重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過
重大公告:重大公告:此連結影片為Jason老師教學數十年最精華的教學速成口訣。裡面包含五大句型及六大動詞全部用法。讓你看完後就立即學會整本文法書的內容! 請同學們不要錯過 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl68rbUlB7g&t=3029s

目前分類:未分類文章 (550)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要




點進奇摩字典,輸入,搜尋。"很抱歉,字典找不到您要的資料喔!"太讚了,字典沒這個字。所以對方一定是打錯字了。看起來很像believable, 所以一定是打錯了。



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{ ) no.

As you go into the lobby, the elevators will be

(A)    rear to v, n a,

(B)    across from prep

(C)    front : v, n

(D)    besides : adv, prep / beside


rare : n.

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) 101. Be prepared for spot inspections, the general_____________ likes to catch people off guard to

see how they really function.,

(A)   usual

(B)   sudden

(C)   often

(D)   typical


) 102. Most of our deliveries__________ come between 5 AM and 10 AM every morning.

(A)   typically

(B)   suddenly

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1940 Life magazine Listerine  

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(未設定內容)1940 Life magazine Listerine  

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No one called NASA to request a lift off. ---- The office

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有些人過於貪心自大Some people are too smart for their own good. 

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流覽次數:946次 懸賞分:10 | 解決時間:2009-4-25 21:15 | 提問者:藍霖

He must have finished the work by the end of last month,________?(反義疑問句填什麼?) 

老師給的答案是 hadn`t he?

為什麼呢?我知道must表推測反義疑問句看有沒有時間狀語,但是這個句子也有時間狀語,但是不用didn`t? 為什麼呢?






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事實就是事實 Nothing could be further from the truth.

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巧婦難為無米之炊 Cobra ran out and I can't swing it.

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對事不對人That is beside the point.

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拿別人錢手軟 Money always comes with strings attached

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It takes one to know one 彼此彼此.


It takes one to know one 彼此彼此.- "Only a person with identical character traits would be able to recognize those traits in someone else. Often used as a curt rejoinder to deflect an accusation,you're only saying that about me because it's true of you.彼此彼此 ^_^

eg.你說我愚笨,我說:It takes one to know one 彼此彼此。。你也是。

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happen, occur, take place 辨析






1. happen occur 通常指未經準備地發生或偶然地發生,兩者常可換用,只是後者比前者更正式。如:


The accident happened [occurred] at about 10. 事故大約發生在 10 點鐘。


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最普通:Every coin has two sides.
較好用法:Anything is a double-edged sword 
高級用法:Every cloud has a sliver lining.
          A rose has its thorns.
          For every plus there is a minus.
Every coin everything , every cloud , a lose for every plus 

Every coin has two sides.

Everything is a double-edged sword.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

A lose has its thorns.

For every plus there is a minus.

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Questions 141-143 refer to the following memo.


Dear Families,


An update: as was done last year, a packet of information will be mailed to you before the start of the
school year. We are planning for it to go out around August 16. The packet will include all the forms
you'll need to fill out for your child(ren), such as emergency contacts, permission to go on field trips,
pickup________________ , medical, lunch/milk, information about teachers, etc.


(    ) 141. (A) authority

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Title         The Cuban crisis (1962)

Document type        Interactive map

Source    European NAvigator.

Keywords       Cuban crisis


        Range of the Soviet rockets installed on the island of Cuba in 1962 in relation to the United States and Latin America.

Location in the digital library     HISTORICAL EVENTS >> 1957–1968 Successes and crises >> Cold War crises >> The Cuban crisis

Document extract    The Cuban crisis Naval blockade Range of Soviet rockets installed in Cuba, October 1962 Canada United States Chicago New York Washington San Francisco New Orleans Mexico Gulf of Mexico Cuba Caribbean Sea Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Panama Canal Puerto Rico Colombia Peru Venezuela Brazil Gulf of Mexico Florida Miami Havana Cape Canaveral Cuba Bay of Pigs Bahamas Atlantic Ocean Naval line of 'Quarantine' (approximate position) Chestnut Line Walnut Line Puerto Rico Haiti Dominican Republic Jamaica Caribbean Sea Guanajay Sagua la Grande Read more in ENA

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陶潛 中英對譯  

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床前 明月
疑是 地上
舉頭 望明
低頭 思故
朝辭 白帝 彩雲間
千里 江陵 一日還

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