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重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

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YS-1540 6″ Shim

6″ Shimco Shim for all your Shim needs


W 35mm x L 15 cm (6″)

Thickness 11mm (heal) x 1 mm(toe)

12 shims per package


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Product Image


click for larger image

Gasoline Earth Auger / Ground Drill / Post Hole Digger 1

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piston images



Matthew Pippin


The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




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Acoustics / Psychoacoustics / Electroacoustics

The RESPONSE of a system is linear when the output is directly proportional to the input, that is, any change in the input produces a proportional change in the output. When plotted on a graph, a straight line results.

A non-linear system is one where such a proportional relationship between input and output does not hold, as shown in the corresponding graph.


Linear and non-linear relationships (a, b). Graphs (c, d) show a HARMONIC SERIES spectrum with two different scales on the horizontal axis. With (c) the frequency axis is linear, whereas with (d) the scale is logarithmic, with the result that octave intervals are equidistant and the harmonics are spaced increasingly closer. See: BASILAR MEMBRANE.

The result of the non-linear characteristics of the ear is the addition of harmonics when the incoming sound is of sufficient intensity.


Frequency, for instance, although it is a continuously variable PARAMETER, is not linear with respect to PITCH, since equal changes in frequency do not result in equal pitch changes. Instead, frequency must be doubled to get equal pitch changes, and therefore the relation may be called logarithmic (see MEL; for loudness, see DECIBEL, PHON, SONE).

With audio signals, linearity in their amplification is desirable, but when the signal has a large DYNAMIC RANGE, a LIMITER must be used to prevent overload and distortion, and in other cases, non-linear amplification called COMPRESSION must be used to reduce the signal's dynamic range.

In SOUND SYNTHESIS, non-linear techniques such as MODULATION are used to produce rich spectra from simpler sources.


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Dye-Sublimation Printers

Author: InkyAndTheBrain
January 30, 2009

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Going magenta

I didn’t really have the time to re-tool my site to go magenta the right way like the Phone Scoop guys, but feel free to swipe the above image — that’s Engadget Mobile magenta #ed008c with Linotype’s VAG Round (which can be found online for free with a bit of searching).


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S09 cyan



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TOEIC tests level 20/ Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 20

Business Expressions (1)

Q1 I heard of a new company today with which we should co-operate and ....... business with.

(a)    make business (b) create business (c) have business (d) do business

does business

deals with, buys and sells



Q2 Shortly after he was dismissed from the firm and he decided to ....... himself up in his own business.

(a)    put up (b) set up (c) place up (d) hold up

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draw out
make longer, extend; get a person to talk

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Hexagon Shape Mesh

Product ID: 05
Editor's Notes

As a well-established supplier and manufacturer in Taiwan, Feng Yee (Shin Pan) Industrial Co., Ltd. has a reputation for offering quality hexagon shape mesh. In addition to hexagon shape mesh, the supplier also provides its customers with related products, such as acoustic building elements. With both good management and advanced technology, the supplier has been recognized as one of the most reliable manufacturers in the audio equipment industry since 1993.


Hexagon Shape Mesh

Hexagon Shape Mesh

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TOEIC tests level 19 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 19


Q1 I was pleased to receive your response to my proposal but there are one or two points that need ........

(a)    notification (b) certification (c) clarification (d) signification


n. act of notifying


n. endorsement, accreditation


n. explanation, making clear

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TOEIC tests level 18 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 18

At the Shops

Q1 We got there early so that we could get the best ....... in the sale before anyone else.

(a)    objects (b) products (c) bargains (d) offerings



Q2 If you ....... with me, I'll go and see whether we have that in your size.

(a)    hold with (b) stay with (c) bear with (d) wait with

\bear with

be patient, endure patiently

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TOEIC tests level 17/ Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 17

At the Office (2)

Q1 On her retirement she was given a substantial cheque in ....... of all the work she had done over the last 20 years.

(a)    in respect of (b) in thought of (c) in appreciation of (d) in belief of

in respect of

referring to, in the point of view of



Q2 Having attended the office procedures course, all employees were expected to ....... what they had learned and introduce it into their daily routine.

(a)    reinforce (b) respond (c) react (d) resource

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TOEIC tests level 17/ Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 17

At the Office (2)

Q1 On her retirement she was given a substantial cheque in ....... of all the work she had done over the last 20 years.

(a)    in respect of (b) in thought of (c) in appreciation of (d) in belief of

in respect of

referring to, in the point of view of



Q2 Having attended the office procedures course, all employees were expected to ....... what they had learned and introduce it into their daily routine.

(a)    reinforce (b) respond (c) react (d) resource

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TOEIC tests level 16 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 16

At the Office (1)


Q1 Concern was expressed by the office manager that the company would buy an ....... financial package.

(a)    agreeable (b) affordable (c) absolute (d) actual


n. bundle, parcel; container for storage or transportation; wrapping or packaging for sale or merchandise; inseparable combination of items


adj. financially manageable


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TOEIC tests level 15/ Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 15

At the Computer

Q1 Without the right software I'm afraid you can't ....... that particular program.

(a)    reach (b) access (c) obtain (d) find



Q2 The aim of the office manager is to ....... enough room on the building plans so that each employee can have space for a personal computer.

(a)    arrange (b) accord (c) allocate (d) organize


v. organize; settle

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TOEIC tests level 15/ Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 15

At the Computer

Q1 Without the right software I'm afraid you can't ....... that particular program.

(a)    reach (b) access (c) obtain (d) find



Q2 The aim of the office manager is to ....... enough room on the building plans so that each employee can have space for a personal computer.

(a)    arrange (b) accord (c) allocate (d) organize


v. organize; settle

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TOEIC tests level  14/ Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 14

Are You in Debt?

Q1 Going on a spending ....... with your credit card and no concern about how you pay back the money you borrow, is a growing habit these days.

(a)    spending burst (b) spending spree (c) spending flight (d) spending day


n. binge, period of unrestrained self-indulgence (drinking, shopping, etc.); fun social activity



Q2 There is a popular demand for the system that allows credit companies to offer unlimited credit to young people to be ........

(a)    overhauled (b) overseen (c) overlooked (d) overtaken

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TOEIC tests level  14/ Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 14

Are You in Debt?

Q1 Going on a spending ....... with your credit card and no concern about how you pay back the money you borrow, is a growing habit these days.

(a)    spending burst (b) spending spree (c) spending flight (d) spending day


n. binge, period of unrestrained self-indulgence (drinking, shopping, etc.); fun social activity



Q2 There is a popular demand for the system that allows credit companies to offer unlimited credit to young people to be ........

(a)    overhauled (b) overseen (c) overlooked (d) overtaken

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TOEIC tests level 13/ Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 13

Applying for that Job

Q1 I would be very interested in ....... for that job.

(a)    Entering for (b) working for (c) applying for (d) writing for



Q2 Do you want to ....... as a candidate in the local elections?

(a)    stand as (b) sit as (c) go as (d) try as


stand for

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