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重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

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唐納蒂安·阿爾豐斯·弗朗索瓦·德·薩德,薩德侯爵Donatien Alphonse François Sade, Marquis de Sade1740年6月2日出生於巴黎1814年12月2日逝世於巴黎附近)是一位法國貴族和一系列色情哲學書籍的作者。他尤其由於他所描寫的色情幻想和他所導致的社會醜聞而出名。以他命名的薩德主義是性虐待的另一個稱呼。



[編輯] 生平

薩德出生於一個古老的、敗落的法國南部貴族家庭。他的母親是法國王室的波旁王朝的一個遠親,曾經當過孔代親王妃的高級女侍,他本人即出生於孔代親王在巴黎的宮殿里。在這裡他度過了幼年。他的童年部分在巴黎,部分在普羅旺斯度過。10歲到14歲他在巴黎的路易大帝學校(Collège Louis-le-Grand)上學,此後他進入了一個只有高級貴族才進得去的軍官學校。15歲時他成為候補軍官。16歲時他參加了七年戰爭並多次被提升。

為了改進他的經濟狀況,薩德侯爵於1763年與瑞內·佩拉吉·德·孟特瑞爾(Renée Pélagie de Montreuil)結婚,孟特瑞爾出生於一個不十分高貴,但非常富有的貴族家庭。兩人可能有三個孩子。1764年薩德的父親死後,他繼承了他父親的與瑞士交界的三個省的榮譽總督的職務。

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TOEIC tests  level 11 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 11


Q1 In order to make a sensible ....... among the different vacuum cleaners available, it is important to do some research.

(a)    comparing (b) comparison (c) compares (d) comparative



Q2 The local department store has to make a sustained effort 努力(singular 不可數); 嘗試,果(plural 可數)at this time of the year to ....... customer demand for

summer clothing.

(a)    satisfy (b) satisfaction (c) satisfies (d) satisfying


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TOEIC tests level 10 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 10


Q1 In order to check all the telephone calls made during the month I want the account to be ........

(a)    detailed (b) particular (c) specialized (d) itemized



W2 adj
1. containing or including a lot of information or details: detailed description/account/analysis etc
a detailed study of crime in Seattle
More detailed information is available on request.

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TOEIC tests level 1 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 1

Bearing Information

Q1 Try and be a little more cheerful because if you don't bear ....... soon, you'll make everyone else miserable.

(a) bear through (b) bear along (c) bear up (d) bear to

Q2 We were in a small rowing boat and were terrified that the steamer hadn't seen us as it was bearing ....... on us.

bear down

move forward in a threatening manner (e.g., "The cruise ship bore down on our canoe"); use utmost effort and concentration (e.g., "If you really bear down, you will success"); contract the muscles of the abdomen during childbirth in order to facilitate the delivery


(a) bear down (b) bear across (c) bear over (d) bear under

Q3 I fully understand your comments and bearing those in ......., I have made the appropriate decision.

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TOEIC tests level 7/ Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 7

Speaking: At the Theatre


Q1 Ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank you for your ....... of our performance.

(a)    appearance (b) appreciation (c) appeasement (d) apparition

appearance / character / outlook

nature / trait / characteristic / disposition /


Q2 We have done this play many times in different towns but your ....... has been the greatest so far.

(a)    appointment (b) application (c) apposition (d) applause

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TOEIC tests level 6 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 6

Speaking: At the Supermarket

Q1 Will the driver of the blue Ford Fiesta XYZ 343 please ....... their car.

(a)    send their car (b) move their car (c) take their car (d) tow their car



Q2 The reason for this is that the Fiesta is ....... our delivery lorry from leaving the premises / premise / promise / arena / amphitheater .

(a)    holding from (b) keeping from (c) preventing from (d) promoting from

keep from (or keep someone from)

avoid (or cause someone to avoid) doing something.

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TOEIC tests level 4 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 4

Mistaken Identity

Q1 Interviewer: Perhaps you could start by telling us why you've ........

(a) obtained for this job

(c) intended for this job

(b) applied for this job

(d) asked for this job


Q2 Candidate: I think the main reason is because I like working in ........

