斯堪的纳维亚神话中一种长相丑陋、爱恶作 剧、令人讨厌的巨人,和那些找骂的人有相似之处,因此也被引申过来形容那些 人,做名词使用。回troll的贴则被称为feed the trolls,即给trolls喂食。
  • Trolls有很多种,像Chris Qie只是其中一种,即使用种族歧视性语言激怒别人,好让别人回帖骂他。comp.lang.python上著名的troll: Xah Lee则是长年在各个 script语言讨论组上交叉张贴无关内容或用错误百出的话语对某种语言或者文化进 行攻击。但无论那种troll,他们的目的都是一样的:想通过怪诞的举动引起别人 的注意。这是一种病态心理,是一种未成熟,类似小孩“人来疯”似的举动。
  • Trolls的存在对公共空间是破坏性的。它们的post会引起很多人回帖,甚至会有情绪激动者采用谩骂的方式回敬,这些人被称为trollhunter。这些行为正中trolls 的下怀,使他们获得被骂的快乐,从而更加积极的trolling。而且即使 trollhunter的动机是好的,也会给论坛带来不好影响,使其他用户接收到大量无 关信息和攻击性信息,成为受害者。公共空间的和谐性被破坏。
  • Trolls最愿意看到别人回他的贴,无论是正儿八经指出他的错误还是义愤填膺的对他谩骂。对一个troll来说,最能让他感到沮丧的则是没有人理他。而我们,正是 应该让他们沮丧,失去trolling的动力。
  • 对待trolls的方法,一方面要靠大家自觉,克制自己回帖的冲动,不给他们喂食。

另一方面,在邮件列表这种有管理员的公共空间,可以向管理员提出封禁trolls的 提案。

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Questions 26-30


When you enter a Chinese Opera theater in Taipei, the first thing you will notice is a brilliant, lavishly embroidered hanging. Performers will then stride on stage to the sound of strings and woodwinds, or the clanging of gongs and drums.


First may be a handsome, sturdy young man in warrior garb, somersaulting across the stage and displaying his martial skills. Next may follow a young woman veiled by strings of pearls and dressed in silk brocade, singing in a gentle, feminine voice and performing a 'dance. Then there is the famous Monkey King Sun Wu-k'ung, of the opera Journey to the West, with his twitching, scratching, and mischievous simian antics. These characters are all representative of China's traditional National Opera, or Peking Opera.


Every week, Taiwan's three television stations air prerecorded or live Peking Opera performances, bringing high quality Chinese Opera into everybody's living room. One program teaches children to appreciate this traditional art through a lively presentation of the history, symbolism, and performance of Peking Opera. Most radio stations offer programs that feature the best of Peking Opera through records of outstanding past performances as well as live broadcasts. These efforts go a long way to keeping the art vital and popular.

So too has Chen Kaige's 2009 film Forever Enthralled / captivated, based on the life of famous Chinese opera performer Mei Lanfang. The main theme of the film, as the English title suggests, is the perennial power and relevance相關 of Beijing Opera as an art form. The film culminates with the first performance of Beijing Opera in New York in 1929; despite its totally foreign flavour, the performance is warmly received by the New York audience.

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  1. fickle : constancy ::
  2. naive : sophistication
  3. optimistic : cheerfulness
  4. sedate : creativity
  5. reticent : protection
  6. compassionate : agreement


  1. taciturn : verbose ::
  2. talkative : noisy
  3. haughty : proud
  4. optimistic : disheartened
  5. precise : exact
  6. rainy : sunny 太陽雨:天氣同質性太高:下雨天仍出太陽


  1. masochism : sadism :: sadomasochism
  2. truism : fantasy
  3. egoism : altruism被動對主動的關係
  4. vanity : humility
  5. trial : tribulation
  6. cruelty : vengeance


  1. subliminal : perceived
  2. inanimate : moved
  3. inaudible : heard 內在感知之關係
  4. impaired : wounded
  5. intolerable : touched
  6. inarticulate : muttered


  1. irrevocable : repeal ::
  2. uncharted : survey (map, examine carefully)
  3. unwieldy / wieldy : lift
  4. inscrutable / scrub : mention
  5. immutable / mutable / mutate : anchor / rancor
  6. ineluctable / avoid

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Contentious : quarrels ::

  1. apprehensive : phobias
  2. guilty : punishments
  3. puerile : ambitious
  4. litigious : lawsuits
  5. mendacious : felonies


spleen : rancor ::

  1. heart : courage
  2. gall : kindness
  3. stomach : animosity
  4. appendix : pain
  5. bile : pleasantry


peak : summit ::

  1. mutation : change
  2. gun : soldier
  3. elementary : advanced
  4. switch : current
  5. foreign: native


soporific : drowsiness

  1. enigmatic : puzzlement
  2. anesthetic : pain
  3. apathetic : boredom
  4. antiseptic : comfort
  5. therapeutic : disease


precipitous : disconsolate

  1. askew : explicit
  2. melancholy : unhappy
  3. intrinsic : fatuous
  4. headlong : dejected
  5. nebulous : credulous


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代名詞(24)--關係代名詞:what, where, when, why


關係代名詞what, where, when, why = 先行詞+ which 




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