重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

目前分類:未分類文章 (550)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


Listen to part of a lecture in a philosophy class. Professor:

Welcome to Philosophy 102, "The Western Philosophical Tradition." I'd like to begin today, by introducing the concept of philosophy. We need to start with an understanding of what philosophy is, and what sorts of questions we ask in philosophy. There are a few important terms that we will cover today. These terms are, er, going to be important, important, throughout this course. First of all, what is philosophy?



Is it, uh, what people used to think? Professor:

People used to think? You mean before television? Well, "philosophy", we get the word from the Greek, which is, well, appropriate because we get the uh, foundations for Western philosophy from uh the Greeks. So the word "philosophy" actually comes from two words. The word philoas inPhiladelphia, "the city of brotherly love," or philo - philanthropic, love of mankind... the word philomeans love. OK. Sophia. Sophia, do you know what your name means?

Student [female]:

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這種現象就叫做 : rigor mortis 死後僵硬
【黃 仲瑜、黃仲明、羅國甫╱新北報導】打線上遊戲竟打出人命!新北市一名23歲年輕男子,在網咖熬夜連打23小時電玩後,前天被發現猝死在座位上,警方趕到驚 見他全身僵硬,雙手向前伸,看似死前仍一手打鍵盤、一手握滑鼠,當時網咖內30多名玩家卻渾然忘我,繼續沉迷遊戲、瘋狂打怪。警方大嘆:「玩遊戲也不要這 麼拚命吧!」警方研判,男子疑因體虛熬夜、長時間姿勢不變,加上天氣寒冷引發心臟病發猝死。
· ·

Jason Pin

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· · · 10 小時前 ·

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2: 飲食清淡。


這是我今天在竹北摩斯漢堡的留影。藉此祝大家新年快樂! :D


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Rotation of DSC01057.JPGRotation of DSC01058.JPGRotation of DSC01059.JPGRotation of DSC01060.JPG  

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'             Black Holes

A significant amount of information has been collected about our universe in the last hundred years, and an extremely popular topic since the 1960s has been black holes. While many theories have been generated, modified, and tested to improve our knowledge and understanding of physics, the black hole still provides a unique testing ground for theories as it is a space where physics becomes unclear. Let's look briefly at what they are and a little bit about the study of them.

Simply speaking, a black hole is an object with density and gravity so great that nothing, not even light, can escape. Because of this, they are "invisible" and not directly seen. However, most scientists are certain that black holes exist due to secondary evidence. By measuring the effects of gravity on surrounding objects, they are able to conclude that an invisible or "dark" object with extremely high mass is present. If a compact object of sufficiently high mass is found, it is generally thought to be a black hole. Black holes are thought now to be in the center of many galaxies (called supermassive black holes) and also as part of numerous binary systems (two objects [usually stars] rotating around each other) in our own galaxy. They are surrounded by an "event horizon"事件穹界; a boundary that once crossed

can never be escaped.


event horizon

Boundary marking the limits of a black hole.

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I want to dedicate this song to everyone I love.


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Jason and Adam wish you guys a Merry Christmas!
Jason and Adam wish yours guys a Merry Christmas!
發佈者: Jason Pin
· · · 昨天 18:50

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1. 今天又買了許多書。真是手癢!不知道什麼時候才看得完啊!!








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· · · 12月1日 15:57

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· · · 20 分鐘前Pingting 附近

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Jason 圖片字典 

1. persimmon


2. avocado

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· · · 12 小時前Hsinchu 附近

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Jason Pin 新增了張相片
· · 5 小時前Pingting 附近
    • Jason Pin 說的好。我真的需要多運動了。
      4 小時前 · · 1
    • Jason Pin 是啊。我不小心把斃寫成屍了。
      4 小時前 ·

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· · 4 小時前Pingting 附近

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