(a)    the free air (b) the clear air (c) the pure air (d) the open air

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NTU researchers develop 12-minute cancer test (2011/01/18)

National Taiwan University has unveiled a test for cancer that uses an IC chip to produce results in just 12 minutes. In clinical trials, researchers showed the accuracy of the test can reach as high as 100 percent for various forms of cancer as well as enterovirus and other diseases.

These samples which have been collected to test for cancer typically require three days to one week for test results to emerge. But now
National Taiwan University has produced this Vsensor that yields results in just 12 minutes.

Lin Shi-ming
NTU Optoelectronic Biomedicine
This whole sample is taken and passed over this IC chip and in just 12 minutes a direct test is performed for enterovirus. Most tests require a viral culture or genetic testing, which can take three to five days. This means that a test for a child can cause them to miss out on medical care.

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TOEIC tests level 3/ Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 3


Q1 She's got the kind of job that seems to keep her occupied all the time — 24-........

(a)    24-4 (b) 24-5 (c) 24-6 (d) 24-7


(also 24/7)
  adverb informal twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; all the time.


Q2 ......., I couldn't agree with you more.

(a)    Totally (b) Clearly (c) Finally (d) Absolutely

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TOEIC tests level  2 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 2


Q1 Her latest film ....... its object / goal in a very short space of time, which was to shock.

(a)    Acquired努力獲得 (b) got 弄到(c) attained 達到(d) controlled


space of time 【化】 时间间隔

4 . acquireattain , gain , get , obtain , pick up

本組詞都有“獲得、得到”的意思,但還是有意思上的細微差別。 acquire 表示通過努力或經過積累而“獲得”的財富、經驗、能力、榮譽、才智等,強調所得物量的增多,可後接表示抽象或具體事物的名詞attain 正式用詞,多用於莊重的場合,意為“達到、獲 得”,著重指雄心勃勃地設定目標並有意識地實現這一不尋常的目標或達到某一階段,一般後面接表示抽象事物的名詞,如 ambition , goal , objective , success , victory 等; gain 正式用詞,指通過相當的努力或拼搏(往往是通過勞動、鬥爭、競爭)得到利益或有價值的東西,強調所得物造成的優勢; get 口語用詞,含義豐富,指通過某種方法或手段擁有某種東西,即可以經過積極努力而“獲得、弄到”,又可以被動地“得到”,可後接雙賓語; obtain 正式用語(比 get 更正式),多指憑努力或懇求“得到”急需的很想得到的東西強調願望得以實現,可後接雙賓語; pick up 指偶然地、無意地、容易地“學會”知識、技能或“獲得”資訊, up 為副詞,代詞性賓語應置於 pick 和 up 之間。

He acquired a knowledge of the language by careful study .他通過認真學習,掌握了這種語言。


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TOEIC tests level 9 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 9

What comes next (the bill)


Q1 This is most embarrassing. I can't pay the bill for my meal. I'm afraid ........

(a) I've forgotten my wallet at home

(c) I've abandoned / abundant /  my wallet at home

(b) I've left my wallet at home

(d) I've quit my wallet at home


Q2 I would be most obliged if you ........

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TOEIC tests level # 5 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 5

Speaking: At the Station


Q1 The train now ....... at the platform 6 is the 10.45 for London.

(a)    Sitting at the platform (b) standing at the platform (c) waiting at the platform (d) remaining at the platform

[sing] stationary condition; halt or standstill 停止的状态; 中止; 停顿: come to a stand 停下来.

[I] (of a vehicle, etc) remain in the same place (指车辆等)停着: a train standing in the station 停在车站里的火车 * The car stood at the traffic lights for a few moments, then moved off. 那辆汽车在交通灯前停了一会儿, 然后驶去了.



Q2 Unfortunately it is now 11 o'clock and so there is a ....... of 15 minutes already.

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TOEIC tests evel 8 / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 8

Speaking: The Broadcast


Q1 Welcome to Radio News and now over to our ....... who's covering the procession this morning.

(a)    reviewer (b) reporter (c) announcer (d) introducer


v. encase; review; conceal completely underneath; protect; include; insure


n. succession of people (or cars, etc.); forward movement of a succession


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The Basics of Welding Safety

Proper welding safety starts with familiarizing yourself and other operators with the welding equipment and the manufacturer’s recommendations. Take the time to read the operator’s manual thoroughly and follow all of the safety, operation and maintenance instructions it contains. Keep the manual handy so new users can acquaint themselves with the machine. Should the operator’s manual become lost or damaged, request a new one from the manufacturer. Miller Electric and many other manufacturers provide product manuals on-line. Spanish and French language versions are available for some of the most common products.

The Well-Dressed Welder

Arc welding produces sparks and emits intense visible and invisible rays that pose several hazards to unprotected skin and eyes. When welding, adequately protect your skin. Shorts, short sleeves, open collars all leave you vulnerable to burns from both flying sparks and the arc rays. Wear only flame-resistant clothing, and button your cuffs and pockets to prevent them from catching sparks. Pants cuffs, too, can catch sparks and should be avoided.

Figure 1: The well-dressed (or safely dressed welder) no longer has to use a clumsy, ill-fitting jacket. Modern welding garments are more functional, flexible and better fitting. Note that once the welder dons the helmet, he will have no skin exposed to sparks or arc burns. A flame resistant jacket is completely buttoned, allowing no pockets or spaces for a spark to catch. A welding bandana protects the top of his head from sparks. An auto-darkening welding helmet decreases the chance for repetitive stress injury to one’s neck and can adjust to changing arc parameters conditions.

With respect to footwear, high top leather shoes offer the best protection. Tennis shoes and other cloth shoes are inadequate; they can catch a spark and smolder unnoticed and their components can melt and stick to your skin.

Always wear proper gloves when welding or handling recently welded material to protect yourself from sparks, arc burns and the heat from the workpiece. Remember, even a quick tack weld requires the use of a welding helmet and appropriate apparel (see Figure 1).

Although the above sounds obvious, a common fault among welders is not wearing the right safety equipment. While expediency is one reason often given, some welders complain that the common, one-size-fits-all apparel is too bulky, heavy and restricting and that gloves, especially in TIG applications, do not provide the necessary sensitivity and flexibility.

Figure 2: Welding gloves are now available in different styles to meet the demand of different welding applications. The medium duty MIG gloves shown here (left) offer ergonomically curved fingers and padded palm for increased comfort and rugged construction for increased longevity. The TIG gloves (bottom center) are made from goatskin, which provides excellent dexterity, comfort and durability. Metal working gloves (top center) and heavy duty MIG gloves widen the choices available to the welder.

While that may have been true in the past, leading manufacturers now offer safety apparel that address the welder’s comfort and specific needs.

"The welding industry is moving beyond the cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all idea of safety products, demanding garments that are safe from a functional standpoint, yet attractive with a better fit,” says John Swartz, welding components & consumables product manager, Miller Electric Mfg. Co.

Lightweight flame resistant cloth, pigskin leather and combinations of the two offer the welder better protection, even when welding overhead, and increased ease of movement than ever before. For additional flexibility, some jackets feature snaps for the addition of a leather bib or apron.

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I was ____ not talking about you.




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1 . affect , effect , influence , impact

本組詞都有“影響”的意思,但分別有一些用法上的不同。 affect 意為“影響”,強調產生不好的影響或結果effect 意為“招致、產生、促成”,著重強調影響所產生的結果influence 意為“影響、對……有作用”,強調對人或物的性格、行為或看法產生潛移默化的作用或影響impact 除了有“影響”之外,還有“衝擊,撞擊”的意思。

Will the government policy be affected ( changed ) by the appointment of a new minister? 政府政策是否會因為任命了一位新部長而受影響

The climate affected the amount the rainfall .氣候影響了雨量。

The new minister hopes to effect ( produce ) changes in the government's policy .這位新部長希望改變政府的政策。

Influenced by her family , Mary became a teacher after graduation .受家庭影響,瑪麗畢業後當了老師。

I heard a noise of metal impacting on stone .我聽到了金屬碰撞石頭的聲音。

2 . wage , salary , pay

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  1. abacus
  2. abandon
  3. abase
  4. abashed
  5. abate
  6. abbreviate
  7. abdicate
  8. abdomen
  9. abduct

10. aberrant

11. abet

12. abeyance

13. abhor

14. abhorrent

15. abide

16. abiding

17. abject

18. abjure

19. ablution

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Rotation of 2 004.jpgRotation of 2 005.jpg

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為什麼 在書上
有看到 two thirds
也看到 two fourth ????


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Rotation of 2 004.jpgRotation of 2 005.jpg

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